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""Aashi, is it true that you skip your classes?"

"No, I don't. I can also watch my lectures online. Technically, I don't skip my classes."

No you're not going to watch your lecture online, you have to go to classes now. There will be no further discussion. Let's go downstairs.

"Ayaan, I don't want to go in front of your brother," she said, looking down.

Why? He just told you that you're like his little sister. You don't have to be scared of him.

"Still, he has scolded me and even punished me too many times in the past. I can't," she said, backing away.

"Let's go. He wouldn't do anything. If he scolds you, tell me and I will confront him, okay?"

"Really? You will protect me from him?" she said, looking at him excitedly.

"Yes, I will think about it. Let's go now," he said, holding her hand and leading her towards everyone.

Everyone was sitting together and engaged in conversation. They approached them and Ayaan made her sit with him.

"Bhaiya, why did you marry her? I don't like her at all. How can you marry someone? Don't you want someone who is as good as you?" said their sister kanak, looking at her sister-in-law with hate.

"Kanak, you can't talk to her like that," said Daksh.

"Daksh, bhaiya, leave it. At least you don't take her side. You already know this dumb girl. And don't you want to marry someone as good as you?"

"Enough, Kanak. What has happened to you? It seems like you have forgotten how to respect others," said Ayaan.

"Bhaiya, I know you just married her out of pity and to save our relatives from embarrassment," she said, leaving for her bedroom.

"What happened to her?" they all asked together.

"Aashi, I don't know what happened to her, but I want you to know that whatever she just said is not true, okay?"

"Yes, Aashika, Ayaan is saying the right thing," said Daksh, looking at Aashika, who was trying to control her tears.

Daksh's wife came beside her and patted her head. "It's okay. As time passes, everything will be normal. You don't have to make everyone like you. Everyone will eventually like you."

Ayaan, escort her to your room. You both can relax or indulge in television viewing for a while. We shall call you for supper, and Deepak will also be joining us. We shall partake in a delightful dinner," Daksh's wife conveyed.

"Who is Deepak, Ayaan?" Aashika inquired. "

He is someone who will captivate your heart, and you are already acquainted with him. He is your cherished individual," Daksh responded.

"How? I have never meet him."

"Trust me, you have indeed met him before. " Daksh said with smile.

"Okay," Ayaan said, leading her to his bedroom.

"Aashi, don't take Kanak's words to heart. She must be upset and have a good relationship with your sister."

"It's fine," Aashika replied, heading to the bathroom to change her saree.

"Ayaan... Ayaan..."

Ayaan was lost in thought on the bed and didn't hear her.

"Ayaan," she said, standing in front of him.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Ayaan, do I have to wear a saree?" Aashika asked, gesturing towards her outfit.

"It's just for a few minutes, Aashi. You can change into something more comfortable when we return," Ayaan reassured her.

"But I don't have anything other than a saree. Aunt gave me the bag she packed for my sister," Aashika explained.

"You can wear mine. Let's go, mom is calling you," Ayaan suggested.

"Ayaan, listen," Aashika said.

Ayaan looked at her as she stood beside him.


She said biting her lips, "I don't have to make any sweets, right? I have heard from people that we have to do it, but I don't know anything about cooking."

He held her hand and made her sit with him.

"Let's go for now. If she tells you to make anything, I will come to help you. No one will know, don't worry. One more thing, I didn't marry you out of pity," he said, taking her to the dining room with him.

They both were sitting side by side to each other.

"Aashika, you have to make some sweet dish for everyone. You know how to cook, right?" his mother asked, coming to the dining room.

"Actually, mom, she doesn't know," Ayaan said on her behalf. Meanwhile, she was looking down.

"No problem, Aashika baby. You just go to the kitchen and bring sweets for everyone and give it to everyone by yourself. And cooking is no big thing, you will learn it with time," her mother said, sitting with everyone.

"She is good for nothing, mom," Kanak said, making her mom angry.

"Kanak, I didn't teach any of you these things. Why are you talking like this? Behave, otherwise, no one will be worse than me," her mother said, glaring at her.

"Mom, she is your daughter, or me? You are taking her side. I'm not going to have my dinner with someone as useless as her. I'm going to my room with my food," saying that, she took her plate and went to her room.

Aashika was listening to everything but didn't give much reaction to anyone.

They had their dinner and left for their respective rooms.

"Mom, we are leaving tomorrow. I have my work, and Aashi also has college, so I will be leaving."

"You talk like your sister Don't go to college from here daily. You are just making excuses."

"Whatever, maa. I will be leaving tomorrow. I can't take leave for long, you know that."

"Ok, ok. You can go. I wouldn't hold you back. And take care of your wife. She is still young," said her mother, leaving from there.

They both entered their room.

"Aashi, do you have any idea why Kanak doesn't like you?"

"I... I don't..." she said, looking down.

"I will ask again, Aashika, do you have any idea why Kanak doesn't like you? You both attend the same college, so something must have happened there," he asked, making her turn to look at him.

"If I were to tell you, you wouldn't scold me, right?"

"Of course, I won't. Come, sit down first, and then tell me."

"Well, you see, we were playing a game of truth or dare with our friends. When it was my turn, they dared me to pour water on her. She was talking to a boy, and I went up to her and poured water on her. Everyone started laughing, even the boy. Maybe he was special to her because she gave me a death glare when he laughed. I did apologize to her afterwards, but I think she's still angry."

"Are you out of your mind, Aashi? You..."

"Don't scold me. The teacher already scolded me for that and made me stand in his office for hours."

"You deserved it. If I were your teacher, I would have slapped you."

"Oh, come on, Ayaan. Teachers don't usually hit, and slapping is a bit extreme. But your sister did it" She whispered at last.

Ayaan was about to say something but was interrupted by the door opening. He smiled upon seeing the person in front of him.

"Deepak, you finally came. I've been waiting for you," Ayaan said, hugging the person. As they broke the hug, Aashika stood on her toes, curious to see who it was. When she saw the person, she smiled and almost jumped in happiness.

 𝙶𝚒𝚏𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora