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Ayaan arrived to pick her up, and they were now heading towards the hospital because Ayaan had some work there and didn't want to leave Aashika alone.

"Stop crying, Aashi. You weren't crying that much when you were with Daksh Bhaiya."

"I got hurt when I fell, and I'm feeling cold because of these wet clothes. I'm sneezing, what can I do now?" She said and sneezed again. Ayaan gave her his handkerchief.

"How did all this happen? What were you doing outside your classroom during class hours?" He asked, noticing Aashika sniffing repeatedly but not using her handkerchief. He took it from her hand and wiped her nose.

"Don't you dare do it again. I don't want to talk now," she said, looking out of the window embarrassed.

Soon, they reached their destination.

He went to his cabin, followed by Aashika.

"Take it and change your shirt," he said, giving her his shirt.

"Why do you keep a shirt here?" She asked, taking the shirt from his hand.

"Just for emergencies. You change," he said, sitting on his chair and starting to read a report.

"Aren't you leaving? How am I going to change then?"

"I'm not looking at you. You can change; I will not look at you," he said, still not looking at her.


" I'm not looking at you change your clothes otherwise you will caught cold. "

She quickly changed her clothes and sat on the bed.

"This bed is not meant for you, madam. Care to explain how all of this happened?"

"Because Kanak didi doesn't like me, she behaves like a bitch."

"Do not use that kind of language in front of me, Aashika," he said sternly.

"So she can use it, but it's a big no for me. And you're angry with me for this? Why don't you show this anger to her? She poured cold water on me, then she even pushed me, and here you are scolding me."

Ayaan put his hand on his temple, rubbing it.

"Aashika, drop this attitude right now. I will talk to Kanak."

"So you go and scold her. Don't show your anger towards me."

"Okay, I will talk to her, but you should also speak nicely and with respect."

"Why are you using my full name? Why are you angry with me now? I didn't even do anything," she said, tears filling her eyes.

"Don't start crying again, and if you keep this attitude, I will let Daksh deal with you."

"I'm not scared of him. Why do you like to use his name? He will do nothing. I'm not a kid."

"For your information, you are just 18, so technically, you are a kid. And moreover, he slapped Kanak for back talking. So, do you still want to say something?"

"I wouldn't talk to you." Saying that, she was going to leave the cabin, but Ayaan's voice stopped her.

"Aashi, don't you dare to leave. Just sit on the couch and don't disturb me."

Aashika went to the couch and lay down on it.
After a few minutes, she fell into her dreamland.

Ayaan looks at her softly and gently caresses her face and kisses her forehead before returning to his work.

Once he finished his work, he went to wake Aashika up.

"Aashi, wake up. We need to leave now," he said, touching her warm face.

"Hey Aashi, wake up."

"Just 5 more minutes."

"No, it's been 5 minutes already. We should leave. You had something to eat during lunch, right?"

"Ummm, I didn't. I didn't even have breakfast because I made a mess," she replied, rubbing her eyes.

"We should leave now. If we go now, we'll reach home before Aunt comes to make dinner. Let's go."

They both headed towards his car, and Ayaan started driving towards home.
Aashika slept in the car throughout the entire ride.

Upon reaching home, he picked her up in his arms and carried her inside their apartment, placing her gently on the bed.

Ayaan sat in the living room and heard footsteps approaching.
Aashika appeared, rubbing her eyes.
She came and sat on his lap, but hid her face in his neck.

"You're warm, Aashi," he said, attempting to touch her forehead, but she prevented him.

Suddenly, Aashika's phone buzzed, and she immediately answered the call.

On the call...

"Maa, why didn't you call me earlier? You don't miss me anymore?"

"I was busy, Aashika. Tell me, are you having fun? Is Ayaan treating you right?"

"No, maa, he's not. Today, he scolded me and even made me change in front of him. He keeps trying to scare me with Daksh bhaiya's name, and you know..."

"Stop, stop, Aashika."

"What? Stop, maa? Today, I'm sick just because of him."

"If you have so many complaints about me, then why are you sitting on my lap? Go sit somewhere else," Ayaan said, pushing her away.

She held onto him tightly.
"Look, maa, now he's trying to make me fall. When will you come?"

"Aashika, I'll come when your father returns. I think you're enjoying yourself. Okay, I'll call you later. Take care of him and yourself, and don't fight," her mother said before ending the call.

"Why is my mother taking your side and not scolding you?" she asked, pouting.

"Let's have dinner first," he suggested. They both had their dinner peacefully.
After dinner, Aashika went to their room, while Ayaan went to take milk for aashika.

He entered their bedroom, carrying a glass of milk and a thermometer for Aashika.

"Aashi, open your mouth," he said.

She looked at him, about to say something, but Ayaan quickly placed a thermometer in her mouth.

"Don't play with it, close your mouth, and cooperate," he instructed, sitting beside her. After a minute, he took it out and checked it.

"Here, take your medicine with the milk quickly," he said, handing her the medicine.

"I'm perfectly fine, I don't want it, please."

"Okay, but you have to drink this milk. Go change your clothes and come back to drink it."

Aashika went to the bathroom to change into her night clothes, while Ayaan mixed the medicine in the milk.

Aashika came out after changing and covered herself with a blanket.

"Here, have it," he said, offering her the milk.

"Can't I just avoid it? I don't want it."

"I avoided the medicine just now because you said so, but now you either have it or I will bring the medicine. It's your choice."

"No, it's my milk," she said, snatching the glass from his hand and drinking it quickly.

" It's not your milk " Ayaan mumbled to himself.

"See, I finished it. Let's sleep now, or can we watch a movie?"

"Or you can do your college work," suggested Ayaan.

"No, let's just sleep. I'm sleepy," she replied, lying down and covering herself.

"You sleep, I have some work. I'll be working," he said.

"Work can wait. I won't be able to sleep if no one is around me."

"I'm here, Aashi. I'm just going to bring my laptop."

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