Chapter 4

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Austin'a POV 

I walked in the front door and threw my jacket off onto the floor. 

"Pick it up now Austin and hang it up on the coat hanger" mom shouted from the kitchen. 

How did she know I did that? I looked around to see has she put camera's in the house or something? I walked into the sitting room and threw myself on the sofa. 

"Get your feet off the sofa sweetie" she then shouted 

"How did you even know I had my feet up?"  

"Austin, some things just never change. You've been throwing your jacket on the ground since you were little and putting your dirty shoes on the sofa for years. I doubt you become famous changed all that" mom said while smiling "are you ok Austin? You seem upset. Did you and one of the boys fall out or something?" 

"No the crews fine. When we were eating pizza Han, walked in with Sophie Martin. I never seen her look so upset when she seen me." 

"Did you say anything to her honey?" 

"No. I tried to say hi but I couldn't something was stopping me from saying it." I explained. 

"I think you should speak to her and fix things because you both haven't been the same in years. You miss each other. It's hard to stop caring about someone who has had your back since you were kids." 

I knew she was right but I'm too stubborn to speak to her right now. If she spoke to me i'd talk but I'm not going to start talking to her incase she'll ignore me... 

"Thanks mom. I'm going to hit the sheet night." 

"Good night love you" she shouted up the stairs 

"Love you too Mom" 

I tossed and turned for hours. I felt guilty now. I walked to the window and looked across to Hannah's old room. On nights that I couldn't sleep I'd sneak out and climb in to her room and talk for hours until she'd end up falling asleep. We got caught once when we both fell asleep on her bed. I was grounded for two weeks after that and so was she. Now there's no one to sneak out too in middle of the night. He really needed to talk to her.

Hannah's POV 

I landed home at 8pm to find a voicemail left on my answering machine. It was from mom asking if I was busy this weekend. She's probably trying to get me away from Austin. I couldn't believe it was him. I'm so annoyed that I ignored him now. Why did I have to be such an idiot. Then my phone rang. It was Alex. 

"Hey Alex. What's up?" 

"Nothing much I was just wondering if you are ok after the pizza parlour incident" 

There was an awkward silence for a moment as I thought then I said 

"Yeah in alright a bit shocked that he was there but Im ok..." 

Alex interrupted me "Hannah you don't have to lie to me I know you aren't alright I could see it in your eyes when you seen him. You were ready to cry. I really wish you would both sort out your problems and move on from what happened." 

I didn't know what to say. 

"Han,I'm sorry for snapping at you there I didn't mean for it to come out sounding like that. But he misses you and you miss him so why won't you talk to each other?! I just don't get it!!" 

"I know but what if he just ignores me why would he even want to speak to me after calling his girlfriend a slut and a gold digger? Oh and a whore. If he said anything like that to me about Andrew I'd be really upset." 

"You know he wouldn't say any thing like that about Andrew. He'a known Andrew as long as he has known me. He wouldn't be mean about my brother and if he knew about you and Andrew he wouldn't so I think need to speak soon before he leaves again." 

"Yeah I suppose you're right Al. Ill talk to you sometime ok bye" 

"Bye" he said and hung up. 

Why did Alex always have to be right about stuff? He always knew what to say. I looked at my phone and there was a message from mom.

Mom: Having a family dinner tomorrow night you coming or have you other plans? - Mom xx 

Me: no plans ill come make sure you make your special dinner lol xx 

Mom: of course ill make the special dinner for you see you tomorrow sweetie x

I put my phone on charge and went into my bedroom to put on my pyjama's. When I was in the bathroom washing my make up off there was a knock at the door.  

"Who's visiting this late?" I thought. 

I ran to the door and opened it. Andrew was standing holding a bottle of coke,pizza and a tub of cookie dough ice cream (Ben&Jerry of course).  

"Hey babe you hungry?" He said smiling. 

"Well what would happen if I said I wasn't hungry?" 

"Well i'd just have to eat all this pizza and ice cream on my own" he said. 

I laughed and kissed him on the cheek. I got glasses and spoons from the kitchen and took them into the sitting room.  

"How was work?" He asked in between bites. 

"It was ok. Phones wouldn't stop ringing all day I can still hear then in my head!! Penelope wasn't happy with me I slept in this morning and was only like 5 minutes late. She's so dramatic some times! How was collage ?"  

"The usual. Heard you seen Austin today. I would have told you he was coming home but I never heard Alex talk about it so I didn't know sorry babe" he said  

I smiled at him "it's not your fault anyway I can't avoid him forever now could i?" 

Andrew got up and switched on the tv. The news was on. 

"Teenage girls trying to sneak into singer Austin Mahones car earlier today." Said the anchorman. 

"Oh my gosh are you actually serious why is everyone going on about him!!! Uggggggggggggggh !" I screamed 

"Well everyone is just excited about him being home.You would be too if you hadnt fallen out with each other"

Andrew came over and cuddled me for a while.  

"Don't worry about him Hannah. Try and focus on the positive things ok" 

He kissed my forehead. Then I burst into tears. I couldn't stop myself. I must have cried for an hour straight. 

"Shall we open the ice cream now?" He asked once I stopped. I looked at his tshirt I could see marks of mascara on him. I burst out laughing. 

"What's so funny?" He asked. 

"The bit of mascara I couldn't get off with the wipes came off on you t-shirt Andy" 

He looked at his top and laughed aswell. He pulled me off the sofa and started tickling me.  

"Hahaha Andrew haha stop hahahahah it ! Agggghh !" I screamed  

"Andrew stop. Stop Andrew please." He mimicked me.  

I wacked him and he fell on top of me. Then we made out for a while. 

"I think the ice cream will be nearly melted..." I said after. 

He blushed "I think it will. Dig in"  

At midnight he left. 

"Do you want to come to dinner with the family tomorrow? Please I'd love it if you came" I said as we were standing at the door. 

"I'd love too. Text me what time and ill drive you there right" he gave me one last kiss then left. 

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I tidied the mess then went to bed. After that I didn't even think about Austin. I was on cloud 9 that night. 

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