Chapter 11

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Hannah's POV

My phone woke me up. I looked at Austin and it woke him up aswell. 

"Oh shit what have we done" I screamed.  

I jumped off the couch and answered my phone. It was Penelope.

"Hello Hannah. It's Penelope I was wondering would you be able to come into work today. Angela called in sick last minute. I know with you dad being sick you mightn't be able to but if you could come in ill pay you tonight ok."

I looked at my clock. It was only 9am.

"Right. Ill be there in about an hour." 

"That's okay. Are you alright you don't sound good?' 

"I'm fine don't worry. Byee"

I hung up and flung my phone at the armchair. Austin looked at me. He looked hung over. But even being hungover he looked good.

"I have to go to work now."

"Are you ok to work today you look............ Ruff."

I gave him a dirty look " shut up Austin you don't look to good yourself."

He walked over to the coffee machine and made us coffee as I got dressed.

"Han, do you remember anything that happened once we got back here last night?"

"Yeah we watched family guy and fell asleep on the couch."

"So nothing else happened?"

"Nothing that people need to know about. If anyone finds out what we did last night me and Andrew will be over and you'll get nasty things written about you in the magazines. So we never speak of us kissing here last night."

He nodded his head. After my coffee I brushed my teeth.

"I need to leave now. You can stay if you want. There's food in the cupboards so make yourself something to eat."

"I can't look at food today or ill throw up. Thank you though"

I hugged him and went out the door.

When I got to work I felt a bit brighter but Penelope could tell straight away I was hung over.

"Guessing you had a good night last night after the concert by the state of you. Try to act more alive when the designers get here to pick the new line."

I sat at my desk and put my head on the table. I felt so guilty about everything. And I felt like I could throw up any minute.  

At 11 o clock the designers arrived and I showed then around the offices.

"This is where the magic happens. There are several people working in here sewing and stitching fabrics together."

They asked questions about our latest line of clothing that's been designed and I felt like telling them to go away. I was getting a headache. 

At 12 it was lunch time. I wasn't eating anything so I just went to talk to Sophie.

"Hey gurrrl " she shouted at me

"Sophie keep the voice down please "

"Somebody had a good night last night where were you? I haven't been speaking to you since the day we were at the mall and know who."

"Well I was at Austins concert with the crew then we all went out for a drink."

"You went for a drink with Austin...Shut up!! What happened are you speaking again? "

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