Chapter 34

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Hannah's POV

I stayed by the pool most days sunbathing while Austin was at interviews and photoshoots. I love it here. It's so peaceful and relaxing . 

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey baby"  Said a voice coming from the person blocking my sun.

"Move your big ass Mahone" I smirked.

Austin raised his eyebrow and bit his lip,something that drives me crazy. I tried to keep a serious face but failed when a little smile formed at the side of my lips. He bent down and kissed me gently.

"How was your day?" I asked him as he sat on the sunbed beside me.

"It was ok. Boring without you" He smirked "You should come with me tomorrow when I'm getting interview on Ellen tomorrow."

I gave him the "Do I have to look". I really don't want to be questioned about us tomorrow.

"Will I be dragged on to the stage or get asked stuff?" I asked him

"I don't think so. I can't make any promises though....This is Ellen we're talking about."

"Ugh I don't know like you want me to be in that interview next week with MTV when you introduce them to family and show the cameras around you're condo so I don't know.."

"I'll make sure you won't be dragged up or questioned okay? Please I just want you to see what my life is like when I'm not at home. "

"Fine" I gave in.Same as I gave in when he asked about the one's at MTV coming around next week. 

Austin grabbed my hand and pulled me off the sunbed. 

"What are you doing?" 

"C'mon lets go back to the condo and have some fun" He did the eyebrow and lip bite thing again. I felt like I was going to die inside.


I got dressed up nice for going to the Ellen show with Austin. I was so nervous praying nobody would ask me anything. I sat in the wings watching while he got interviewed.

"My next guest shot to fame at the age of 16. Over the last 6 years he's achieved so much and is going to continue to achieve more in the coming years. Please welcome Austin Mahone" 

The audience went wild as Austin walked out. I smiled at how amazing his fans are. He looked over at me and smiled. 

"Thank you for coming here today Austin"

"Thanks for having me Ellen its an honor to be here again!" He flashed her his signiture smile.

"So your new album is coming out in a few weeks and the new single is out when?"

"This Monday it's avilable on iTunes" 

"Well good luck with that I can tell it's going to be a hit even though no one has heard it yet!" 

"I want it to be a surprise for the fans. It's a little different from my previous singles. I hope everyone will love it.And a few people have heard it."

"Like your family and friends?" 

"Yeah they heard it a few weeks ago. I played it for them and they loved it."

"So Hannah's heard it I'm guessing" Ellen smiled.

Austin began to blush.

"I'm taking that as a yes since I got no reply"

"Yeah she has heard it since she is part of my family and friends" He sayed while looking at the ground.

"Oh shes more than a friend I think."

I started to laugh. I really do love Ellen. She's hilarious. Even if she is talking about me. Oh my God Ellen is talking about me!

"So sticking with your love life how's things with you and Hannah? She's here isn't she?"

"We're good. Really good actually. Yeah she's over there somewhere watching this."

"Think we could bring her out to speak to her?"

My face dropped. Oh no. I got up from my seat and hid. Yes I hid from being dragged out on stage.

"She's a little camera shy so I think we should just leave her." 

Phew that was close. 

"So that's why she just ran out of her seat when I mentioned bring her out."

"Did she?!" Austin laughed and Ellen nodded.

"Oh God Hannah. She really is something else."  He said.

"Is it true you're moving in with her when you go back to San Antonio?"

"Yeah I've all my stuff there now. We thought it would be easier that way because I do spend most of the time there when I'm at home." 

Ellen asked some questions about everything and anything and then the interview was over. Austin walked off the stage and came over to me smirking. I gave him a "What the heck" look.

"Hiding Hannah. Are you serious! I was trying to hard not to end up on the floor rolling about. You really are different most people jump at the chance to be on the TV" 

"The MTV interview is enough for me thank you very much" 

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand,pulling me out of the chair.

"Come on we'll go and get some food I'm starved" He smiled as we walked out the doors.

There were Mahomies EVERYWHERE. I think I prefer it when he's in San Antonio.People give him his space back home but here everywhere we go we get mobbed. He grabbed my hand tighter as we pushed our way through screaming fans. 5 minutes later we were safe in Austin's car.

"Well that was fun" I laughed. 

"It's been worse than that trust me.Will we go to the Olive Garden?"

"Sure I've not been in ages!" 


Our food was lovely until a swarm of fans came in and spoiled our lunch. Somehow they got in the backdoor and next thing we knew it wasn't a table for 2 anymore. More like table for 50. This was starting to bug me if I cant even spend an hour with Austin in public then I don't know what will happen with us.

Austin's POV

I knew the fans were starting to get to Hannah. I really don't blame her its a lot to take in. But getting mobbed at lunch was a step to far. We ended up leaving half of our food and going to the condo. The car ride was a long awkward silence one. Hannah was really pissed off. 

We got back to the condo and she went to the sofa while I got us a drink. I handed her her one and sat beside her.

"I'm sorry about lunch." I said while looking at the ground.

"It's not your fault though. Its not like you made them sneak in."

"But I feel bad because I know you're annoyed."

"Im just not use to this. Its all new to me.I'm fine honestly." 

She lay her head on my lap and fell asleep in minutes. I sat there thinking of ways to make it up to her. I had an idea.


What's Austins idea I wonder (; Oh wait I already know HAHAHAHA .Short chapter but I'm trying to get this finished so there will only be a few more chapters :( But the sequel is coming out soon! Really soon actually :P 

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