Chapter 21

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Austin's POV

I pushed open the door slightly,still preparing myself for the worse.

"Hannah?" My voiced cracked. Nothing.I walked into her bedroom and she wasn't there. Then I checked the bathroom. The door was ajar. I pushed it opened and tears strolled down my cheeks. There she was. Lying on the cold tiles in a pool of blood. I knelt down beside her and put my head on her chest to see if I could hear her heart. Her wrists had several cuts on each.I moved my hands to her neck and felt for a pulse. Good she's still here. I pulled out my phone and dialled 911. An ambulance was on its way. I looked down at her again. She looked so peaceful. I brushed her hair out of her face. Why did this have to happen. I felt like it was all my fault. If I never played with her and Kiera she'd still be happy. Not upset enough to do this. Then it hit me. I need to call her mom. I dialled her number and she answered.


"Hi Mrs.S. It's Hannah. She's gone to far."

She knew straight away what I meant. She burst into tears.

"Im here with her in her appartment. The ambulance is on its way so she'll be in good hands."

"Why would my gorgous baby do this again? Why?"

"I don't know...."

"I'll meet you at the hospital I need someone to look after Kiera for me. You are going to the hospital with her right?"

"Of course I can't leave her. Tell my mom to look after Kiera she won't mind when she hears what happened."

"Right I'll meet you there bye."

The ambulance landed and the paramedics came running into the appartment.

"HELLO?" one shouted

"In here"

They came in with a strecher and lifted her on it. I could feel tears rolling down my face again. Come on Austin pull yourself together.

"Hannah Smith..I've heard that name before" the man said.

"You might have been here last time she did this." I told him.

Hannah tried to kill herself when she was 14. She was getting bullied and felt like the whole world hated her. We all tried to calm her down but it was no use. One night I was bored so I decided to go and annoy her a little so I went to her house. Then I found her lying on her bedroom floor. Twice I've found her like this. And I know I'll be having nightmares about it all over again like I had 10 years ago.

"No it was recently that I've heard her name..Wait your Austin Mahone?"

"Yeah thats me..."

"Thats how I know her. I was the paramedic that took you to the hospital after your fight. She came with you right? She knew a lot about you."

I smiled at him.

"Does her parents know what's happened?"

"Yup I rang her mom there before you guys came here."

"Ok, Do you want to come with us to the hospital?" The blonde lady asked.

I nodded.They took her down the steps and put her into the ambulance. People were standing outside watching what was going on. I covered my face and hopped in behind them. Then I thought I better text Alex

Me- Han did it again. And went too far. On way to hospital with her

I got a reply straight away

AC- NO NOT AGAIN! God does that girl ever learn!? On my way I'll text the rest of the crew to tell them.

Me- Thanks.

I slid my phone into my jeans and looked over at Hannah. She was hooked up to a mask that helped her breath. I'm praying that she can survive this journey until she gets help at the hospital.

*At the hospital*

I sat outside the room while they cleaned her up. They told me if I hadn't have found her she'd be dead. She was still unconsious though.I just wished that she'd wake up before her family would come. I didn't want them to see her out cold again. Last time this happened they whole family took it really bad. Her mom went into depression, her dad started to drink a lot and Matt started to take drugs. Luckily Mr.S and Matt realised how stupid they were and stopped but poor Mrs.S is still on her depression pills. It was really tough on her.

"Austin where is she?"

I looked up. There was Mrs.Smith with tears rolling down her face. I pointed into the room trying to fight back the tears but it was no use. Mrs.Smith gave me a hug and I broke down.

"Shh honey it's alright.Everything will be alright. Dont worry Hannah will be ok" She tried to console me when really it should be me trying to calm her down.

"Mrs.S I should have known she would have done something stupid though. She's been getting hate online and I think that's what's made her do this again.."

"I know sweetie but we all thought she was smarter than this now didn't we. I think we're going to have to send her for treatment because we can't let her suffer again. I don't know if we can afford it but we need to help her."

"I'll pay."

She looked at me. I could tell by her expression she was shocked.

"Austin I can't let you do that"

"Please. Look I feel terrible that this has happened it kinda is my fault. If was wasn't famous she'd be ok. None of this would have happened."

"I don't know Austin."

"Please let me do this for my best friend."

She sat quietly for a moment. "Ok if you really want to do this then sure. Thank you Austin. You really have turned out to be a lovely man."

I smiled. Then a nurse came out.

"You must be Hannah's mother. Can we talk in private?" she said and looked at me.

"Whatever is wrong with her you can say infront of him as well."

"Ok then. Well your daughter is very lucky to still be here. She almost hit a vein which could have killed her instantly. We've bandaged her up to cover the scars and to keep the dirt out and to stop infections. Theres also something else. She took multipul pills. Who found her?"

"I did" I said

"Did you notice any empty pill bottles?"

"No but I didn't look. I only looked for her."

"Well we need to try and find out what she took.They are the reason that she's out cold. She's still in danger of dying."

At that moment  I felt like my whole world was over. There was no way I could possible lose my best friend. Especially one who I'm falling hard for.

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