Chapter 16

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Hannah's POV


I pushed him off me.

Austin: I'm sorry Hannah, I just had to. I'm sorry.

Everyone came running into the kitchen

Alex: What happened is everyone ok?

Austin: I eh, tried to kiss Hannah....

Hannah: Just get out I'm sorry guys I can't do this. Sleepover is over!

Everyone looked at me. I couldn't handle this. Austin knows I'm not over Drew and then he goes to try and make out with me. No not gonna happen! Just as we were getting along great he has to go and ruin things on us.

Robert: Hannah calm down. You'll be fine in a minute. Austin your such an idiot!

Hannah: No just leave please I need to be by myself. Sorry guys.

Everyone walked out the the sitting room and grabbed their things. Sarah came over to me.

Sarah: Do you want me to stay? I don't want to leave you alone. You wanna have a girly night and talk?

I hesitated for a moment.

Hannah: sure why not. But they must go.

I pointed at the boys. They said bye and all left. Now it was just me Sarah and a bowl full of popcorn.

Austin's POV

*Leaving Hannah's apartment*

Tyler: Way to go bro. You got us all kicked out of Hannah's. Could you not control yourself?

Austin: Shut up Tyler so what I messed up big deal! You'd have done the same thing in my situation.

Alex: Right lets forget about it. Who wants to come back to mine and stay the night since we are all here with sleeping bags.

Zach: Sounds good to me

We had to get a taxi since all of us had been drinking. I was so annoyed with myself that I did that but at least now Hannah knows how I feel about her. I probably could have told her better than I did though.

Hannah's POV

I was still furious with him! Why did he think he could do that?! I was so glad I had Sarah with me though. She really cheered me up. We sat and watched a few chick flicks and gossiped for a few hours until we passed out on the sofa and the floor.

Austin's POV

I kept trying to ring Hannah but her phones off. Myself and the crew stayed up most of the night playing video games and watching old episodes of Family Guy. All the red bull must have began to ware off sometime after 6am because I can't remember anything after that.

A/N sorry I've not updated in forever! I'm off for summer now so ill get to write A LOT more now!

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