Chapter 27

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Austin's POV

"Well is she pregnant?"

There was a long pause. This must mean she is. How is he and Sarah going to raise a child and them still only 23 or 24! 

"She isn't"

I let out a sigh of relief but I could tell something was still bothering Alex. Shouldn't he be happy I mean he didn't really say if he wanted one or not.

"What's up?"

"You know it's crazy. Before Sarah took the test I didn't think I'd be ready to look after another little person. Gosh I didn't think I'd want a baby just yet. But when you sit there waiting to find out the results you start to overthink. You know when you're really nervous and every though possible is running through your head? Well that's how I felt. Then I realised that I do want a baby. I mean sure it wouldn't be easy but I know I'd do anything for that little person that is my own flesh and blood. Like how cute would it be to have a mini Sarah running about? I would spoil her and treat her like a princess. And if it was a boy I'd do anything for him. He'd be my little buddy. My mini me. When Sarah said she wasn't pregnant I felt like someone stabbed me.Like10 miutes before I wasn't bothered but now I wish that the stick said that she was"

Honestly, I am speechless right now. I never even knew my best friend felt this way. But he never knew himself. I sat over beside him and hugged him to comfort him. I seem to be doing this a lot to my friends this weather. I swear I'm a jinx. I bring bad luck to everyone! Then I thought of something.

"Dude could you imagine how pissed Han, would be if she came back and found out Sarah was pregnant and nobody told her! World War 3 would begin!"

Alex laughed "That's so true! Maybe it's a good thing she isn't!"

"Look I'm no good at trying to make people feel better but you know things happen for a reason and this time the reason could be that you or Sarah aren't ready yet. I think you two should enjoy the time you have together when it is just the two of you. Like if she was pregnant you couldn't have that much fun together" I winked.

Alex's face turned the darkest shade of red you've ever seen "You are so dirty minded Ameezy! I better go and see has things calmed down at my house! I'll  see you later."

*2 and a half months later*

HANNAH'S GETTING OUT TODAY! YEEEEEESSSSS!! I am so excited to see her. Matt told her about Drew and Emily a couple of days after Alex told me that Emily is pregnant. He said she took it ok but he could tell she was a little upset. Apparantly she's done really well with her treatment. She's evenn happier that Suzanne hasn't given birth yet. She's just a week over due. I think the baby is determined not to come out until its auntie comes home. 

We made a  "Welcome Home Hannah" sign and stuck it in the front lawn. It looked great it was red and Kiera did some finger painting on it. All her family and the crew are here now just waiting for her dad to pull up with her. I'm praying she's better now. She has to be better! I don't know what any of us would do without her. The last two month have been hell. Every minute of the day she was on mind. I killed me not having her about.

Her dad pulled up and everyone gathered around while she and her dad got out. Kiera,who was in my arms, jumped down and ran over to Hannah.

"Auntie Hannah! I missed you so much 'ont ever leave me again" 

"Hey gorgeous I won't ever leave you again" 

I could see a few tears slide down Hannah cheek. She looked different. I mean I  know last time I saw her she was just out of hospital and looked really sick but I don't know she seems...Happy? She's smiling so much more than  before she went away. She said hi to her family and spoke to them all first then she came over to me and hugged me.

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