Chapter 18

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Austin's POV

"Its great having you back here Austin. So tell us, what are you planning on doing now your home for anoter while?" asked the blonde interviewer.

Yeah thats right I came home again. I couldn't leave things the way they were so I came back to fix them.

"Well I'm not sure just yet to be honest. I want to see my family and my friends so I'll probably spend most of my time with them."

"Very nice. Now theres a question everyone wants to know. Is there a speciel lady here in San Antonio?"

"Yeah there is actually. My mom." I smiled. The whole audience went "awwwwww". 

"Thats so sweet but seriously. Is there a love interest in your life? We all know you and  Hannah are just friends so its not her anyway you made that clear! So who is it?"

I could feel my cheeks burning up when she mentioned Hannah to me. I never use to blush but now everytime someone mentions her I end up looking like a lobster.

"No there isnt any girl so I'm sorry to dissapoint everyone." I laughed

"Oh well if their is a girl we'd find out eventually! Thank you for coming Austin and I hope the new album goes straight to number 1 because it deserves to"

"Thanks for having me." I smiled.

I ran out the door and hopped in my car. Time to go home and see Mom. I looked around the familar area. It's so much nicer here than it is in Miami. Yeah I know what your thinking. Miami is lovely and sunny with beaches everywhere. But San Antonio is gorgous so much scenery. I'd do anything to move back here permanently.

I drove down my block and just as I was pulling in my driveway I saw her. Hannah was out on the front lawn playing with Kiera. Should I go over and say hi? I got out of my car and slammed the door. Hannah and Kiera looked over.

"AUSTIN!!!" Kiera shouted running over to me with her arms out. I extended my arms and lifted her up. 

"Hey there Kiera. How are you?" 

"Im good. Do you want to play with me and Auntie Hannah?" 

I looked over at Hannah who was looking at the ground.

"I have to go in home and see my mommy but I'll play with you some other day ok?'"

She looked at me with her big brown eyes "Ok......" 

Why is this kid so adorable. But no I better not. I don't want to make things worse with Hannah.

"Austin, I'm sure you could stay for 10 minutes"

I looked over at  Hannah in shock. Did she seriously just say that? She smiled at me.

"Ok I'll stay for a bit. What are you guys playing?" 


I started running after her and Hannah. 

"Got cha"  I caught Kiera and but her over my shoulder. She giggled. 

"Now you need to get Auntie Hannah."

I chased Hannah around the lawn and couldn't get her. She's too fast. Then she ran down the street  telling Kiera to stay in the lawn.

"Come and get me Mahone! " she laughed

"Oh it's on Smith" 

10 minutes later we were still running up and down the street. Kiera got bored and went inside. Finally I caught her. I grabbed her around her waist and dragged her back to the lawn.

"Gotcha" I smirked. 

She was smiling and giggling. I never knew how much I missed seeing that smile. Or hearing the laugh. She hates her laugh but to me its adorable. But her tickle laugh is even cuter she makes a little "Tee hee" noise.I tackled her to the ground and I lay on top of her laughing. She looked up at me. I looked into her sparking eyes. Next thing I know she's leaning towards me. Then her lips touch mine and a tingling feeling runs through out my body. Her lips feel so soft pressed againt mine.  I put my tounge out asking for entrance. She parts her lips instantly and I let my tounge search every part of inside her mouth. I can feel a smile form on her lips which makes me smile. Then I pulled away. 

"I know this is probably going to sound crazy considering how I almost killed you last time I saw you but.... I missed you" she said quietly 

"I missed you too Han"


A/N Im gonna leave it at that so comment and vote :D

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