28• Question

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With the pose he adapted and his arms folded across his chest, she couldn't help but to feel vulnerable and slightly intimidated, specially after being caught off guard and cornered in her own room with nowhere to hide.

" Don't look at me like that. " Her tone sounded almost begging, brows scrunched up in the middle and drooping at the far ends with the expression of a toddler about to throw a tantrum.

Upon this unusual reaction from her, Dabi's curiosity drew him to step closer to her, dropping his body into a crouching position in front of her with forearms resting on her thighs and leaning closer to her, now the change left him having to look up at her. " Spit it out, something is bothering you. " It sounded demanding in spite of the quietness of his tone of voice.

" It's just that... " Keeping eye contact was almost impossible so fixing her gaze anywhere else felt like the most appropriate thing to do while trying to express herself. " There's someone who has been... Well, not has been but like today-- well, he already did something and you know it but like just talking about today--- ugh-- " Her thoughts jumbled up in her mind, rushing one after the other with nervousness as if trying to compete to get out through her vocal chords. " Fuck it ! Shigaraki said he wants to fuck me. " It felt like a relief to be able to just spill it all out without being around the bush like that, yet now she had to face the consequences of this situation she didn't ask to be put on.

The tall dark haired villain stood up in less than a second, turning away with anger seeping from every pore and it was visible by the way some steam was emitted right off his exposed skin, as if he was an overheating machine and he clearly seemed upset about the abrupt confession, rolling his own rings and absentmindedly cracking his knuckles here and there as he seemed to calm himself down.

" I saw it coming. " His tone eeriely calm whilst reaching for his hair to brush back with slight frustration. " But I need you to be straight up honest with me and I ain't gonna get mad no matter what the answer is... Got it ? " She has never heard Dabi speak so firmly, not playful whatsoever but fully serious. Thus she couldn't do much besides nodding at him once the patchwork villain turned back towards her to make eye contact. " Do you want to fuck him too ? "


Author's note: okay so I need you guys to vote here cause I couldn't continue because I don't know if you would like Shiggy to be involved or not! Also remember I have another book called Stockholm Syndrome that is mainly Shiggy and the reader but on that one I will definitely have Dabi participate but the (y/n) is absolutely different in personality. So yeah, taking all of that into consideration, what do you want ?

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