This is Sirius

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Y/n's POV

As me and Harry walk in the Great Hall and sit down, I noticed a bunch of people gathered up a few inches from us, I walk over there and sit down next to someone gasping, no one noticed I was gone out of the group so I stayed there until Seamus yelled.

"He's been sighted!" Having another paper on his hand.

"Who?" Ron asked looking as puzzled as ever.

"Sirius Black!" I say, Harry looking puzzled as to when did I move from the group. 

Hermione sits closer to me, Ron runs closer on his side and Harry puts his hand on the table beside me trying to read the paper.

"Dufftown!?" Said Hermione with a scared look in her eyes. "That's not far from here"

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville says looking even more frightened than Hermione.

"With dementors at every entrance?" A kid beside me said trying to calm Neville down.

"Dementors! He's already slipped past them once, hasn't he? Who is to say he won't do it again?" Seamus added. Great way to calm everyone down dimwit.

"That's right, Black could be anywhere, is like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands" The kid said while looking straight ahead.

I look at Harry, he looks terrified, petrified actually, is like he has seen the basilisk. I tuck in his sleeve and he looks at me, I stand up and take Harry's hand.

"I'll be back guys, keep me updated please" I tell Hermione and Ron while they're looking at the papers.

I guide Harry out of the Great Hall into the hallway and when we stop he leans on the wall.

"Harry what's wrong?" I ask worried.

"Sirius Black..." He mutters.

"What? I can't hear you" I say leaning in close to him.

"Sirius Black, he's trying to find me and kill me and I'm scared, I know I'm the brave Harry Potter, "the chosen one" He puts air quotes on that last part. "But I don't know if I can be brave this time"

I never really noticed how much he grew over summer until I noticed I was looking slightly up. I look at him in awe and hug him tightly, he wraps his arms around me hugging me back tightly too.

"Harry, your allowed to feel like that, your human, even if you are "the chosen one" your allowed to feel fear, sadness, happiness, every feeling, and everything will be ok, I'll always be here for you"

I try to get out of the hug but he's still keeping his arms around me, I heard a sniffle, and then that's when he broke down. Poor thing, it hurts me seeing him like this. I hug him back tighter while he's burying his face on the crook of my neck, I place a hand around his neck and the other one caressing his head, he finally lets go and I look at him with a soft, kind smile, I reach his face and dry his tears with my hands.

"Thank you Y/n, I am really lucky to have a person like you in my life" He grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Let's go back, they're probably getting worried" I said chuckling and blushing. Shit do I like him? I don't think so?.

We walk in holding hands and with my face all red with the realization. Do I actually like Harry? No that's impossible that's my best friend. I sit down next to Hermione and Harry next to Ron, he still looks kind of sad.

"Actually Ron can we switch?" I ask him looking worryingly at Harry.

"Yeah of course" He says kindly.

We switch spots and as soon as I sit down I take Harry's hand, putting my head on his shoulder and him putting his head on top of mine. The bell begins to rings which means we gotta get to class now, I stand up and look up at Harry.

"Your going to be ok?" I ask him not letting go of his hand.

"I'll manage, plus we have the last two classes together, I can wait till then" He gives me a small smile, I kiss his cheek and gets my stuff to go to class.


Finally my last period, Astronomy, honestly I never pay attention in the class, I just sleep and then look at what Hermione is doing. I get inside talking to Harry about our last class, we sit in our usual seats and I put my head down once the class starts, Professor Sinistra starts speaking. Holy fuck her voice makes me sleepier then ever. I try to stay awake but can't. Minutes later I feel a hand sliding into my thigh, I jump and almost fall backwards off the chair, Hermione and Ron turned to look at me while Harry already was.

"Sorry" I whisper looking at an anxious Hermione, I turn around to look at Harry, he's looking down to his lap and smiling.

"Well it looks like someone feels better now" I whisper and turn around. Where did the teacher go? I feel a gaze behind my back, I turn around and there she was.

"Care to tell us what's going on?" She asked with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Oh, sorry I was falling sleep but one of my friends scared me to wake me up and almost fell off my chair" I smile and giggle nervously.

She looks at me and just walks away. God I hate this class. I shut my eyes and bang my head against the table.

We finally get out of class and still with the thought of Harry's hand sliding my thigh, but I tried to control myself as we were walking to the common room. I drop my bag and fall to the couch.

"God, I always forget how exhausting classes are" I whine and look at them.

"Just wait till next week" Harry said smirking.

"What's next week?" I ask looking at him puzzled.

"Quidditch practice"

"Oh my" I put the hands on my face and sigh. "I may just not do quidditch this year"

"NO" Harry screams. "Um we need you, your our best chaser yet"

"Oh yeah she is" Fred says right as he is coming in the common room. "You can't quit now darling we really need you"

"Ugh I don't know" I roll my eyes looking at the ceiling of the common room.

"Please don't" Harry says in a calm voice, I look at him and then roll my eyes.

"Ugh fine, but if I die this is your fault Potter" I say pointing fingers at him.

I see Fred smile and enter his dorm. I suspect that's where George is cause those two are inseparable, where one goes so does the other, I guess is a twin thing. I go and get off the couch to sit on the floor.

"Does someone want to teach me how to play wizards chess?" I ask looking at Ron and Harry.

"Are you that bored?" Ron asks.

"Yes I am that bored" I say crossing my arms.

Harry chuckles and comes down to sit in front of me. "I'll do it" he then started a match and taught me everything about it. I looked up to him every minute. He's kind of cute, wait no no no no, you don't like your best friend. I look up and see Hermione looking at me with a smirk on her face.


See what I did in the tittle? 🤭 anyways, I am still working on my writing skills as that English is not my first language so if you find anything weird or have some suggestions of how to make it better don't be afraid to tell me please. Have a great day/night, take care of yourself.

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