The burrow

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Y/n's POV

Is been 48 days since I've last seen Harry, I don't know how he's holding up in the Dursley's, I haven't heard from him, I'm getting kind of concern, even though I'm mad at him he should at least send a letter saying he's fine, right?

Today I go to the Weasleys to go see the Quidditch World Cup tomorrow and I'm kind of hoping Harry is there save and sound.

As I finished packing my stuff I hear a couple of voices downstairs, excitedly I grab my luggage and bring it downstairs, heading to the kitchen I meet with a bunch of red heads, brown haired girl and- a raven haired boy who was just looking at his feet.

Well good to know he doesn't have that scratch on his cheek anymore, no broken glasses, and clothe are still intact and not tore apart.

"Y/n!" A pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Hermione it's only been like a month, you couldn't possibly missed me that much" I laughed.

"We've missed you too!" The twins come to me running and picking me up.

"Hey" I laugh and dust myself as they let me down.

"Oi I exist too!"

"Hey Ron" I say giggling.

"Oh hey Harry" My mom greeted him with a hug.

"Hey Mrs. Boots" He said awkwardly hugging her back.

"Oh Harry I've told you to call me Evelyn"

I roll my eyes and kind of snicker. He will never call her by her real name, no matter how many times my mother tells him to. His gaze meeting mine and moving his eyes meaning to get him out of the situation.

"Mum can you bring waters, I bet they are really thirsty"

She agreed and went to the kitchen to bring water bottles, I look back at Harry and he mouthed ' Thank you '

"Well Y/n you ready?" Mr. Weasley asked me.

"Yep, never been more ready in my life"

"Wait! The waters" my mom hands a water bottle to everyone including me. "And don't forget your luggage sweetie" She hands it to me.

"Thanks mum, I'll miss you" I smile and blow a kiss.

"Miss you too!"

"Alright, Fred you first"

I look puzzled, he went, grabbed something that looked like sand and before throwing it winked at me, he just disappeared. Awesome! I smiled and got excited to try it. I've heard of it before, is called flo something.

I was basically the last one to go which I didn't mind, I did exactly as everyone else did and closed my eyes.

"The burrow!" I yelled and threw the sand.

I opened my eyes and there I was, I got out of the chimney and looked around. This is why I love magic.

"Is call traveling from floo powder love"

I turn around "Well thank you Fred" Before I could take another step he took my luggage.

"Hey! I can carry it myself"

He sprinted and went upstairs to Ginny's room not paying attention to what I've just said. The fireplace has gone green and Mr. Weasley appeared on it.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning, so kids go to sleep early tonight and no fooling around"

I look beside me and see Harry broke his glasses along the travel, I sigh and come in front of him, taking out my wand and pointing it at him.

"Oculus Reparo"

"Thank you, actually I wa-"

"Y/n! Come up here please" George interrupted.

I smiled and went bolting to they're room wondering to myself what did they want.

"Don't worry Harry, you will have time to talk to her eventually" I hear Hermione reassure Harry but I decide it to ignore it.

"What do you guys need?" I smile getting in their room and looking around.

"So you know the idea of us getting our own shop right? Well were already making products and we want someone to test them" Fred smirks.

After a few minutes they convinced me and I tried everything, from Ton- Tomgue Toffees; they make your tongue swell up and make it grow 10 times your normal size. To Canary Creams; is a really delicious custard cream but it turns you into a canary for like 5 minutes.

We got called down to dinner when I got handed the last product, Fever fudge. I tried it the second before we decided to go downstairs.

As I was going downstairs I felt hot, I was sweating, my body started to ache, I sat down on the table next to the twins and was shivering.

"Honey you alright?" Molly looked at me worryingly.

"Oh I am fine" I smile weakly.

"Here" Fred gave me the other corner of the sweet which makes it cancel out, I got better in seconds.

I got weird looks from the whole table, I smiled innocently and started reaching the food. After a few minutes George tapped my shoulder and I turn my attention to see what he wanted to show me or tell me, he said never mind afterwards. Huh, weird. I shrug and go back to my food, I tasted something sweet in my food and next thing I know I'm feeling a little lightheaded and close my eyes. I open my eyes and started looking around, I saw an angry Molly, petrified twins and Ron, Hermione and Harry giggling.

"Alright you three go to bed now!"

"Wait three?"

"Yes! You too Y/n!"

I throw my hands in the hair. "Why!?"

"I heard you guys! You were trying those stupid inventions of them! They're dangerous! And will never amount to anything!"

I just looked at Molly in disbelief and then the twins, without a fight I went upstairs to the twins room, George enters and closes the door behind him.

"Is not fair! I was just testing them! Why is she mad at me!? She loves me! And she had no right saying that about you guys! She might not like the idea but that was just rude!" I abruptly throw myself on one of their beds.

"Hey, relax, is only for right now, she'll go back to loving you tomorrow and we'll do it wether she likes it or not" Fred reassured me. "Now go to sleep, we got a long day tomorrow"

I smile and nod my head, heading out and walking to Ginny's room.

I got filled with questions that I was too tired to answered, I answered them half sleep and went straight to sleep afterwards. Shit the twins got me super tired.

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