Chapter 21

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21: The Escape

However, when the police checked the security footage, they only found a recording of the kids being kidnapped. They weren't able to catch a picture of the kidnappers' faces, not to mention their car.

They first knocked out little Yu, and then took Shuishui. Lin Miao cried for help, but no one heard it since there were so many people at the park.

She must have been so desperate. There was a sea of people, but none of them were able to save them. She was still abducted despite all her efforts to cry for help. The kidnappers then disappeared at a bend in the road. There weren't any cameras there.

The Yu family have already gone over the footage, and still, no new evidence was found.

"Without his medication, I'm not sure if the Young Master can last this long..." The doctor said, concerned.

Hearing this, the mother cried and collapsed on the floor again. The grandma quickly dialed the Master, pleading him for help.

The Master agreed. He made quite a lot of money searching people for the Young Master's family, but more importantly, one of the children was from his village. He even personally drove her to the mansion, so he would sincerely help search for the two kids.

And not through preparing rituals to pray for god, like how he has done before.

The Master called others in his industry to see if they knew anything. He had many colleagues, some of which helped him to find a kid that shared the same birthdate as the Young Master.

Just when they seemed to have made no progress, someone reported a case anonymously.

According to them, there were two suspicious people at the grand intersection in the eastern part of the city. The caller reported them to be calling, saying something about hiding two kids on the phone. The license plate was SB1xxxxx.

The police rushed to the intersection, and they actually caught the two after some pursuing. However, they seemed clueless about the kidnapping, and adamantly denied being one of the kidnappers. They explained that they only ran because of natural reflexes.

The police weren't giving up. From the information the Yu family provided, they knew that the kidnappers drove out of town to keep the kids away from the city.

The most likely place they would go to was their hometowns and villages, so they quickly assigned officers to investigate the backgrounds of the two people they just arrested.

There were still a lot of small media reporting this incident online. The mainstream media took a more conservative and neutral approach: [Renowned actress staying out of the industry just to wait for her children to come back.] Their main focus was to criticize ill-witted media outlets for transforming this story into a topic of entertainment to increase their popularity.

The mainstream media were still trying to ride on the wave of interest, just with a different approach.

Back at the mansion, the Yu family has found an appropriate solution to this. The father paid to take down all the reports about the Young Master's mother on the web.

It was pretty effective and managed to diminish the attention toward the subject.

But public interest was still high.

A lot of the people weren't optimistic about the issue. Firstly, little Yu's health wasn't very good. It was tough for him to be kidnapped and kept away from medical support for two days. Secondly, the attention from everyone would place immense pressure on the kidnappers and make returning the Young Master incredibly risky, so it was likely for them to just end him.

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