Chapter 90

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90: Their Shared World

Lin Miao's enthusiasm was maintained throughout the ride. The higher she went, the more grandiose the scenery became.

"As if one were a mayfly, small like a grain in an ocean."

(Note: The raws used an excerpt from the ancient text《赤壁赋》, written by Northern Song dynasty writer, Su Shi.)

She could now feel the sentence. It was too fitting for the scene.

Yu Jingxuan naturally hugged her from behind. This was one of the few times of the year when they could actually get together.

Lin Miao froze, originally wanting to recite a poem but forgetting all its verses. Her wild mind finally returned. She couldn't feel the heat coming from the person behind her through her thick coats. However, his action made it impossible for her to focus on the vast world around her.

It felt as if the world suddenly shrunk down to her and Yu Jingxuan.

Consisting of only their cable car.

They hugged many times before. They hugged when they were little, and even when they confessed to each other. These hugs brought them both joy and happiness.

However, this was the first time Lin Miao was hugged from behind. She felt her heart pump, her stomach filled with butterflies.

Yu Jingxuan was also blushing a bit, putting his chin on her head, "We're almost at the top, are you cold?"

Lin Miao might've been cold before, but definitely not anymore. Not only that, her face felt like it was burning.

She stuttered, not knowing what to say, her head an empty void.

Yu Jingxuan quietly hugged her. The ski slopes below them kept shrinking and their carriage kept climbing. It was as if the cable car was bringing them away from the noisy world and into a white ambience.

Now, they were finally alone in the world. Yu Jingxuan hugged her with satisfaction, sighing, "Shuishui, I miss you."

Her life was badminton and studying. He rarely said things like that to her.

Lin Miao paused, then turned around and hugged him back, "I also miss Gege."

Yu Jingxuan looked at her still big watery eyes, his sight then landing on her full lips for two seconds. Holding himself back, he kissed her forehead, "Let's come here to play every winter."

Lin Miao heard nothing he said, just feeling like her forehead was burnt. She couldn't resist touching her forehead, but then realized how stupid she must've looked after she felt her skin.

She looked at Yu Jingxuan. His eyes were so pretty, the most beautiful she had ever seen.

A thought suddenly came up in her mind. She stood on her toes, trying to kiss him on the forehead back.

Then, after a closer estimate... she realized she couldn't even reach his forehead on her tippy toes... She could only kiss his cheek.

Lin Miao's best character trait was perhaps her perseverance.

So, she stood on her tippy toes and kissed Yu Jingxuan's cheek, her own flushed red.

Yu Jingxuan froze, the roots of his ear turning all red. The two were both wrapped in thick jackets, as if they were penguins. Yu Jingxuan lowered his head and kissed her forehead again.

It was so cute that one couldn't even stand to watch.

Meanwhile, their cable car arrived on top of the mountain.

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