Chapter 92

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92: We Can Take It Slow

Lin Miao was backing off to see whether their coats had dried, but before she could separate, Yu Jingxuan lightly hugged her again. He lowered his head, gently connecting lips with her. Suddenly, all that was left in the room were their heartbeats.

He quickly left, saying, "I'll go with you."

Lin Miao's entire hand was limp, her heart beating rapidly. Blushing, she responded, "Mhm."

It was still snowing outside, she could hear the wind howling outside.

The sky was pitch black.

Unlike the frigid snowstorm outside, the room was especially warm. Their coats had already dried, but Lin Miao still checked them twice.

They had just kissed. It wasn't on their foreheads, it wasn't on their cheeks, and it wasn't between their eyebrows.

The knowledge of this made her ears even hotter.

Then, someone hugged her from behind.

Unlike on the cable car, they weren't wearing thick coats. She could feel his heat.

The person behind her laughed lightly, then lovingly combed through her hair. "What should I do? I want to hug you all the time."

Lin Miao's stomach was filled with butterflies, feeling embarrassed yet excited. She answered quietly. She also wanted to be with him forever.

Then, Yu Jingxuan's phone rang.

He had to answer the call.

"Mom" His phone screen displayed.

Yu Jingxuan: "..."

He picked it up, then heard the person on the other side saying, "Damn son, you've learned how to date."

Hearing this voice of ridicule, he couldn't resist answering, "... If there's nothing else, I'm hanging up."

"No, no, of course there is!" Yu Jingxuan's mother said, "I'm here to remind you to take safety precautions."

Yu Jingxuan's mother saw the date between her son and Lin Miao online like everyone else. They all looked at the relationship with an urge of wanting to see them marry each other the next second. Though it was sad that she got her information from the same sources as the netizens, she was already used to her overly mature son being too independent.

They were only a month away from being adults. It was normal for adults to do adult things.

Yu Jingxuan hung up.

He felt that he and his mother lived in completely different worlds.

Meanwhile, Lin Miao couldn't resist going back to the window to watch the snow. The snow at night was gorgeous.

The person watching the snow was too capable of plucking his heartstrings. He wasn't a saint, it was impossible for him to have no desires.

However, she was too little. She'd be a senior in high school right now. She wouldn't know these things, much less the implications of it.

He had already waited for so long, and he wouldn't mind waiting longer. Every step in life is precious, so he wanted her to take them at her own pace. She should be able to explore everything with senses of security, confidence, and comfortability.

Yu Jingxuan walked towards her, stopping beside her. Lin Miao naturally leaned towards him, exclaiming, "Gege, the snow here is so pretty."

Yu Jingxuan patted her head, "We'll come here every year."

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