Chapter 22

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22: The Majestic Dahuang
The rain didn't stop. The entire mountain range was shrouded with green fog, and it was beautiful, like a wonderland. However, sightseeing was the last thing Lin Miao cared about, she was anxious that her brother would fall sick due to the constant rain.

The Young Master himself felt that he was fine despite all the walking. In fact, it was back at home that he felt uncomfortable. His head would often feel heavy and his body would frequently be sore.

He realized that apart from being tied up on the first day, it wasn't so bad after all. He still felt healthy after running around, drinking raw water, running under the sun and wind, eating raw and cold food... He has done all of that, but he ended up fine.

Maybe he wasn't as weak as he thought he was...

He felt as if he was struck by lightning.

The adults barely talked about his specific medical conditions. He thought it was serious so the adults kept it away from him.

The Young Master looked at Lin Miao, who was talking with the dog, unable to believe his conjecture.

"Shuishui, did any of the adults ever tell you what diseases I have?" He asked.

Lin Miao shook her head. "They never told me, but don't be scared, I will protect Gege."

The Young Master wasn't scared, he just has a really bold guess right now. Originally, he felt that the kidnapping would be the end of him due to how frail his body was. He was determined to return alive with Shuishui. However, he soon forgot about this thought because of all the complications that happened.

And he just realized that his body seemed... good, better than any other time.

Lin Miao misunderstood her brother. She thought he was just feeling desperate because of the rain outside.

Lin Miao moved in front of him and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, Gege. I'll tell you a secret, don't tell others. The Master said I was blessed, and I could shield misfortunes for you."

She overheard some of the conversations between the Master and the village head. Even though she could only understand some of it, she was still able to make out some of its meaning.

No matter how smart the Young Master was, he never would've guessed that Lin Miao would say such a thing.

He could only stare dumbfoundedly at her, thinking that there was probably no one as pure as her.

The Young Master had stayed home more than he had gone to school because of his health.

He hated watching television because it would either be a show her mom starred in or an advertisement featuring her.

His mother would have children in many of the television shows. The kids in there probably called her mother "mom" more times than he ever did.

So he spent much of his time in the study because he didn't know what else to do.

He started off reading fairy tales and eventually moved on to renowned mystery novels.

The more he read, the more he felt that he was alone more times than not, advancing by himself.

However, it wasn't like children of his age have never come to his house. Sadly, many of the visitors thought that the Young Master was a lost only-child who wouldn't make it far, so they all suggested his parents adopt others and such.

Some people even placed an infant in front of their doorsteps. Of course, his grandma called the police and delivered the kid to the orphanage. The police quickly found the person, and they were from the same neighbourhood.

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