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(Reminder that Beomgyu is stone faced unless talking to Taehyun)

"Beomgyu-ah! Come here darling!" His mom called, the smell of food filling the air.

Food. That's Beomgyu's source of happiness. Whenever the aroma of food comes around, sparkles fill his eyes.

"Taehyun, can you eat?" Beomgyu asked the ghost who's sitting at the windowsill.

"I don't know. Haven't tried." Was all he could reply, simply staring out into the horizon.

Beomgyu nods and went out the door, going over to the kitchen. "Mom." He called.

His mom faced him with a smile. "Yes, darling?"

"Is it alright if I eat in my room? My room is downstairs now. Plus I have wooden floor if I spill."

"Sure, but even so don't spill." She warned. "Go on now."

Beomgyu nods once before taking his bowl of rotini noodles with gooey egg yolks mixed in and a fried egg plus sliced up hot dogs. On the side he had a plate of salad with tomatoes and peppers. His face scrunched at the healthy choice.

"Yeah, I'm not eating this.." especially the tomatoes.

He went to his room and placed the food on the recently placed table.

His room was already done setting up. His bed and bedside table were the only things he needed for now. He also had his night light that he could not stand sleeping without.

"Taehyun, I brought food. Want to see if you can eat it?" He asked with sudden eagerness. Beomgyu sat on the edge of his bed as he waited for Taehyun's answer.

Taehyun hesitated, but nods anyway and floats on over to Beomgyu's bedside. "Can you.. feed me?" He asked.

"Of course. I don't know if you can even hold the fork." He chuckles.

Taehyun raised a brow and grabbed the fork, easily picking it up. Beomgyu's eyes widen.

"If you can pick up the fork, why have me feed you?" He asked, clearly not understanding Taehyun's motive at all.

He only shrugged and put the fork down. "Feed me." He demands, opening his mouth slightly.

Giving in, Beomgyu put a rotini in his mouth and watched as Taehyun's eyes glowed from the taste of food.

"Mm~ I haven't had good food in so long~" he hummed, satisfied with the delicious taste.

"You don't eat?" Beomgyu questioned.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I don't. I'm dead." Taehyun deadpanned, catching Beomgyu off guard.

"Oh.. sorry.." he pouts. Taehyun just rolled his eyes and gave him a ghost hug. Aka, a cold hug.

"Taehyunie is gonna keep you safe." He says, making it his new mission.

"Keep me safe? From what?" Beomgyu asked.

"Everything! Because you can see me and I can touch you." He smiles, ruffling his hair.

Beomgyu smiled back at him. "Okay." Simple reply.

They sit in silence after that, finishing up Beomgyu's dinner together.

"Can you eat these.." Beomgyu frowns, stabbing a tomato with his fork and picking it up in the air for Taehyun to see better.

"Yeah, I love tomatoes." He said, taking the tomato into his mouth.

Beomgyu scrunched his nose in disgust. "Can't believe you like tomatoes."

"They're good for you." Taehyun states. "You need to eat them to grow healthy."

"Never am I eating that trash." Beomgyu gagged.

Taehyun smiled while shaking his head. "Alright."

For the rest of the night, they sat in silence. Beomgyu fell asleep at some point when still sitting.

'Silly boy.. so cute..' Taehyun grabbed the empty plate and placed it on the nightstand where the empty bowl was. He then, disappeared into Beomgyu's big closet of mirrors.

Oh how Beomgyu could not stop smiling after sharing his happiness with Taehyun, even in his sleep.

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