Best spot

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"You know, I think we should just go to the place we met." Beomgyu said.

"Good ideaaa. But I really want to show you a special, special spot!" Taehyun ruffles his hair.

Beomgyu huffs. "Okayy, not like you're taking forever or anything." He pouts.

"Stop pouting~ you're too cute I wanna squish those cheeks."

"But chu can't because then I'll fall." Beomgyu huffs again.

"Yep, and I'm willing to do that if it's to squish your cheeks, so stop being cute."

"I can't control that.." Beomgyu frowns. "Please don't drop me?"

"Aha, I'm joking. I'll never drop you."

"Never say never..!" Beomgyu clings onto his waist. "I feel safe now."

Taehyun just chuckles. They made it to Taehyun's so called special, special place. "Behold! The Eiffel tower!"

"Hyunie, this isn't the Eiffel Tower. It's called the Burj Khalifa."

"The Khalifa what now? Nah this is definitely the Eiffel Tower. I saw it plenty of times! Look, it's so pretty and big up close!"

Beomgyu shook his head with a smile. "See, this is why you need school."

"I'm a ghost! I can study the universe all I want!" Taehyun huffs. "Come on! Let's sit. My favorite spot is all the way up here!" He said while flying to the very top.

"I see. You just really love sitting on glass."

"Yeah! We can see the whole world from up here too." Taehyun exclaimed with excitement.

"Actually, no we can't."

"Ever heard of exaggeration? You're no fun, Beomie." Taehyun glared at him.

"I'm sorry~ I just dunno why but suddenly I just wanted to point out all the obvious things." Beomgyu states with a blank expression.

Taehyun laughs at his expression. "Aw~ don't be. I was just joking." He gave him another kiss on the cheek. "So, shall we eat?"

"Yep! I neeeeed you to see my creations now!" Beomgyu opens the picnic basket.

Taehyun took out a plate with a lid, a container with Beomgyu's creations, and the container with Taehyun's creations.

He then opened the lid to Beomgyu's container and gasped with a smile. "Aww~ are these strawberry, grape, and cherry animals in the shape of our friend group?" Taehyun asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah! Bunnies, kitties, penguins, foxes, and bears! I would've done a squirrel buuut I can't do that." Beomgyu pouts.

"It's okay. I think of myself as a cat anyways." He flips his non existent hair.

"I also used chocolates for their faces and there's also a chocolate dip!"

"Sounds delicious. Let's eat the spaghetti first and have your fruits after." Taehyun opened the spaghetti container. "Here's the plates I brought too."

"Thank you!" Beomgyu watched as Taehyun scooped out half the spaghetti and portioned it on both Taehyun and Beomgyu's plates.

They dig into the food and were like those anime characters when they eat delicious food. "Mm~ delicious." Taehyun said.

"You've really outdone yourself this time, love! It's so sweet and I really love the meat sauce." Beomgyu giggles.

"Thanks for the compliment~ Hehe." Taehyun hugs Beomgyu's side.

They take their time eating the spaghetti while watching the scenery together. After a while they moved onto eating Beomgyu's fruit animals. Beomgyu took a big dip into the chocolate before shoving the strawberry bunny in his mouth.

"I killed Soobin." He said, munching on the bunny.

"Pfft- watch." Taehyun does the same, dipping the fruit into chocolate and shoving it into his mouth. Except this time he did a grape fox. "Yeonjun too is dead."

"Nom nom nom. Hehe, you have chocolate all over your lips." Beomgyu giggles.

"Hm?" Taehyun licks his lips. "Did I get it?"

"I'm gonna do something cliché real quick."

"Oh? Okay then, here." Taehyun gave Beomgyu a napkin.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes playfully. "The other one."

"Ooooh! A ki-mph!" Beomgyu, of course, kissed Taehyun on the lips. At the same time he's licking the chocolate off his lips.

"Yummy." Beomgyu said, licking his own lips that now had chocolate on them.

"That was hot." He bluntly states.

"I know." He chuckles. "Do me next." Beomgyu closed his eyes and waits.

Taehyun smirks and grabs the napkin, hitting Beomgyu's lips with it. The two break into a fit of giggles before Taehyun captures Beomgyu's lips once more.

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