Nickelodean Universe

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"Taehyun!" Beomgyu shouts. Right away, Taehyun teleported in front of him. "Oh! You came!" He smiles.

"Of course I did. You called." Taehyun hums. "Now what was it that you needed?"

"I wanna go on those." He mesmerizingly said looking down at all the rides.

Taehyun took a look and went, nope! He hated rollercoasters. "Are you sure?" He questions.

"What, you aren't chicken, are you? As a ghost that flies around the world every night, I didn't think you'd be scared of rollercoasters." He laughs.

"Mommy, that man is talking to himself!" A boy said from behind. Beomgyu looked back in shock.

"Shh, don't talk like that. He could hear you!" The mother then pushed her son away.

Beomgyu sighs. "Maybe we should talk somewhere more private."

"This way." Taehyun guides Beomgyu to what was an M&M's shop.

"So much M&M's.." Beomgyu said with wide eyes.

"We gotta find the others." Taehyun said.

"But where could they be? Hmm.."

With Yeonbin, they were having so much fun with each other.

"Omg! It's a stingray!" Yeonjun squeals in delight, pointing up at the water above.

The two were at a place called, SeaLife. It was pretty empty where they were, Soobin taking this chance to be more affectionate to his lover.

He had an arm wrapped around the older's waist, just the two in their own little world watching swimming fish at this aquarium.

Meanwhile with Huening Kai, he was done being upset. At the moment he was trying to find Beomgyu since he realized he left him alone a while ago.

Buuuut he got distracted by a store full of candy. He ended up buying a bunch of candy. Funny thing, the store was nearby the amusement park. So, Taehyun found him easily.

"Found Kai." He said, pointing at the boy so Beomgyu could see.

"Wow, he's eating candy? We got him egg tarts earlier." Beomgyu sighed. "Come on." He walks towards the other.

"Oh! Hi Gyu! Hi Hyun!" The tallest said with his mouth full of sugary sour gummies.

"We're gonna go on rides! You're coming with us." Beomgyu said and pulled Huening out of that store.

"Rides? You don't mean, rollercoasters, do you?" Huening Kai gulps the candy in his mouth. He nervously looked up to see the rides.

"Yep! Are you like Taehyun? Are you scared?" Beomgyu questioned with an eyebrow raise.

"Scared? What? Pfft- me? Nahhh.." Huening gulped again, this time it was just his saliva.

"If you're scared, you don't have to go. I can go with Taehyunie!" Beomgyu grins.

"What? So he gets an option but I don't? I see how it is." Taehyun huffs, floating into criss-cross sitting position.

"Aha, I'm joking Hyunie. You don't have to go. I can go by myself." Beomgyu walked on over to the ticket buying area.

"So, you gonna go?" Taehyun asked the other.

"Erm, well I'll probably go on one. Just so Beomgyu doesn't feel alone. You know?"

"Yeah, same." The two sighed and followed Beomgyu.

"God- those tickets are so expensive!" Huening said with wide eyes.

"Not for me they aren't." Beomgyu laughs. He easily buys the tickets without making a dent in his wallet. "Hyunie can just go on for free. Isn't that cool?"

"The privileges of being a ghost." Taehyun shrugs. "But I'll just go on the ferris wheel with you."

"Lamee. Let's go Kai!" Beomgyu grabs his hand and pulls him inside.

"Lord have mercy.." Huening Kai mumbled to himself, fear in his eyes.

"I think we should go to the others now, Soobs." Yeonjun said. The two just got out of SeaLife.

"Oh! Okay! Where are they exactly?" Soobin asked with a straight face.

"Dunno. Oh hey! Wanna go on rides together? There's an amusement park in the mall."

"Oh, sure! Lead the way, darling." Soobin bows.

"Of course, baby." Yeonjun laughs. The two make their way to Nickelodean Universe.

"Wahh!! Kai!!" They heard Beomgyu shout. Turning their heads, they saw Beomgyu and Kai bumping into each other with bumper cars.

"Sorryy!" The younger exclaimed with giggles following.

Yep. Beomgyu knows the two Maknaes are scared of rollercoasters so he went to smaller rides so they can ride too. Beomgyu and Taehyun were in a bumper car together and Kai was in his own.

"Seems like they're having fun." Soobin giggles, latching his pinkie with Yeonjun's.

"Absolutely!" He laughs. They walk over to them and watch them adoringly like parents watching their kids.

"Ahh! Soobin Hyunng! Yeonjuniee!" Beomgyu shouts, waving at the two. The bumper car was still moving and turning. Taehyun took control.

"Hi guys! Let's ride roller coasters together!" Yeonjun said.

"Yes pleaaase!" Beomgyu claps.

After the ride was over, the three got out and joined their Hyungs. "Sooo, which ride first?" Soobin asked the two.

"You see that big skateboard that goes up and down and left and right? That one first. It looks so cool." Beomgyu said, pointing up at the ride.

"Ehh? That? Looks so scary.. and the seats are spinning too!" Hueningkai said with a shocked expression.

"Then we go on a different one. How about this one?" Yeonjun points at a normal looking rollercoaster ride. "It's the least scariest rollercoaster ride I've been on. It also feels like the quickest one."

"Pepsi? Uhm.." he hesitates.

"If you don't want to ride a rollercoaster, it's okay, we can go on smaller ones." Beomgyu reassures him.

"Actually, I'd like to try the Pepsi ride. It doesn't look too bad.."

"Great! Come on! The line is usually long since it's pretty popular, but it doesn't look too long today!" Yeonjun grabs Soobin's hand and ran off.

"Uhm.. okay? Let's go guys." Beomgyu then walked off, Huening and Taehyun following behind.

They went up the stairs and right to the start of the line. It wasn't crowded at all. It was as if no one even came up there anymore.

"Soo, front or back?" Yeonjun asked the two.

"I want front seat. I feel like the ride will end quicker that way." Huening Kai said.

"Kai, no. The front is usually more scary. Let's go in the middle, it's safer for you." Beomgyu said, getting in.

"Okay..?" Kai joined him in the seat.

Yeonjun and Soobin sat in front of them.

"Taehyun? Do you wanna join us?" Beomgyu whispered to him.

"Ehm.. I ain't going alone. Hell naw." He stayed off to the side.

After safety precautions, the ride began to move.

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