A day off

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"Beomgyuuuu Hyunng~" Taehyun sang, hugging the boy's waist.

Beomgyu was in the middle of strumming his guitar. He decided, after doing the deed with Taehyun, that since he now has a whole day of free time, he shall now write more songs.

"Mhm?" Beomgyu hummed a reply, never once taking his eyes off the guitar.

Taehyun crawled up to face him so he could give him a kiss on the cheek. Beomgyu smiled shyly, finally taking his eyes off the guitar.

"Yes?" He said, eyes full of love.

"Can I help you create the song? Or I can go with plan B. Either one works for me." Taehyun asked, saying that last part with a smug on his face.

"I don't even wanna know." Beomgyu pouts. "Well yeah you can help me. You helped me out a bunch just by singing the last song. Do you have any thoughts on this song?" Beomgyu brings the note sheet closer to Taehyun.

The other scanned the paper with a nod every few seconds. "I see.. it looks super good Beomie! Can I add the last chorus though?"

"Yeah of course you can. Do whatever you like." Beomgyu smiled. Taehyun smiled back and gave Beomgyu another kiss on the cheek, earning a giggle from Beomgyu.

"In that case, I want to add some ad libs too." He states.

The two finish writing the new song after a good 2 hours, that being said it is now 3pm. Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomhan, and Jay are all home now.

"Oh Soobin~" Beomgyu called out to the other next door. He was still in bed though.

Soobin opened Beomgyu's slightly opened door, peaking his head through. "Yeah? You called?"

"I need you to sing something for me, please." Beomgyu gave him the puppy eyes.

"Oh.. alright? What did you want me to sing?" Soobin asked, sitting himself beside Beomgyu on the bed.

"Sing these into the mic for me please." Beomgyu passed Soobin the lyrics sheet, also putting the mic in the correct placement near the older. "I'll be recording, if that's alright."

"Oh yeah, sure. Have you been writing a song?"

"Mhm! Taehyun helped too!" Beomgyu smiled widely.

"Oh? Well can I add things too?" Soobin asked.

"Hmm.. yeah sure! It's better with more ideas." Beomgyu gave Soobin the note sheet.

After another hour, Soobin's writing was finally done. Beomgyu had fallen asleep while Soobin was writing. Taehyun had to wake him up.

"Alright, now are you ready to sing?" Beomgyu asked the second he woke up, still half asleep.

Taehyun giggled at his silliness. Soobin nods affirmatively. Beomgyu hits the record button and Soobin starts singing.

"It's Thursday, mogyoire heeojyeo~ Geumyoiren, shilkeot ureobeorigo~ Toyoil bame, giuneul nae~ Iryoil haru, deo itjana~"

Beomgyu hit the stop button, which stops the recording. "Heh, that was a really good first try. Thank you."

"Ah, no need to thank me." Soobin scratched his neck from feeling embarrassed. "Singing is kinda my hobby."

"Ooo~ well there's a few more lines I need you to record please." Beomgyu says.

"Hmm.. alright." Soobin chuckles.

Beomgyu's hands spring up as he cheers from happiness. He motioned Soobin to get ready before he hits the record button once again.

"Dashin ulji aneullae~ Dashin ulji aneullae~ Dashin ulji aneullae~"

A pause came as Beomgyu hit the pause recording button. It's a lot easier to edit a song when you sing in parts. Soobin sang his next part with Beomgyu hitting record once again.

"Gireotteon, nunmureun dwirohae~ Georeoga, unmyeongeul majuhae~"

And the next one.

"Dashin ulji aneullae~"

Then the next and final one.

"Yecheukbulheoye our life~"

Taehyun and Beomgyu waved goodbye as Soobin got up and left the room, happy to hear that his singing was top notch and that Beomgyu's song was a definite success.

"Mm.. wanna record next Taehyunie?" Beomgyu asked, batting his eyelashes to tempt his boyfriend in wanting hi- i mean, to record.

"Yeah, I'll record next." With this confident look on his face, Taehyun went up to the mic and sang out with his angelic voice.

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