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"Heyy~ My baby brother~ Guess what we're gonna do today!" Beomhan said in the most obnoxious way in Beomgyu's ears.

"Oh yeah? What's that.."

The two had just left the gates of hell, going straight towards Beomhan's motorcycle.

As much as they were told to go home with Soobin, Yeonjun, and Jay, was just about as much as how rebellious they were. They defied their parents' orders and went off on their own.

Of course Taehyun is with them though, they just don't know that.

"Today, your amazing big brother Beomhan, is going to teach you! The amazing Beomgyu! How to ride a motorcycle."

"Oho! Really?! You are amazing-!"

"Under one condition. You scratch it, you pay for it."

"I take that back, you're mean." Beomgyu huffs and got onto the back of the motorcycle.

"I'm just kidding, you little teddy bear~ I know you don't know how to pay for things." Beomhan hums, putting a helmet on Beomgyu's head and starting the engine.

"ExcUse me? Better than you can! You.. crackhead!" Beomgyu punched his brother.

"Pfft- find a better comeback next time, Gyu." Taehyun held his laugh, watching from the sky.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and watched as Beomhan sat on the motorcycle and drove off, which Beomgyu has no choice but to cling onto his brother's back for the safety of his life. Though, his intrusive thoughts are telling him to let go, fly off, and die.

(Yeh intrusive thoughts be like that. 😔)

They made it to an empty parking lot with no buildings, just an empty parking lot in the middle of trees.

"Alright, to become a motorcycle master, you must first learn how to start the engine." Beomhan said, helping Beomgyu off the motorcycle. Beomgyu opened the flap of the helmet to see better.

"Err, isn't it like turning the engine of a car?" Beomgyu questioned him, scanning the handle for a key slot.

Beomhan shook his head, a disappointed sigh slipping through his lips. "You've got so much to learn."

He made Beomgyu sit on the motorcycle, Beomhan sat behind.

"To start, you must put the key in the ignition over here." Beomhan guides Beomgyu's hand with the key towards the key slot.

"Okay.. that it?"

"Nope. Then you have to turn the kill switch to run."

"Kill switch? You mean if we don't, we die?"

"I guess? I don't know since I never tried- but sure. Also, the actual first step is putting on a helmet."

"Wow." Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "So where's your helmet?"

"I had it on this entire time."

"Bro, you aren't wearing one."

"Yeah, because I don't wear one."

"Yes you do, I always see you wearing one to school."

"..ok fine I gave one of my helmets to Jay in the morning and I didn't get it back.."

"Scuse me kind sir, you're telling me you never had a helmet this entire time you drove on the road."

"Ack, cut me some slack. It's just a helmet." Beomhan pouts.

"B-Han that's legit dangerous." Beomgyu looked up at Taehyun. "Go get him his helmet."

"Yes sir!" Taehyun salutes and flies away, on his way to steal the helmet back from Jay.

"Must be nice having a ghost to serve you." Beomhan said.

"Meh. Taehyunie's my boyfriend."

"Since when?!" Beomhan's eyes widened.

"Bruh, you already forgot? I told you like ages ago." Beomgyu raised a brow.

"Pfft- yeah. I was joking..."

"Sure." Beomgyu then watched as Taehyun cane flying back. "He's here."

"Hello~" Taehyun greets, hugging Beomgyu's side.

"So cool! Floating helmet!" Beomhan gleams. Beomgyu smacked the back of his head. "Ow.. my brother's a meanie." He pouts.

"Dummy." He rolled his eyes. "Thank you very much Taehyun." He smiled at his ghost.

"You're welcome~" Taehyun kissed the top of his head then went back to his position to watch.

"Okay! Back to motorcycle practice." Beomhan said. They go back on the motorcycle.

"Turn the engine, switch the kill switch, keep the gear shift to neutral, start button?"


Beomgyu pressed the start button and the motorcycle starts moving. Beomhan teaches Beomgyu to go faster and to slow down. He also taught him how to steer, but that was kinda easy since it's like a bike with an engine.

Beomgyu felt happy for the first time without Taehyun being included, because for that moment he forgot Taehyun was with him. All he knew was Beomhan was teaching him how to ride a motorcycle.

After motorcycle practice was over, he turned the engine off and gets off the motorcycle. The second Beomhan was off, Beomgyu gave him a big hug.

With Taehyun watching the wholesome scene from above, popcorn in hand.

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