- Chapter 4: mi fido di te. -

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Aro's Pov -

I feel so hopeless watching Caius grunt and groan in pain every few seconds as he sits on his throne, i hope we find out who his mate is soon or his pain will drive him and his mate insane. My soul brother Marcus told us straight away that the pain was the mate bond snapping into place. That means only two things, Caius's mate either saw him or saw a painting of him for the bond to snap into place. Suddenly, our receptionist walks in unannounced, making me hiss at her lack of respect, and i see she has a mobile in her shaking hand.

"Carlisle is on the phone. He said it's an emergency concerning master Caius's mate." She said, looking terrified

"Hand it over, and Felix will escort you out." I said, smirking at her

"But -"

"No buts, my dear, you knew the rules, and you broke them." Marcus said, rolling his eyes at her

"Now hand me the mobile." I said, holding my hand out

"Yes master." She said, placing the mobile in my hand

"Felix, you know what to do." I said, placing the mobile against my ear

"Of course master Aro." He said, then escorts her out with a wicked smirk on his face

"Brother, we have Caius's mate here with us, and she is experiencing the pain from the mate bond. She is human and my soul daughter with a traumatic past that we have only just rescued her from. She shouldn't be in this pain, the same pain she has felt for her entire life. You need to bring Caius here straight away, and you need to tell him things will be different. He won't be able to run to her, hold her, get close to her, or even look at her in case it causes a panic attack." Carlisle starts rambling down the phone

"Carlisle, my brother, calm yourself. Me and Marcus will be running Caius to us as fast as possible. Ask the girls to get a nest ready, but make sure none of the males go near the nest or his mate because you know what a vampire is like when another male is around his newly found mates and their nest is like. Keep the new queen safe, mine, and Marcus's niece safe, and we will be there soon." I said, watching Caius growl when i mention males near his mate

"Mine!" Cauis snarls as he breaks the arm of the throne

"Please hurry, brother, her screams are breaking my heart." He said sadly

"We will be there soon. Keep her as comfortable as you can. I have to go, brother, so we can get to you." I said softly

He ends the phone call, and i look at Marcus knowing that we need to move faster than we have ever moved before, so both Caius and his mate don't feel any more pain. Within seconds, Marucus has Caius over his shoulder, and we are both running out of the castle at vamp speed, heading directly towards Forks. Nothing, and no one is going to stop Marcus and I from meeting our newfound niece. Most importantly, no one is stopping us from getting Caius to his mate.

 Most importantly, no one is stopping us from getting Caius to his mate

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Sofia's Pov

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Sofia's Pov

I don't know what happened after arriving at Jasper's room because one minute i was screaming in pain, and the next, i'm letting Esme help me get changed into some pj's (Outfit above). The whole time, Esme helped me, i felt numb, like all my emotions were shut off, i tried to make myself feel something, but i couldn't, and i didn't like it one bit. I know Jasper is behind this because there is no other explanation for how i'm feeling. He must be feeling awful while making me feel like this, and i know Rosalie is feeling awful because she is still repeating sorry over and over again.

Right now, i'm in the attic, laying on a mattress on the floor surrounded by numerous different blankets that are cocooned around me, and i'm staring up at the ceiling. I'm not alone, though i have Esme, Alice, and Rosalie with me, and they're talking among themselves while looking at me worriedly. I still feel very numb, and it worries me that Jasper is feeling all my pain while he stops me from feeling it. I want to scream at him to stop and let me deal with the pain alone so he doesn't have to, i have dealt with pain my whole life, so why would this be any different.

"We have to tell her before he gets here, or she will panic!" Rosalie hissed at Alice

"She's right Esme, ive seen it. If we don't tell her, she panics and tries to harm herself." Alice said sadly

"Okay, but i will tell her. You two need to get enough food and water to last a few days or weeks because we don't know how long the both of them will be in this room." Esme said sternly

"Food and water, got it." Alice said, then she disappeared with Rosalie not far behind her

"Sweetheart, someone is coming here. His name is Caius, and you're his mate. Mates are our version of soulmates. He will be coming to this room with you because this is yours and his nest room. We will make sure he knows not to go near you until you're ready, but he has to be in this room with you for the pain to stop. None of us will leave the house, so you won't be alone, and we promise he will never be able to hurt you because it's impossible for him to do so. All i ask is for you to trust me, not anyone else, just me, and trust that i won't let anything bad happen to you from now on." Esme said as she kneels beside the pile of blankets, and i get this motherly vibe from her, and it fills my heart with hope, so i try the one thing i haven't gone on years, i speak

"mi fido di te. (I trust you)" I whisper in Italian, making Esme gasp loudly

"Thank you, sweetheart, i will never, and i mean never break your trust." She said with vemon in her eyes



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