- Chapter 11: Jasper won't hurt me. -

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Sofia's Pov

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Sofia's Pov

It's now the next day after getting to know everyone, and it was amazing to have that time with them because i don't know how it's possible, but i feel more connected to them all now. Not one time during our talk did Caius let me off his lap he kept holding me close and kissing my head every now, and then by doing that, he made me feel so safe and comfortable. Then, when it got late, my emotions turned because i had to say goodbye to Aro, Marcus, and Demetri, which was hard because Aro, Marcus and I have a bond and it physically hurt to say goodbye. After they left, everyone else told me the stories about how they turned, and i cried hearing every single story, especially Jane and Alec's, because they kinda had a similar past to mine. I wanted to crush them both against my chest so no one could get close to them and protect them both with my life because they are both too cute yet deadly to get hurt by anyone. In the end, Caius had to take us back to our nest because his instincts got too much, and he wanted to be alone with me which i didn't mind at all since we just spent the time cuddling. He told me all about his vampire life and his human life. By the time he finished talking, i felt like the bond we had grew a hundred times stronger because i didn't want to leave his arms at all.

I did make the mistake of telling Caius about my whole life starting from as far back as i can remember, and well, it ended up with him destroying a wall and half of the trees outside. Not once did he come close to me in his anger fueled moment he actually asked Esme and Rosalie to sit with me while he got all his anger out, but i could still see everything. Seeing him like that didn't scare me at all it actually made me feel safe and protected like he would stop anything that would cause me harm. I kinda enjoyed seeing him destroy everything and anything in his path because, let's be honest, seeing him like that made me feel all hot and bothered. It felt nice to finally be surrounded by people who want to protect, love, and make me happy instead of causing me pain like my so-called papà has for my entire life. I will admit it still feels weird, and my body is still wound up tight like it's expecting to feel a punch or a kick, but my mind and i know that will never happen while i'm with the cullens. Yet this morning, when i woke up cuddled against Caius, my body felt less tight, like it's finally registering that we won't be hurt again and that we were finally safe. I'm now sitting on the couch next Caius in the living room while Esme, Rosie, and Emmett help fix what Caius destroyed yesterday.

"Sofia? How are you feeling after yesterday?" Carlisle asked, sitting down on the couch opposite me

"Mi sento bene? Sono solo confuso su quello che è successo a mio papà. (I'm feeling okay? I'm just confused about what happened to my papà)" I said, remembering why Chief Swan came here yesterday

"You don't need to worry about that god-awful man anymore, sister. We handled it, and everything was taken care of." Alice said suddenly, appearing in the living room with Jasper, who is smirking

"Perché ho la sensazione che il mio cosiddetto papà ora giaccia in un fosso da qualche parte. (Why do I have a feeling that my so-called papa is now lying in a ditch somewhere?)? " I said, tilting my head and looking at Jasper

"We may have beaten him a little for what he has done to you." Alice said, looking at me with honesty in her golden eyes

"He shouldn't have abused an innocent child. I wasn't going to let him live after he hurt you, our sister." Jasper said simply, then walked over to the balcony floor to ceiling doors

"I will go talk to him." Alice said sadly

"No! I will." I said, getting off the couch

"I will be here if you need me, Amore mio." Caius said softly

"I won't need you, Jasper won't hurt me. He needs me, Cai." I said, then walked over and stood next to Jasper

"You know Jasper, i have figured some things out since i have been here." I said softly

"And what might those things be, darlin?" He asked, learning against the door frame

"I'm safe here, i can finally be who i have wanted to be for a very long time. I am finally protected, loved, and can be happy again. I finally have a home here with you guys, and i never want to be without any of you. Yes, you may have killed my pa- Matteo, but he deserved it after everything he had done to me. You saved me yet again Jasper, you saved me from the possibility of him coming after me. You gave me the chance to live my life the way i want to, so thank you, Jasper. You truly are an amazing brother to me." I said with my Italian accent, very strong, not hiding who i am anymore

"I will always do whatever it takes to keep you safe and danger away from you. The others would have done the same, but i got to that vile man before they could. Nothing or no one will hurt you again, darlin. I promise you that. It's time for you to finally be set free and be who you are without anyone stopping you or causing you pain. No, thank you is needed." He said, then wrapped his arm gently over my shoulder

"We can be the Italian girl and Texas boy duo." I said, smiling

"No one would know what hit them, darlin." He said, smirking



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