- Chapter 19: Always, Esme, always -

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Sofia's Pov

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Sofia's Pov

I frowned, looking at Cai through the mirror, but continued brushing my teeth until the vile taste of sick was no longer in my mouth. I put the toothbrush on the counter next to the sink, and then i used a cup to rinse my mouth out with water. Cai not once looked at me infact he was too busy staring at my stomach with wide ruby red eyes that were filled with shock and happiness.

Esme let's go off me, then stands beside me, lacing her fingers together against her stomach, looking at me concerned. I turn around, resting my lower back against the counter, which seems to snap Cai out of whatever state he is in. He rushes towards me, sweeping me off my feet, holding me bridle style, mumbling about how i shouldn't be on my feet.

Before i could open my mouth, Cai was lying me down on a hospital bed in the medical room with Carlisle and Esme standing at the end of the bed. All of them keep looking at me, then at my stomach over and over again, and to be honest, it is freaking me out. My chest starts to get tight, and my breathing starts to get heavy the longer they stare at me.

"What the hell is going on, and why am i in the medical room!?" I asked, feeling my chest get tighter

"Sofia, my dear. Carlisle is just going to give you a medical check to see if what we are hearing is correct and to make sure you are okay." Esme said, and that alone makes my chest even tighter

"Why wouldn't i be okay? What can you guys hear?" I asked as my breathing gets heavier

"Sweetheart, we can hear an extra heartbeat coming from you." Carlisle said softly, yet the softness of his voice did nothing to ease me

"W-What? But isn't that impossible?!" I asked in shock the tightness in my chest, leaving

"I was under the impression it was impossible amore, but here we are listening to the thump thump of the heartbeat coming from your skin kissed stomach." Caius said, looking at me with love in his eyes

"But if I'm pregnant, how will this work? The baby will be half vampire and half elemental? Wait, what if the baby is a different elemental? Oh lord, what are we going to do, Cai?" I said, full-on panicking now

"Hey, amore, take some deep breaths for me. We will find out more about that once Carlisle has confirmed the pregnancy and once the possible baby is born. We just need to take one day at a time amore." Cai said softly as he kneeled down beside the bed, taking my hand in his

"Can i do the medical check, sweetheart? I won't do anything if you're uncomfortable." Carlisle asked just as softly as Caius

"Y-You can check. But slow movements, please." I said nervously because the last time Carlisle gave me a medical check was when he saved me

"Of course, I wouldn't want to upset or make my daughter uncomfortable now, would i?" Carlisle said, making me smile

"No, you wouldn't." I said, shaking my head, still smiling

"Exactly because i would rather watch the world end than make my daughter cry in discomfort and unhappiness." He said, making me roll my eyes

"You won't make me cry. I may be nervous, but i won't cry." I said, shaking my head

"Right then, can you lay back for me and lift your shirt up just enough to show your stomach." He asked softly

I do as Carlisle asked, I lay all the way back against the bed, taking a few deep breaths, knowing Carlisle won't hurt me. Then i lift my shirt just enough for my stomach to be showing, then i grab Caius's hand, squeezing it tightly. Esme disappears, then re appears wheeling in what looks like an ultra sound machine in between her and Carlisle. I watch Carlisle put the gel on the wand, and then he slowly moves the wand to my stomach, gently moving it around.

I couldn't hold back a gasp at how cold the gel feels, and Carlisle mumbles a sorry as he looks at the monitor, which i can not see, unfortunately. Caius is leaning back, trying to look at the monitor, but Carlisle moves the monitor, so it's facing him and Esme. Carlisle presses a button, and the room is engulfed in the sound of a heartbeat, a heartbeat that sounds strong. My eyes go wide and fill with tears as i look at Caius, only to see him looking at me with the same expressions on his face.

"Congratulations, Sofia, Caius. You're going to have a baby, your parents." Esme saod with vemon in her eyes

"Are they healthy?" I asked worriedly

"Are they healthy? How fast is the growth?" Caius asked, sounding just as worried may be more

"Perfectly healthy, and yes, Caius, the growth rate is rapid. According to these measurements, you are 26 weeks pregnant." Carlisle said in shock

"So you can see the gender?!" I said in shock

"Yes, i can. You're having a -"

"Can we keep it a surprise, Cai? I want it to be a surprise and for everyone else to be surprised since this is our family's first baby." I asked, cutting Carlisle off

"I agree with you, amore. Keeping the gender a secret sounds rather thrilling. With how fast our little one is growing, we wouldn't have long to wait to see if we have a boy or a girl." Cai said, smiling

"While it might not be long to wait, Sofia still needs a lot of rest. Sofia's body is going to be going through rapid changes, so she needs all the rest she can get." Carlisle said sternly

"I will take her to our chambers. Can you go inform your brother so they can take extra precautions to make everything child friendly and to keep everything stressfree." Cai said, making me blush

"Of course, take good care of our daughter Caius." Esme said in a motherly tone

"Always, Esme, always." Cai said, making me blush



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