- Chapter 6: He's a very trustworthy -

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Caius's Pov

I watch my little mate sleep all night, making sure not to give in to temptation to join her in the nest while the Cullen's talk to Aro and Marcus downstairs about how they are worried about her. I can also hear Marcus threaten Edward because of his actions when we arrived, and i would have done that myself, but i don't want to leave my beloved. My hands clench into fists to control my anger as i see multiple misshaped bruises covering her beautiful skin. I will kill whoever has done this to her, but i will torture them first in the worst way possible before killing them because no one and i mean no one hurts my beloved mate. I now understand why the Cullen family was worried about me being too close to her because it's something to do with her past and how she got those bruises. One thing is for certain i would and never will lay a hand on my mate with an evil intent because the only time i will lay a hand on her is to show her the love and affection she deserves after such a awful past. She will be treated like the queen she is. She will have everyone bowing down at her feet, and she will never have to worry about a thing with me beside her. No one will ever lay a hand on her again, and i will make damn sure of that because i will rip anyone apart that dares to touch her.

I'm making it my personal mission to give her the confidence to be a ruthless queen that i know she can be. I will help her be the person she wants to be while making sure she always has a smile on her face every day. She will never have to want for anything because i will buy her anything she wishes without a second thought. All i want is for her to overcome her past to be the strong woman i know she can be and eventually to be comfortable around her new family and me. Suddenly, as the sun is rising and shines through the window, i see her start to stir, and i want to run my fingers through her hair while whispering sweet nothings to her. I watch her eyes flutter open and notice they are red and swollen from all the crying she did yesterday, and it breaks my undead heart to see her like that. She looks around the room while snuggling onto a fluffy blanket, but when her eyes meet my red ones, she tenses and curls into a ball, making herself look small.

"Easy amore, i'm not going to hurt you." I said softly, only for her to whimper

"I know this is all overwhelming and scary for you, but i promise not to go any closer to you. I will stay right here till you're ready to talk or for me to sit closer because i won't pressure you to do something you're not ready for." I said, trying to ease her fear

"It will take her time, Caius. She has only spoken to me and Jasper since she has been here. It all depends on if she feels like she can trust you." Esme said, walking into the room with a bottle of water and some food on a tray

"I will wait however long it takes for her to trust me and to speak to me. All i want is for her to be comfortable around me, Esme. I don't know what i will do if she is scared of me forever." I said sadly

"That won't happen. Sofia sweetheart, i have some breakfast for you and some water. Can you sit up for me and eat, and then you can lay back down." She said to me, then spoke softly to my mate

"Sofia, such a beautiful name." I mumble as i watch Sofia sit up

"Grazie, Esme, non dovevi cucinarmelo tu. (thank you, Esme, you didn't have to cook this for me.)" I hear the softest voice come from Sofia, and it shocked me hearing her speak Italian

"Of course i had to, sweetheart. You had such an emotional day yesterday, so breakfast in your nest is a must." Esme said as she placed the tray on Sofia's lap

"She speaks Italian!?" I whisper, so Sofia can't hear me

"Yes, we don't know why, but Alice said it has something to do with Sofia's mother." Esme whispers back

"Sono originario dell'Italia, ma io e la mia famiglia ci siamo trasferiti qui. (i'm originally from Italy, but my family and I moved here)" Sofia mumbled while looking at Esme

"Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us that sweetheart, would you like us to talk Italian, or do you want us to continue to talk like this?" Esme asked as she sat outside the nest

"Proprio come questo. (Just like this.)" She said quietly with a faint blush on her cheeks

"That's okay, it's a good job all of us know Italian then, isn't it." Esme said with a big smile

"Posso fidarmi di lui, Esme? Mi farà del male come papà?. (Can I trust him, Esme? Will he hurt me like papà?.)" She whispers to Esme, looking at me with fear in her eyes

"He's a very trustworthy person, my dear. He is also your mate, so i know without a doubt he will never hurt you like your vile man did." Esme said, trying to speak calmly, but i could hear the vemon in her voice near the end

"Può sedersi più vicino, ma solo se non si siede così vicino. Non sono pronto per quello. (He can sit closer, but only if he doesn't sit so close. I'm not ready for that, " She said, fiddling with the tray on her lap

"Thank you for trusting me, Sofia. I will sit behind Esme so it doesn't make you uncomfortable." I said with a small smile while i mentally did a happy dance because i got to be closer to my mate



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