- Chapter 20: Wait, excuse me!? -

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Sofia's Pov

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Sofia's Pov

And Caius has kept to his word. He has done nothing but take care of me for two days, and he literally will not let me lift anything. My stomach has grown tremendously over the last few days, which has resulted in my body aching and being sore. Every day, i can sense the baby's elemental magic growing with them, and i can tell this baby is going to be one powerful elemental. That just makes my fear grow because if they are powerful, any supernatural being will want my baby for their power. I will do anything in my power to make sure my baby isn't used, and i know everyone here will do the exact same.

Aro and Marcus are proving that right now, with how protective they are, they are already being very protective, and the baby isn't even born yet. Don't get me started on Caius he is like a protective daddy bear on the hunt for danger, and his instincts have kicked up to a all time high. He won't even let Jasper or Emmett near me if they don't have a good enough reason to speak with me. He will only let Alice, Rosalie, and Esme actually be alone with me since he said they won't take me from him or harm the baby, and that upset Jasper and Emmett. I had to stop them fighting Caius because they are adamant that Caius is keeping them from me without reason.

Right now, i'm in the throne room standing in between Caius and Jasper as they hiss at each other. I'm so close to blasting them both with a big ball of water because they are starting to piss me off. All they have been doing is yell at each other for the past hour, and it's tiring to also have to stop them, so i'm letting them get out of their system. If i stand in the middle of them like i am doing, then it won't lead to violence because i know they wouldn't do anything that resulted in hurting me. I push Jasper back when his eyes go black, which means the major has taken control, and this won't end well.

"This needs to stop right now. Cai, you know for damn sure Jasper, Major, and Emmett will not hurt me. This is your instincts taking over so you better get control because i will not have you stopping my brothers from seeing me after everything they have done for me." I said, crossing my arms

"But -"

"No buts. I appreciate you being protective, Cai, but you don't need to protect me from the people who have proven they won't hurt me from the very beginning. Our baby is perfectly safe here with their family, who will love them for all eternity. Our baby is safe, Cai. Listen to their heartbeat, baby." I said, knowing he is afraid of losing our baby

"Their safe." He said, taking some deep breaths

"Yes, they are safe. They will always be safe here with us." I said softly

"I'm so sorry, amore. I have been causing you stress." He said softly

"No need to be sorry, you couldn't control your instincts, and that's okay baby, but all of this has to stop because i can't take anymore fighting." I said, rubbing my forehead

"So stop it shall." He said, then turns to Jasper, or should i say Major

"My apologies, Jasper and Major. My instincts are so high right now, and i know i have no excuse for my odd behaviour. Yet i deeply apologize, and i hope you can find it in your nature to forgive me." Cai said, sounding very honest, and his eyes aren't dark red anymore

"I accept your apology. Us males will do anything to protect our mates. I understand, Caius, but please don't stop Jasper and me from seeing our sister." Major said, looking at me softly

"Thank you for your forgiveness. I shall never restrict you from seeing Sofia. I will not cross that line again." He said, pulling me back against his chest, putting his hands on my baby bump

"Does this mean no more fighting?" I asked, relaxing again, Cai

"Yes, amore. No more fighting." He said, then kissed my head

"Oh, thank whatever god is listening. I was so close to blasting you both with a big water ball." I said, blushing

"Brothers, have you seen - never mind, i found you, sweetheart." Carlisle said, rushing into the throne room

"Papa? Why were you looking for me?" I said, tilting my head and making him freeze

"D-Did she just?" Carlisle asked wide-eyed

"Yes, she did, but do answer her brother." Marcus said, then chuckled at Carlisle's expression

"It's your due date any day now, and i just wanted to check on you to see how you are feeling." He said, snapping out of his shock

"Thinking about it now, i have had a few pains in my lower area for the past hour but i thought nothing of it since ive had a few pains over the past couple of days due to the baby's growth." I said, thinking our loud

"How far apart are these pains, sweetheart?" He asked now in doctor mode

"I think they are every five minutes? Why are you asking, and why are you in doctor mode? What's going on?" I asked so confused

"Without looking, i think you're in labour. Caius, please carry her at human speed to the medical room. Everyone else needs to stay away from the medical room until further notice because Caius will lose control over all his instincts." Carlisle said, but it sounded like an order

"Wait, excuse me!?" I said in shock and nervousness

"You may be in labour, amore. Now we need less talking, and i need to do more walking." Cai said, gently sweeping me up into his arms bridle style

"I need Esme with us! I can't do this without you and Esme!" I said, panicking



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