- Chapter 10: Get to know each other -

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Sofia's Pov

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Sofia's Pov

I watch Charlie drag Bella would of the living room and hear his police cruiser driver away with the sirens on. He must be angry because he only ever puts those sirens on for emergencies or, like now, when he is angry. I look down, hiding my face from everyone because Bella is right about one thing i am a scar face. Thanks to my so-called papa, i have a scar that starts on my left eyebrow that goes down to my left cheekbone. There was nothing i could have done to stop him from giving me that scar because he literally tied me to a chair and cut my face with a kitchen knife. I have always tried to hide my face every chance i get because of that scar, but the whole time i have been here, i forgot about it. Now that Bella has mentioned it, i feel self-conscious because i know the scar has made me ugly, and why would Caius want someone as ugly as me. I finally had the confidence to finally be myself, yet Bella has completely ruined that.

"Hey, sister, don't look down because your crown will fall off." Rosalie said softly

"Che corona? Non ho una corona. (What crown? I don't have a crown.)" I mumble as i look around the room, confused

"You have a crown now darlin, you're our sister and queen. You will always have a crown, so keep your head up, your majesty." Jasper said with a soft smile

"Sono troppo brutta per essere una regina. Guarda la mia faccia! (I'm too ugly to be a queen. Look at my face!)" I said with tears in my eyes only for Rosalie to gasp

"Oh my, if you're ugly, then so am i." Rosalie said, placing her hand over her heart

"So am i." Alice said, doing the same as Rosalie

"If you three are ugly, then that means i am too!" Esme said

"NO! voi tre siete bellissimi. Perché pensi di essere brutto? (No! the three of you are beautiful. Why would you think you're ugly?)" I said in shock because they are nowhere near ugly

"Then you are beautiful too because all we see is a beautiful brown haired girl with blue and green eyes that has warrior scars and a kind heart. You will always be beautiful to us, sister, no matter what." Rosalie said, kneeling down in front of me and Caius, then she takes my hands in hers, holding them tightly

"She is right, amore. You are absolutely beautiful just the way you are. Don't let what Isabella said get to you because she is just jealous of how stunning you are." Caius said, wrapping his arms around my waist

"ma la cicatrice? (But the scar?)" I mumble, playing with Rosalie's fingers

"Your scar just shows how beautiful and strong you are, my dear. You are my beautiful, strong daughter who deserves the whole world now." Carlisle said softly

"I-I." I couldn't find the words to say anything

"Let us show you what it's like to be in a safe, loving family, sweetheart." Esme said softly

"O-Okay, ma Caius resterà con me? (O-Okay, but Caius will stay with me, right?)" I asked nervously

"Of course he will stay with you, sunshine. Me and Aro will go back to Volterra to take care of some business while Caius stays here with you." Marcus said softly

"You're leaving?" I asked, whimpering

"Yes, little one, but we will come visit you." Aro said just as softly as Marcus

"Promise?" I asked, scared to lose the two vampires i feel connected to

"We promise sunshine." Marcus said with a small smile, making everyone look at him in shock

"Will any of us be staying behind?" The big mountain of a vampire said, and his voice was low with a soft edge to it

"Yes. I want you, Jane, and Alec to stay here, but the both of you will be under Carlisle's leader ship." Marcus said, looking at the youngest looking vampires

"Yes Master." The younger vampires said in unison

"I don't like that." I said shiving when i remember all the times papà asked me to call him Master

"What don't you like Amore?" Caius asked as he rested his head on my shoulder

"Them calling Marcus Master. Papà used to make me call him that." I said with tears in my eyes

"No more calling us Master, call us by our names." Aro said immediately and got nods in return

"I'm sorry you have to change things because of me. Im so sorry." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek

"We will be changing a lot of things for you because you're not just Caius's mate. You are our niece, and we want you to be comfortable around us." Marcus said as Rosalie stood up and went back to Emmett

"I am comfortable around you." I said, fiddling with Caius's fingers this time

"Fiddling with my fingers says otherwise, amore. All of us will never, and i mean never hurt you." Caius said softly, then kissed the top of my head

"I-I'm just nervous." I said nervously

"Being nervous is okay, firefly. You have been through so much, but now you get to be yourself. You being nervous is you starting to be yourself again." Emmett said as softly as he could

"Do you want your blanket, dear?" Carlisle asked softly

"Yes, please. It helps me feel less nervous." I said, blushing

"I will get it for you." He said, then vamp speeds only to reappear seconds later with my blanket

"Do you want it wrapped around you or around both you and Caius?" He asked as he stood in front of us

"Erm." I said, looking down, blushing

"Around both of us, please, Carlisle." Caius said, taking control of the situation

"T-Thank you, Cai." I said, looking over my shoulder at him

"No problem, amore." He said softly

"Why don't we all get to know each other a little more before some of us have time leave." Esme said with a smile



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