- Chapter 9: That scarred face bitch -

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Sofia's Pov

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Sofia's Pov

Caius doesn't let me walk again because in a split second, im in his arms bridle style again, and he is now walking through the Cullen's house at a fast human pace with a excited smile on his face. I have this feeling that he doesn't smile very often, but i will try my damn hardest to make him smile as much as i can because everyone deserves to smile. Soon enough, Caius walks into the living room where i see everyone sitting around talking and laughing together like a happy family. I also see that there are numerous places for Caius to sit, but Caius doesn't sit in any of them except in the empty seat on the other side of Esme. Once he is sitting down next to Esme and is holding me on his lap, i see everyone looking at me with curiosity in their gold and red eyes, which makes me feel nervous. It's unnerving seeing so many red-eyed vampires in the same room as me, a human who is basically their food source. I feel my nervousness calm down, and i know it's Jasper, so i look at him, tilting my head to the side and pout only for Jasoer to smirk at me.

"Darlin, you look like a cute little puppy right now." Jasper said, still smirking

"Non sono un cucciolo Jasper. (I'm not a puppy Jasper)." I said, pouting more while crossing my arms

"Going back to Italian?" Caius whispers in my ear

"Sì, voglio parlare la mia lingua madre. (Yes, i want to speak my mother tongue.)" I said as i looked over my shoulder at him

"I understand, amore. Talk in whatever language makes you comfortable." He said softly, then rested his head on my shoulder

"Sweetheart, do you want me to introduce you to your soul uncles?" Esme asked softly from beside me

"No, grazie Esmé. Caius mi ha già detto chi è chi. Cioè, Aro, e quello è Marcus. (No, thank you, Esme. Caius already told me who is who. That is, Aro, and that is Marcus)." I said shly

"It's nice to meet you properly piccolo (little one)." Aro said softly with a small smile on his face

"Ciao raggio di sole, sono tuo zio Marcus. (Hello sunshine, I'm your uncle Marcus)" Marcus said, and tears gathered in my eyes because Mama used to call me sunshine

"What's wrong, sister!?" Rosalie asked worriedly

"Mia madre mi chiamava il suo raggio di sole. (My mama used to call me her sunshine.)" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek

"I'm so sorry, Sofia. I won't call you that anymore if you wish." Marcus said softly

"NO! I mean no. It's okay to call me that. It's just the first time someone has called me that since Mama died." I said, not talking Italian with tears still rolling down my cheeks

"I promise to call you that as many times as you want, then because it seems to be a special name for you." He said with a small smile

"T-Thank you." I stutter blushing

"Alice!?" Jasper suddenly said, making me flinch

"Who decided something?" Emmett asked curiously as i see Alice sat beside Jasper with a dazed look on her face

"I didn't!" Everyone said, including me

"B-Bella is coming!" Alice said, still with a dazed look on her face

"Damn it! She can't be here!" Rosalie said, looking at me worriedly

"She is already on her way she managed to trick my gift by not deciding till she was turning onto the driveway. She will be here in a minute." Alice said, coming out of her daze

"C-Caius." I stutter feeling slightly scared seeing Bella since she doesn't like me

"Amore?" He said, confused

"A Bella non piaccio. (Bella doesn't like me)." I mumble, fiddling with my fingers

"How could she not like you. You are an amazing girl." Aro said curiously

"Non le piaccio perché ho già finito la scuola e lavoro con suo padre. (She doesn't like me because i have already graduated from school and i work with her dad)." I said, still fiddling with my fingers

"She is just jealous of you, Fia, because you're one beautiful smart, amazing woman while she is a plain boring girl who doesn't know how to leave things well alone." Alice said as she looked at everyone with an unknown look in her eyes

"She's here." Carlisle said, just as i heard a door being slammed against a wall

"Eddie!" Bella shouts as she runs into the living room

"He isn't here, Bella." Rosalie said coldly, making me look at her wide-eyed

"W-What are they doing here and what the hell is that bitch doing here!?" Bella asked glaring at me with eyes full of hate

"Isabella! Do not come into my home and be disrespectful to my guests. Edward is not here, so leave before i call you father!" Esme snapped out, taking my hand in hers, holding it tightly

"Oh, i have to leave, but that scarred face bitch can stay and those human killers can stay!" She yelled and tears gather in my eyes when she called me a scarred face bitch

"What. Did. You. Just. Call. My. Sister!!" Jasper snarls out

"Scarred face bitch which she is! Just look at her face!" She said, glaring at me

"Esme, darling. Ring Charlie, i think he would like to know what Isabella is saying about the girl that he thinks of as a daughter." Carlisle said, glaring at Bella, and i see all the red-eyed vampires look the other way to hide their eyes from Charlie

"No need to ring me, Carlisle. I came straight here when a missing persons report was made about Sofia's dad, and the witness saw Esme carrying Sofia out of the house. Sorry it took me a while to come here, i knew if Esme had Sofia, she was safe, so i spent my time searching for her father." Charlie said, walking into the living room

"You won't find him." I hear Jasper whisper while smirking evilly

"Why would you care about the scarred face bitch Charlie!" Bella yelled again making me flinch

"I care more about Sofia then anything else in this world Isabella and that means more then you because we both know im not your father." Charlie snapped at her

"I-I don't know what your on about." Bella stuttered looking down at the ground

"We will talk about this at home, Carlisle i'm so sorry about this. We will leave now and let you spend time with your guests." Charlie said politely

"Thank you, Charlie." Carlisle said softly



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