- Chapter 13: It is perfectly fine, sir. -

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Sofia's Pov

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Sofia's Pov

The first part of the day went absolutely great because every time someone got too close to me, Rosalie or Emmett would tell them to back off. It was funny when all the teachers and students heard me speaking Italian because all of them looked so confused. I didn't see Bella at all during the morning, not even in any of the classes, and it was nice not having to deal with her ass. Apparently, she is in the year below Rosalie and Emmett, which makes sense to be honest. I'm currently walking to the cafeteria, in the middle of Rosalie and Emmett, as they glare at all the students staring at me. All the students have had two emotions in their eyes when i see them looking at me, the boys have lust in their eyes, and the girls have jealousy in their eyes. I honestly don't get why the girls are jealous when they look at me because im literally doing nothing for them to be jealous about. Also, if Caius saw the boys looking at me in lust, all the corridors would be paibted red with their blood because he has made it pretty obvious to me already that he is possessive. I link my arms with Rosalie's and Emmett's ignoring all the stares and looks from the students since they don't matter right now. Emmett said the others are waiting for us in the cafeteria and have some food waiting for me, which has made me so happy.

Once we reach the cafeteria, Rosalie smirks as she kicks the door open, making me giggle at how dramatic she has made our entrance. Just as we walk through the open doors getting stares of everyone, Emmett suddenly sweeps me up and puts me on his shoulders, making me squeal in surprise. I hear him say to Rosalie how their sister and queen shouldn't do any unnecessary walking, which gets an eye roll from me because all i have been doing all day is walking. Thanks to me, being on Emmetts shoulders, i take this chance to look around, and i can see Jasper and Alice sat at what must be their usual table with five trays of food. I know four of those trays won't even be touched since they don't eat, but one of them is mine, and i will definitely eat everything on my tray. As Emmett walks over the table with Rosalie behind us, i can't help but feel a little uncomfortable by the stares because most of the students are now looking at the scar on my face. I know their opinions about me don't matter, but it's the fact they are staring and whispering to each other about something they know nothing about. Before i can let my anger get the best of me and shout at them to stop staring, i feel my anger vanish and calmness takes its place.

"Emmett, be careful with our sister! She is precious cargo!" Jasper said loudly, making me blush

"Damn it Jas, shut up! It sounds like you're saying i'm pregnant!" I mumble under my breath, knowing damn well he can hear me

"Of course i'm being careful, I would never hurt our precious sister!" Emmett said loudly, making me groan in annoyance

"Would the both of you just shut up!" Rosalie snapped as we got to the table

"She's right. Can you both please just stop." I said as Emmett sat me on the seat in between Alice and Jasper

"Could have been worse. I could have actually said your boyfriend is here, so the lust ridden boys would leave you alone." Jasper said, smirking

"Oh, it has gotten worse, Jasper." Emmett said, sitting down opposite me

"Bella has heard your two and is now coming over here." Rosalie said, sitting beside Emmett

"If she starts shit i will let Caius torture her, then i will kill her myself." I mumble under my breath, completely done with Bella's shit already

"You know she will, Fia." Jasper said, sounding done with everything Bella related

"In coming." Rosalie muttered, glaring at what must be Bella behind me and Jasper

"You know, you will never truly be loved by them, don't you?. They will never want you to be in their family when you look like a monster. Just look at you. You look awful with a face like that. No one will ever love you when you look like a train wreck. " Bella said behind me, and the whole cafeteria went silent with every word she said

"You shouldn't be talking about yourself like that, Isabella. Not everyone is plain and self obsessed like you. You stand there and judge someone who you know nothing about. So let me tell you something about me, hmm. I will not let someone walk all over me ever again. I am a strong Italian woman who won't take any more shit from people. So what if i have a scar on my face that doesn't affect who i am on the inside. You are just as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside. You are boiling with jealousy right now because im sat with the cullen children and have a stronger bond with them a much stronger bond than you ever had with them. So do everyone a favour in this building and take your plain, dull, self obsessed, selfish, and good for nothing ass away from forks and go back to your mother." I said, standing up, crossing my arms facing her

"Why you little bitch!" She said as she raised her hand

"You lay one hand on her you will be expelled and we will all press charges against you for inappropriate behaviour." A teacher said leaning against the wall not to far away

"You can't do that! You're not the principal!" She sqeaked out, making Jasper cover his ears

"You're right, but he is the principal, and he heard the whole thing." The teacher said, pointing to a man in the cafeteria doorway

"You are expelled, and Chief Swan is on his way. I am so sorry for everything that has happened and said Miss Ricci-Cullen." The principal said, and i couldn't help but smile in happiness when he called me Ricci-Cullen

"It is perfectly fine, sir. Just please keep a better eye on your students because no one should be judged or bullied for their appearance. Everyone in this school should be looking out for each other, not bullying each other. After all, this is a small town, and you all need to stick together." I said calming, still standing in front of Bella

"Yes, ma'am. I will take action right away." The principal said with a small smile

"I'm proud of you, Sofia." Jasper whispers beside me loud enough for me to hear

"We are all proud of you, Sof." Alice whispers, making me blush

"Miss Ricci-Cullen, you and your siblings can leave for the day while we deal with all of this. I will personally ring Mr Cullen and explain why you have all been sent home." the principal said softly as he walked over



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