Chapter Seven

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- S E V E N -

"She said what?!" Kia almost screeched as we sat in our favourite local coffee shop.

It has been a few days since the incident between myself and Sofia, and filling Kia with the gossip was the one thing I was looking forward to for days.

Kia has always had such a busy schedule and I rarely see her however she will always be my friend-- which is something I could definitely use right now.

I couldn't speak to my sister about any of this, Bella has been incredibly vocal about how she is not a fan of my thoughts about my boss--  but when they are that good looking can you even blame a girl?

Kia scoffed at everything I had said, leaning in her chair with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. Kia isn't a coffee person, whereas I'm not much of a hot chocolate person.

"She sounds like an absolute bitch, Aila" She grumbled, taking a hesitant sip from her hot chocolate, slightly hissing as the liquid scolded her lips. I let out a small chuckle, watching as Kia blew on her hot cup.

"I was just so shocked, she seemed so nice when Abel was around." I sighed, slumping on my chair-- Sofia's words definitely affected more than I would have liked to admit.

Why was Abel with such a-- such a bitch?

"I say the guy is fair game," My best friend shrugged, resting both of her arms on the chair as she sent a cheeky smile my way. My eyes widened at her words.

"Kia!" She let out a laugh, her eyes squinting as she cheerfully giggled at me.

"What? She's a bitch," She attempted to reason with me, however, I gave her a deadpanned look with a brow raised.

"He's her fiancee, Kiki" I grumbled, using my fingers to trace circles onto the hot lid of my freshly made coffee. Without looking up, I almost hear Kia roll her eyes. She could be so dramatic at times.

"So?" I gave her another deadpanned look as I watched her shrug her shoulders without a care in the world it seems. "It's not like they are married yet,"

"Yes, but they are going to be, that's the point." I rolled my eyes at my best friend, why was she so hellbent on me getting with Abel?

I wouldn't be so against the idea of Abel and I-- if only he wasn't with Sofia.

The idea of Sofia made my blood boil, but it wasn't because she was with Abel-- it was the way she treated me when his back was turned, with pure disrespect.

She immediately went on the defence as if she had seen me already make moves on Abel.

"Maybe stealing her man will teach her a lesson," Kia suggested and my mouth fell ajar at her words.

"Kia!" I scolded, even though I was somewhat telling her off, the idea was appealing.

"What!" She let out another laugh, pushing her back off of her chair and leaning closer to the table. "I say--" Suddenly she stopped talking, her eyes darting to the door. In an instant, the smile that was once on her face faded, and she grumbled in irritation as she fell back on the chair in a slumped manner.

I looked at her with a confused look plastered on my face, my head tilting slightly as I watched her emotions switch randomly.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped at someone behind me. I turned in my chair and my eyes landed on one of my favourite people in the world-- Isabella.

"Bella!" I called for her, jumping from my seat and pulling my older sister in a hug.

"Sorella, what have you done?" She instantly asked as she returned her love in a hug. I pulled back in her arm, giving her a sheepish smile.

"I don't know what you're on about, Mela." I fibbed, I knew that she instantly knew something was up with me when I called her over. "Can I not spend time with my favourite sister?" I chirped up, raising my brows at her.

Even though I knew she wouldn't be happy with it, I still wanted her near-- she was my family after all.

"You mean your only sister?"

Isabella rolled her eyes at me, gently pushing out of my arms and pulling a seat between Kia and I to sit. For a moment, I was surprised she was even sitting so close to Kia-- given that they both despite one another.

I held in a little chuckle as I watched Kia edge herself away from Isabella's seat as if she was a child.

My sister looked up at me, gently rubbing my arm with her hand for a second before she spoke. "I know you, Aila, you even smell guilty." I narrowed my eyes at her, momentarily smelling myself before rolling my eyes and sitting back down.

I smell good, I always smell good.

"It's about Abel and his fiancee..." I spent the next few minutes telling my sister about how Sofia treated me when we first met and how Abel is being fooled by his horrid but beautiful fiancee.

Afterwards, I waited for Isabella's reaction. I knew how much she didn't like that I had the tiniest attraction to my boss.

Love never treated our family well-- which is why Isabella and I have always made sure we showed each other love every day, sometimes that meant a coffee for each other, sometimes it meant gifts-- hell sometimes it meant a simple hug.

"Sorella, you know exactly what I'm going to say--"

"Then don't say it," Kia piped up, narrowing her eyes at Isabella as she moved crossed legs further from her. My sister turned her head and looked at Kia for the first time since sitting down and glared back at my best friend. They were like little children sometimes.

Oh no, here we go again-- the reason why I could never have the two of these together was that they simply hated one another.

I shouldn't have even invited Isabella when I was with Kia, I just needed her advice instantly-- Bella was the more sensible one after all.

"Kia--" I was cut off quickly by Isabella.

"Aren't you missing your shift at the Naughty Nuns?" Isabella sneered back, my eyes widening as my elder sister hit back at my best friend. Much like myself, Kia's eyes widened at Bella's words.

"Excuse me? You bitch!" I rolled my eyes at the two fighting and throwing words at each other like a pair of children. Isabella continued to laugh at Kia as she scoffed. "You wish you were good-looking enough to be a stripper at the Naughty Nuns, maybe at the Stupid Slags yes."

Isabella paused in her laughter, gasping at Kia and sending her a glare she could only wish could kill. "Did you just call me a slag?"

"Did you just call her a slag?" I repeated, holding back a laugh. A tiny giggle seeped through my tight sealed lips as I watched Isabella's cheeks go red in rage as both herself and Kia threw themselves in another one of their arguments.

All of sudden, this was no longer about Abel and his dreadful fiancee.

For some reason, it made me happy watching the two people I love most in this world argue with each other, spitting hatred at one another. It was entertaining after all.

Instead of trying to break the two up, I simply watched as they had a go at each other, sipping my coffee as I watched the drama in front of me.

"I hate you," Kia spat out.

"I hate you more," Isabella piped up, sneering at the woman in front of her.

God, I love both of them.

God, I love both of them

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