Chapter Nineteen

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I I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Abel and I at the restaurant, and the more I thought about it the more I felt like shit.

After it all happened, I went back to Will and when I sat down I noticed the wide smile on his face-- he had no idea what was going on behind his back, moments after he had told me how he felt about me.

I had to force a happy smile on my face as we continued the date for another half hour.

After the date, Abel was the only thing on my mind.

I needed someone to talk to. I couldn't talk to Rose about it because she didn't know that there was something going on between Abel and I-- I couldn't talk about it to Kia because while she is always busy with her new girlfriend, even if she wasn't she would simply tell me to go for it because boundaries meant nothing to that girl.

I had to talk to Isabella about it all, I needed her. She was the responsible one out of the both of us.

The problem with that was that I hadn't spoken to the girl in days-- ever since she saw Abel and I kiss, we haven't said a single word to one another and I didn't think telling her that I had sex with him in a public bathroom while I was on a date with someone else-- Will of all people!

I huffed, before pulling myself up from my couch and looking around the empty living room. Isabella hasn't left her room ever since I had woken up today, the only reason I knew she was in the apartment was for the fact that her keys were still in the bowl that sat on the ledge beside the front down.

I glanced back at her bedroom door and I took myself mustering up all of my courage to walk up and finally knock on the door.

Sibling rivalry was honestly the most tiring thing you could possibly go through-- even worse when both of the siblings were as stubborn as ever.

Without listening to Isabella's response, I pulled the door open and saw my sister lying on her bed with a book in her hand. She looked up from her book and her eyes landed on mine-- and for a while, I couldn't read what she was thinking.

I could always read what she was thinking.. that's what made us work so well as siblings, we knew each other too well.

"Bella," I began, slowly stepping into the room with hesitation. It felt like I was walking in on the enemy territory. She slowly put her book down, tilting her head at me as she waited for me to continue. "I really need to talk to you, I'm sorry about what happened the other day..." I trailed, worried about what was going to happen.

I knew deep down that Isabella and I would eventually make up, I just didn't know how long it would take.

It was rare that the both of us would even fight.

Almost as soon as the words left my mouth, Isabella jumped from her bed and threw herself in my arms. I stumbled back from the impact, gasping for a second before wrapping my arms tightly around her shoulders as I hugged back.

"I'm so sorry, Girasole!" She cried out, using the nicknames we had made us for each other years ago. Just by her words, I gripped her tighter.

"No I'm sorry, Mela," I spoke into her hair and I nuzzled my face into her dark locks. I pulled away from her, with sorrow in my eyes as I mustered up the courage to tell her what had happened.

"You were right," Her brows raised in shock as her head moving back as she looked back at me. "I did a bad thing."

Isabella's face relaxed slightly and her mouth fell open slightly as she registered what I was trying to say.

"Aila, what did you do?" I gulped before speaking, I could feel my cheeks go red with embarrassment.

"I had sex with Abel," Her eyes went wide.

"What?!" I cringed away from her, knowing I wasn't finished.

"In a bathroom of a restaurant,"

"Are you serious?" She continued to gape at me. I inched further away from my sister, preparing myself for her to yell at me all over again.

"While I was on a date with someone else,"

Isabella looked at me, she didn't look at me disapproving, however. Instead, she looked fed up, and in a way so am I.

"I'm not done," I cringed at her, biting my bottom lip in hesitation. I didn't want to tell her, but then again I did want to.

I needed her help-- I needed my disapproving big sister to tell me what to do next.

"What is it?" She almost sneered at me, I could tell that she was trying her hardest not to yell at me.

Though she was undoubtedly about it scream her head off in a few minutes, I could almost feel it.

"The date..." I trailed off, fumbling with my fingers as I spoke, my eyes flickering down the ground as I couldn't bring myself to look up at Isabella. " was with Will."

"Will?" Isabella asked, her brows furrowed at me. I sighed, forgetting that it has been years for Isabella as well as me since the last time we laid eyes on Will.

I gave my sister a deadpanned look. "Will Jones--"

"Will Jones?!" Isabella screeched, startling me slightly as I jumped up from the noise. "You were on a date with Will Jones-- Willy from school?"

I rolled my eyes at his nickname-- who would want a nickname like that? I will gladly never complain about being called Lala, as long as no one calls me Willy.

"Yeah, he found me at the firm the other day and asked me out."

"And you chose to have sex with Abel while on said date with Will Jones from high school?" I nodded at my sister, giving her a sheepish look in return. She took a moment to look at me, before rolling her eyes and letting out a deep sigh.

"Oh Aila, you really do love to make bad decisions."


I really do.

I really do

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