Chapter Ten

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I groaned in irritation, looking at all the work I was yet to do that laid messy on my desk.

It was as if I was doing more and more work yet the pile wasn't getting any smaller- I didn't feel like I was going anything besides reading pages on pages and signing on the dotted line.

I thought working at my old firm was boring, AAA Marino has another thing on them-- even with the blinds open and the sun beaming into the room so bright it was almost blinding, the room seemed so dim.

Before I could get onto more paperwork-- as if that was going to do anything but bore me to sleep-- a knock on my door woke me from my trance. My head snapped up at the door.

"Come in!" I called out, inwardly thanking whoever was behind the door for interrupting whatever work I was getting done.

The door opened and it showed Marissa, Abel's assistant who sent a small smile with a nod. I raised my brows at her.

"Is there something you need?" She nodded.

"Mr. Marino would like to see you in his office, he asked me to get you personally." I froze momentarily, had I done something wrong?

I don't think I have. I don't think he's heard me say anything negative about him or his lovely betrothed-- at least not in the office, I leave all the gossip for home.

I nodded, before clearing my throat. "Thank you, Marissa, I'll be up in a second." I gave her a smile, before pushing myself up from my chair.

I couldn't help but feel worried-- what have I done? Why would the boss personally ask for me to come to his office, there was obviously something I am clearly missing here but I don't know what.

I could feel my heart heavy as I made my way to his office, my hands getting clammy with sweat as I got closer and closer.

Soon enough, I was face to face with Abel's door, his nameplate almost tempting me to run. God, I only got this job I don't want to get fired already.

I lifted my fisted hand to the door, pausing for a moment as I watched the hand tremble slightly. I cleared my throat before finally knocking on the door, the banging of which echoing in the hallway I stood in.

"Come in!" I heard from inside the room, Abel's voice muffled through the door. I let out a deep sigh, almost as if my nerves left with the sigh, and opened the door.

In the office was Abel, looking as dashing as always. He was sitting at his desk, his jacket hanging on his chair as he leaned back on his chair, one elbow resting on the rest.

I glanced at his arms, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows-- don't drool.

Do not drool in front of the boss.

"You asked for me?" I spoke up, walking into the office and watching as he nodded to the seat in front of him. No words yet, I don't know how to feel about all this.

Like always, I can never read this man-- I never know what he is thinking and it drives me insane.

I huffed quietly, sitting on the seat opposite Abel, and waited patiently for my boss to finally say what he wanted to say.

If he wanted to fire me, could he do it faster-- this waiting is killing me.

I watched Abel as he didn't bother to look up from his papers, our eyes were yet to meet. It was beginning to infuriate me.

I held in a sigh, before sitting up, alert on the chair. "Mr. Mar--"

"How was your date?" My eyes widened at his question, instantly swallowing my words. Abel finally looked up from his papers, setting them down and settling his eyes on me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Marino?" My brows furrowed in confusion, my head slightly tilted as I looked back at my intrusive boss. He cleared his throat before continuing.

"How was your date last night?" Why does he want to know how my date went? Was he jealous?

I scoffed inwardly at my own question, of course, he wasn't jealous-- he is engaged, how many times do I have to remind myself of this fact.

"How was yours?" I asked back, crossing my arms. He let out a chuckle, pushing himself off of his chair and moving around from the desk. Soon enough he was in front of me, leaning himself on his desk as he faced me, his eyes cast down on me.

I felt his presence cowering me and my neck soon ached from looking up at Abel Marino.

"I asked you first," He smirked down at me, his gaze on me making me feel hot. Without thinking, my bottom lip fell between my teeth as I gently bit down while looking back up at the man in front of me.

"It was great," I lied, the idea of the date I had continues to make me feel ill in hours after it was over. It was the most dreadful date I had even been on-- but I wasn't going to tell this man any time soon.

"Oh really," Abel spoke, leaning closer to me as his hands rested on the armrests that were on my chair, his face was closer than and I could see him so clearly.

Have I ever been this close to him? My heart raced as he inched closer and closer by the minute.

If only he knew what kind of impact he has on me.

"The kiss the two of you had surely looked great," He said, his breath gently blowing in my face as he spoke and I barely caught my breath as I watched him carefully.

He saw the kiss after all.

I leaned closer to him, pushing myself slightly up in the chair and tilting my head by the slightest-- we were only inches from each other, our lips not touching however any moment now would end it our lips meeting.

Would I risk that?

"It was," I spoke in barely a whisper, looking down to see my lips inches from his as I spoke.

My eyes snapped up to see his looking down at our lips, I could feel his breathing getting heavy as did mine.

Would it be so wrong if I simply moved an inch closer to him, if our lips touched. Would be it the worst thing in the world?

I felt one of his hands gently caress my cheek, his knuckles running themselves gently on my skin, instinctively closing my eyes at the touch.

"Oh, sweet Aila..." Abel trailed off, his lips grazing my own as his fingers did their dance on my jaw.

I should, I really should.

But I can't. I felt myself ache as I pushed away, my eyes flying open and I managed to muster enough self-control to pull away from my own wants.

"Is that all Mr. Marino?" I cleared my throat, my eyes flickering up and down. Eventually, I looked back up at my boss, his eyes glistering with mystery as a small smirk crept upon his face.

He pushed himself off of the chair, leaning back on the desk behind him and crossing his arms over his chest. Finally, there was a distance between us.

I needed this distance, if not I don't know how far I would go-- he was too alluring.

"It is all, Miss Romano. You can go," He gestured to the door behind me, a smile on his face before he turned away and made his way back to his chair.

I nodded as he walked off, and wasted no time getting out of the office. As soon as I was out, I let out another sigh-- similar to the one I let out seconds before entering the office in the first place.

That man truly does something to me.

But, why did he call me all the way to his office just to ask me about my date? Why did he care that much?

As bad as it sounded, part of me wished that he was jealous.


-- All of me wished he was jealous.

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