Chapter Sixteen

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"I feel like I've been here before," Kia snored at me, feigning boredom as I walked back into the living room in a different dress as before. I scoffed at the girl before flipping her off.

It was like Deja vu to me too.

Once again, Kia and I were hanging out with each other with Kia helping me get ready for a date-- however, this time the date is with someone I know and both Gwen and Rose were also here helping me get ready.

Kia and Gwen seemed to be getting closer as each day passed, and I have found myself feeling regret for thinking that Kia wouldn't be able to last within a relationship.

Maybe she truly has changed.

"That's not it," Rose spoke as she chewed on the chips that were on the table, happily munching on my food as she criticized my dress sense.

It surprised me how close I happened to get to Rose within the few weeks I've gotten to know her. She was one of the only people I enjoyed seeing at work-- besides Abel of course.

However, speaking Abel-- I didn't see him for the rest of the day at work the day Will had asked me out.

Did I simply say yes to see a reaction out of Abel? Possibly, but that didn't mean that Will couldn't turn out to be the love of my life, I haven't even given the guy a chance.

So now, I will.

I sighed in defeat, throwing my arms in the air in desperation. "Are you going to help me, or just sit and call everything I wear ugly?" I grumbled at the trio looking up at me from their cups of tea.

"That is my way of helping," Kia shrugged with Rose agreeing close behind. I narrowed my eyes at the pair as they both chuckled to one another, jokingly high-fiving at my expense.

My eyes wandered to Gwen, who looked at me, sending me a sweet smile to help reassure me.

"You'll look great for your date," In return, I sent the girl a friendly smile and thanked her before going back into my room and changing into yet another dress.

I didn't know Gwen too well, after all, she was Kia's new girlfriend, and other than that I barely knew anything about her-- even though we did spend a brief time together at the shopping center, she did spend most of the time wrapped about Kia's arm like a brand new Dior bag.

"What about..." I trailed off, walking out of my room once again, however, this time in a different dress. "This one?"

I stood in front of the three women and spun playfully once round in the body sculpting red dress, the flares on the wrists almost tickling my skin.



"--God!" Kia basically screeched at me, eyes wide as she giddily hopped in her seat. "You look amazing!" I felt a smile spread across my face and I looked down on the dress, my hands running down the front of the dress.

"You were right," Kia added, nodding her head in approval as she scanned my attire. "You really do look good in red." She sent me an approving look.

I let out a laugh and shook my head before turning around placing myself on the empty seat beside me.

I was ready for my date-- too bad I was hours early.

To be honest, I thought it was going to take longer to find the right outfit.

I let out a breath of air, relieved that nothing was weighing on my mind for the first time in a while-- for some reason, I felt relaxed and I waited for the time to speed up.

"So, Will?" Kia said, snapping attention back onto her. I looked over to see all three girls looking at me intently.

"I've got to say," Rose piped up, leaning closer to the table as she placed her cup of tea back down on the glass table. "He was pretty attractive." She winked playfully.

Coincidentally, when Will and I were in the lobby speaking, Rose happened to walk by and see both of us. She had come up to me as soon as Will left to gush about how cute he happened to be.

"You should have seen him when he was in school," Kia smirked, looking at my co-worker with eyes glistering. "Absolute magnet," She all but purred, raising her brows suggestively as she spoke about Will.

"I thought you were gay?" Rose asked, furrowing her brows and I watched as her eyes wandered from Kia to her girlfriend Gwen, who happened to look completely unbothered by the confusion-- her eyes glued to the phone in her hand.

"So did I until I saw him," My best friend joked, making me roll my eyes with a smile on my face.

Before anything else could be said, my eyes snapped to the front door as it opened and slowly revealed Isabella as she walked in.

For a split second, our eyes met and for a moment I wanted nothing more but to tell her about Will-- she knew him just as well as Kia and I did.

I even think for a little while that she fancied him in the slightest when we were all in high school together.

But just as fast as our eyes met, the connection was broke-- Isabella almost immediately turned away from me with a blank look on her face and locked the door behind her.

"Izzykins!" Kia jokingly called out and I cringed slightly-- oh I beg of you Kia, do not start.

As much as watching the two argue made my day-- it was pure entertainment, and it was free-- it didn't feel right knowing that Isabella and I were still on the outs with one another.

"How has your day been, steal any babies yet?" My best friend smirked at my sister, egging her on to argue with her. It was as if Kia wanted to have a fight with the girl-- a bit sadistic if you ask me.

What surprised me wasn't the way Kia immediately went for Isabella's neck as soon as she walked in, it was the fact that Isabella made no more to fight back.

Instead, she walked out of the living room and made a straight b-line for her room, slamming the door behind her instantly.

I have been so accustomed to that noise for the last few days-- it's the only noise I hear when it comes to Isabella nowadays.

I looked at her closed door and almost sighed, glancing at the wood with sad eyes.

I missed speaking to my sister.

However, this wasn't the time to think about it-- I have a date in an hour or so, I should be happy about that.

"Wow," Kia scoffed, and I turned to see her give the same wooden door a dirty look. "What's her problem?"

Me, apparently.

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