Chapter 4

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Ryevin was wrong about her. Anna was no weakling, she was a wildcat.

His rage started to simmer when he thought about all the things that had gone wrong this day. He had been looking forward to this meeting for the last seventeen years, and nothing had gone right. The first complication was the group of ruffians that had abducted her and then the slaying of the slave boy. Because of that she lied to him about not having magic. He was prepared to be patient on that front and earn her trust but now with the mishap at the lake he wasn't sure he ever would. Now he had to act like a brute and carry her away crying and screaming. He had to use his strength against her and it made his stomach twist.

Her story about being from another world confused him. Something about light sucking her in and transporting her here? It all sounded unfathomable, but when it came to the fates nothing was too improbable. But like he said, it didn't matter. He would never let her go.

Anna was now quietly sobbing, no longer pleading for him to return her. She must have realized her efforts were futile. Her tears only solidified his anger. She was supposed to be his. She was to give him everything.

Four of his most skilled and trusted men were waiting less than four stones from the camp with the horses.

The small group yelled and cheered when they approached.

Thadeon called out "Rye! We were beginning to think you would never show!" Thad paused and perused Anna from over Ryevin's shoulder and said, "Will you introduce your woman to us?"

Anna scoffed over Rye's shoulder. "I am not his woman!"

Rye ignored her outburst and put her down on her feet. "Thadeon, Ashuek, Kalowin, and Ostiel! This is Anna, my woman. From this moment on I have laid claim to her. Will any of you challenge me?" The men smiled and shook their heads. Rye started to unlock the gold chain from his neck.

"I challenge you!" Anna cried from beside him, "I challenge you!" Rye looked at her with surprise.

"You cannot challenge me, Anna. That is not how it is done." His surprise quickly turned to amusement.

"I don't want to be claimed by you! Doesn't what I want matter at all to you misogynistic bastards? This is my body. Mine!"

"Anna, you cannot challenge me. It would be unseemly for me to fight a woman, and you could not possibly win," Rye reasoned.

"Give me a sword and we will see," Anna challenged. This caused a roar of laughter from the group. "I might not be able to win but maybe I'd manage to cut something," she muttered to only where Rye could hear. He let out a chuckle.

"It seems the beauty finds the match with you objectionable, my friend," Ashuek mused. "I will champion in her place." The men smiled in amusement.

"Alright," Rye agreed. He relocked his chain. Ashuek was humoring her. Ash knew he could never win a challenge against him. His men also knew that Rye wouldn't do any real harm to Ash. This would be a friendly fight.

Rye's anger spiked when he observed the way his men looked at his Anna. She was barely clothed and they noticed. He himself enjoyed the dip of the black garment that gave a glimpse of her small breasts and he was enchanted by her strong bare legs and delicate shoulders. He, however, didn't want any other man to notice these attributes. The issue needed to be rectified immediately.

"Anna and I have some needs to take care of first. Ready yourself, Ash, and when we return we will put this matter to rest." Ashuek nodded his agreement

Rye dragged Anna over to one of the horses and grabbed the saddle bag that held clothes and boots he had packed for her. He had planned to disguise her as a servant boy. He handed her the clothes and ordered her to dress.

She gave him a scathing look. "Turn around."

He crossed his arms and waited stubbornly.

She gave a huff and a look of pure defiance as she pulled her arms out of the straps of the peculiar garment she was wearing. She then pulled the tunic over top of her own garment and then shimmied the prior down her waist so that her breasts remained covered. She pulled her bottoms off and pulled on the trousers. Then a spark flashed in her blue eyes.

She took the strange garment and shoved it in his face. "This is called a swimsuit from my world. It is made to dry quickly. See? Look at the stitching. Do you see how small and perfect it is? A machine did that. I have no idea how to sew. Look at this tag. See how it says, 'Made in Vietnam'?" That is a country where I am from. A far away country from where I live. I was able to just order it and it came straight to my doorstep. Look what else it says. It gives washing instructions, it says I can put it in a washing machine on a delicate setting in order to clean it. I bet you don't have one of those here, do you? You all probably wash all your clothes by hand in a bucket or something. All I have to do is put a pile of clothes into a giant box, put some soap in it and press a button. Then forty minutes later, wala! Perfectly clean clothes!"

She looked at him with such desperation that his stomach knotted. "I don't belong here," she whispered. He didn't understand half the things she had said, and the strange markings on the swimsuit made no sense to him. He could tell they meant something though. Maybe she was from a much different world. It would make it harder on her.

"You will adjust," he replied finally. Her face fell.

"I don't think I ever will," She professed. Rye's throat closed and he quickly shrugged it off. He was Ryevin, Warlord of the Northlands. He would be a strong mate and provider. She will soon understand her fortune.


Anna pulled on the boots that he had left her.

"How do they feel?" Rye asked her as he leaned down to feel her feet.

"Fine. Maybe a tad big," she said as she shifted her feet back and forth. He then handed her a brush and told her to pull back her hair. She did as he bid and plated it into a braid. Finally He pulled out a cloak for her.

"You must wear this always. It will protect your skin from the sun in the heat of the day and also disguise you. If any stranger approaches, you must pull your hood up. Yes?" She took the cloak from him and nodded.

Claim her. She had to have been transported to the most patriarchal universe that has ever existed. One claims an acre of land or a Maserati, not a person. It was sick.

"Are you really going to fight your friend for me?" She probed.

"Of course. I will always fight for you," he answered simply. Her stomach did a little jolt.

"If you lose, does that mean I can claim myself?"

"You will be free from my claim," he clarified.

'It won't really be a fair fight will it? Maybe you should fight with a handicap to even the playing field," Anna proposed.

"A handicap?" Rye raised his eyes in curiosity

"Yeah, impair yourself a little. Like only fight with your less dominant hand."

"Both of my hands are equally skilled," he said suggestively. Anna averted her eyes and decided not to comment on the insinuation.

"Or wear a blindfold," she suggested hopefully. His hard lips twisted into a smile. God help her, but his whole face softened when he did.

"I think you insult Ashuek. I'll start the fight with no weapon, will that please you?" Her spirits lifted at his proposal. She didn't think he would let her go regardless of whether he won or lost, but if he would lose his "claim" on her that could only be a good thing.

"Yes, that would please me." Rye studied her face and nodded.

"Come, the challenge awaits."

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