Chapter 18

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Anna was drenched, and so incredibly cold. It was down pouring and the wind kept lifting the sides of the tent, thus allowing the rain to come in. She thought it may completely topple over soon.

Rye had wrapped her in oiled furs and kept coming in and out of the tent checking on her. He was on edge.

"Anna, we are leaving for better shelter," Rye yelled as he re-entered their tent. He was holding a cup and another fur blanket. She wondered which of his men he stole it from.

"Here. Drink this. Do it quickly, we must go." Rye ordered over the sound of the rain as he pulled the extra blanket over her and handed her the cup.

The chaos of the morning had her all wound up. She wasn't in her right mind to question anything.

She took a sip. It wasn't bad. It tasted like cold chicken broth that was a little heavy on the parsley. This was breakfast, she guessed. She tried to drink the rest quickly so they could get out of this crazy storm.

Another gush of rain entered the tent and a loud crack of thunder boomed.

Rye took the cup from her and gave her a look that filled her with unease.

The wind whirled and collapsed the tent on top of them. Rye pulled it up. Anna lifted her arm to help, but her arm felt too heavy. Everything started to feel too heavy.

Something was wrong with her. She was so sluggish and she felt like she was outside of her body. Rain was pouring over top her face, but her body didn't seem to want to move. Her head started to droop.

Familiar arms wrapped around her and she was being lifted up.

"You-you drugged me," she accused. Her voice was laced with hurt, but he probably couldn't hear her.

"Sleep. Don't fight it, just sleep. All will be well." He pulled the fur over her head and cradled her to him.

She tried to speak, but couldn't really manage. She hoped he heard the curses she wanted to yell at him.

Her eyes. So heavy. They kept wanting to close but she would force them back up until she finally lost the battle. The last thing she remembered was being pulled onto a horse.


The main road wasn't far, but the horses were having a difficult time in the mud.

Rye felt so much guilt. He wished he didn't do it. Anna looked hurt when she realized what he had done. She had just started to trust him and even let him hold her last night. The trust would be gone now.

Crack! Another burst of thunder boomed around them. They tried to quicken the pace.

Anna stirred and groaned in his arms and he pressed a kiss to her head. At least she could sleep through the nightmare around them.


The inn in Coldbrook was crowded with travelers. Rye had pulled his soaked hood over his head to conceal his mage eyes. They were being watched with apprehension. Rye and his men bore the scarring of seasoned warriors and Rye in particular had an intimidating presence. Especially with a passed out servant boy cradled in his arms.

Patrons were sitting at the tables drinking, eating, and talking. Several were gathered in front of a large fire. Servants were coming in and out of the kitchens trying to accommodate the rush.

"Is the lad alright?" The old innkeeper asked with noticeable concern.

"He is fine. Weary from our travel." Ryevin answered.

"We have a wise woman nearby who is skilled with the healing arts. I can fetch her for you."

"We just need rooms," Thad answered.

"I-Im sorry. We are all booked. Rain like this always fills us up quickly." He nervously looked at Rye.

"Just one room is fine," Rye said darkly.

"We do not even have one." Perspiration started to form on the man's brow and he gave a deep swallow. Rye nodded to Thad.

Thad placed a bag of coins in front of the innkeeper and the old man peered inside.

The innkeeper colored with surprise. "All this for one room?"

"We are very weary," Ash stated. Anna stirred and gave a loud groan. Rye tensed.

"A room," Rye ordered. The innkeeper jumped at his gruffness.

"You may have my own personal quarters, but it may take a little time to prepare." Rye shifted at that. He didn't like being out in the open.

"As quickly as you can, good sir," Thad said. He seemed to understand Rye's urgency. "Is there a place we can lay the boy down in the meantime?" The innkeeper shifted his gaze to the bundle in Rye's arm and his face softened.

"Come. We can lay out some furs and put him in the parlor." The old man bid one of the women to grab the furs. Rye followed him to the sitting room where a fire burned. The area was rather crowded, but the moment eyes took in Rye and his large companions they gave them a large berth. The woman returned and laid the furs on the floor in the corner near the fire. As she left she made eyes with Ash and her cheeks colored to a rosey hue. Ash of course gave her a wide smile and Rye thought he heard her gasp. It would have been amusing if he wasn't so anxious.

"I hope this will do for now. We will make haste on the room. If you need me, ask for Nedmond." He looked at Anna for a moment "The boy is very slight. Reminds me of my grandson."

"Thank you for your kindness," Rye said gruffly. Nedmond nodded and turned back to his duties.

Rye lay Anna softly down on the fur and his men made a little wall around her. They relaxed their stance to not be conspicuous. Rye knelt beside her and stroked her cheek. Her eyes flung open for brief moment before closing again. She then began to moan. Ryevin sat against the wall beside her and brooded.


Anna was in utter agony. She was in and out of consciousness, but her stomach was convulsing in pain. 

At one point she knew she was in a crowded room, as she heard the humming of people all around her. She was no longer in Rye's arms. She didn't know where she was.

She couldn't think straight and her eyes wouldn't open. She felt strong cramps coming in and out. She wanted to cry out but couldn't. She could feel the bile rising in her throat. Rye. She wanted to call out to him, to get him to cure her pain. No. Betrayal. He did this. He did this.

She felt herself being lifted and carried. Another convulsing pain went through her. She started to gag, and  heard a curse. She was turned over as her body tried to rid itself of the poison. Another cramp came worse than before. She thought she was dying. Rye wouldn't kill her. He wouldn't.

"Hurt," she finally managed to say. Then her mind shut down  and she was lost again.

She woke again to cup being put to her mouth. No! She flailed her arm and knocked the cup out of the hand. She couldn't do this again.

"Anna. It is only water. You must drink." Rye. The traitor. No, he would trick her again.  The cramping started again, and she cried out in pain. Excrutiating. There was no end to it.

She was pulled up and squeezed by strong arms. She couldn't move. She felt the cup to her lips. She pressed her lips tight and turned her head, but the cup bearer was insistent.

"Anna. Drink. It is just water. It is just water," Rye's voice sounded desperate. "Feel it. Thad, tell her it is just water." She couldn't really concentrate on the feelings of the others in the room. Her pain was too great.

"It is just water, Anna," Thad's voice echoed. She couldn't decipher his feelings only stomach pain. They wouldn't know that though. Maybe it was just water.

Anna relaxed against the body and allowed the cool water to flow into her.

"I am so sorry. I am so sorry," Rye whispered as he rocked her. "All will be well. We are sending for help." Dread started to fill her, but she couldn't argue. Sleep started to take her once again.

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