Chapter 10

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"I'll take you to our tent." Rye lifted her by the arm and dragged her to the tent. He sat her down on the pallet and he kneeled down to face her.

"You cannot speak to me that way, especially in front of others." Anna felt a surge of fear but stifled it. She wasn't going to be intimidated by him anymore.

"Or what?" She taunted. Rye literally snarled. Anna jumped and then cursed herself. "You said you would never hurt me. Are you a liar or are you just trying to scare me by acting like an animal?"

Rye pushed her down and his body loomed over hers. Her breath caught. He brushed his hand over her mouth, "I could always gag you. I doubt that will leave any lasting damage," he threatened. Anna's eyes grew wide.

"See how that works out for you," she managed. "Get off of me!" She pushed his chest as hard as she could. He didn't budge an inch.

His eyes seemed to darken and his anger warped into something else. He took his hand and started stroking her hair, then her neck, and then down her arm. Anna stilled.

"Are you going to rape me?" Her question startled him. She was proud of herself for outright asking him.

"It is not rape if I have claimed you." Her stomach dropped.

"Are you serious? It will feel the same to me, claimed or not." Rye sighed and sat up, releasing her.

"I want you in all ways, my Anna. I have never forced myself on a woman. I abhor the idea of forcing you. I can be patient. I can give you time, but I will not wait forever." He leaned down and brushed a fallen lock of hair from her face. "I will be gentle with you no matter what, but we must be joined when we return to my home."

He put his lips to her ear, "I will be a good mate for you. I vow it." He softly kissed the side of her head and left.


Thadeon interrupted Rye's brooding, "She has a ferocious bite for someone so delicate . She is the only woman I have seen that has no fear of you."

Rye grunted, "She is terrified of me and she despises me."

"Did you punish her?"

"No. I did threaten to gag her." Thadeon visibly shuddered.

Thadeon was thoughtful for a moment. "You cannot strong arm a spirit such as that into accepting her fate."

"Anna will be mine. The pretty mage will fortify my rule and strengthen me. It has been foretold."

"Just because it has been foretold doesn't mean it will be easy, Rye. You do not want to anger the fates with your callousness."

"What will I do? I am treating her well enough." The words tasted bitter as he said them.

"The fates will lead you if you listen," Thad advised him.

"I will try, Thad. I do not know if I have the hearing," he murmured.

"I believe you do," Thadeon answered

"Tell the men I will take the first watch." Thad placed a hand on his shoulder and then did as he was bid and left him to think.


Rye had his weight on top of her, crushing her. He murmured sweet words to her, his lips grazed her ear. One hand explored and stoked her body. His calloused strong hand caressed her breasts and slid down her torso. Anna was whimpering, she couldn't decide if it was from pleasure or fear. She started pushing against his chest to get him off of her, but it did nothing. His weight and strength just held her down. Suddenly, Rye's sweet words changed into a foreign prayer. His other hand reached from behind his back and he procured his sword. His green eyes penetrated her and he coldy said, "You are just a slave." He took the sword and plunged it in her chest.

Anna clutched herself and made mewling noises. "Anna." She felt a hand on each of her shoulders. The world shook. "Anna! Anna, wake up."

Anna's eyes flung open and she saw those same emerald eyes staring back at her. She gasped and scooted herself away from him keeping one hand to her chest. She looked down and saw no sword or blood. She looked back up in confusion.

Rye had his hands up and regarded her like she was some sort of feral animal. "You had a bad dream," he said softly. Her body was slower to recover than her brain. She knew it was a dream but she couldn't shake the residual fear.

"I'm okay now. Sorry." She was still trembling. She took a settling breath.

"Are you? What was your dream about?"He asked curiously.

"You stabbed me in the chest with a sword." Rye flinched at the words. Anna looked haunted and turned away.

The smell of meat cooking outside of the tent churned her stomach. Rye actually let her take care of her needs outside without hovering. She longed for running water and the pleasantries of home. What she wouldn't do for a shower, toothpaste, and the soft mattress of her bed. She felt gross and worn. Maybe her smell will help keep Rye at bay. She smiled at the thought.

When she joined the group she immediately zoned in on Kalowin. She felt her skin prickle with knowing. Her intuition told her something was wrong. She instinctively opened her gift to him. He had the pain of his wound but he was feeling off. On the verge of sickness maybe? She took a breath. Her mind and her soul were at war with each other. She couldn't ignore it, but she didn't want to give her gift away. The urge to help him was so strong.

"Kalowin, are you feeling okay? You look a little feverish," Anna inquired. Kalowin sprung up his head in surprise. Anna hoped she was subtle enough. Maybe it was odd that she addressed him. She had her 'I'm from another universe' excuse to aid her if questioned at least.

"I am fine. I've a bit of a flesh wound, but not too bad. I have had much worse." Kalowin assured her.

"Maybe you should have Thad look at it," she suggested nonchalantly. She hoped she seemed innocent, but the feeling of suspicion surrounded her.

"I am fine. No need to bother with it. It is just a flesh wound," Kalo insisted. Rye eyed her curiously. Anna fidgeted a bit and tried to school her face. Kalowin was being too stubborn and she didn't want to be too intrusive. She couldn't let it go, however. Her nature wouldn't allow it.

"Thad, come take a look at Kalo's wound," Rye ordered. He gave Kalowin a hard look that told him to cooperate. Kalowin nodded and then Rye's eyes went straight back to studying Anna. He knows. Oh shit! Her heart was flying!

Thadeon hustled over to Kalo and examined his lower back. He carefully peeled back the bandage and gasped, "Kalo! You stubborn ox! This wound is beginning to fester. You are lucky I am seeing this now so we can stop the infection!"

"Lucky Anna brought it to our attention," Rye said slyly. The group was speculating. She could feel it. Kalowin was stricken, but also so suspicious.

She ignored Rye and all the looks. "Will he be okay?" She asked.

"I think we caught it early enough," Thad said confidently. Anna nodded.

Rye walked over and sat so close to her that their legs were touching. He leaned into her and whispered, "Are you a healer?"

Anna turned her head to him and snapped, "If I was a healer, I would heal him! No, Rye, I'm not a healer. I just noticed he looked sick. Since I'm a decent human being and not a monster I asked him about it."

"If you could heal Kalowin, would you? Even if it exposed you?" Rye asked. This time loud enough for all to hear.

"Of course I would!"

"Would you heal me?" Rye asked softly.

Anna gave him a smirk. "No, Rye. Magic doesn't work on you, remember?"

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