Chapter 32

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A/N: Thanks so much for making it so far into my story! Fair warning, this chapter is full of sexual content. If it makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip! If not, enjoy! And don't mind me, I'll be over here hiding my face while you read🫣


Now that Anna was back with him, Rye wanted nothing more than to take care of her. A warm bath, a soft bed, and a good meal is what she deserved after her ordeal. She single-handedly turned an entire army's loyalty, and he couldn't stop feeling awe for her.

He was holding her on the horse, trying to keep the jostling from hurting her ribs.  Her eyes were closed and she cuddled herself against him.

"Anna, we are here," he said softly in her ear.

With a content smile, she stirred awake. Her lips brushed against the muscles of his upper arm. Ryevin's heart swelled as he looked at her.

Rye's men secured a room at an inn for them in a nearby village. He hadn't wanted them present when he challenged Solmin. His desire had been to show the warlord that he could defeat him without backup.

With Solmin gone, he didn't feel the same urge to protect their identities. Besides, Anna could now hold her own.

The inn was relatively empty as they entered. There were only a handful of patrons, who gave them little notice.

Kalo sat at a table waiting for them with their room key. "He is dead then," he remarked in greeting.

Rye grinned. "Yes. The Fates willed it."

Kalo nodded and turned to Anna. "You surprised us all." She turned her head, humbly,  but Kalo stood and grabbed her hands in his and gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek. "Glad to have you back."

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Eat and rest. We will meet on the morrow." Kalo turned to leave, and his eyes met Rye's with a knowing smile.

When Rye and Anna entered the bedchamber a bath was already prepared. "I'll wait outside while you bathe," he told her gently.

Hesitantly, Anna stared at the tub before she turned toward him. Taking his hand in hers, she looked shyly at his face.

"You can stay if you want." Her cheeks reddened and she looked away.

His heart raced and his palms began to sweat. Never before had he felt this nervous, even before going into battle. He wouldn't allow anything to happen between them. Her body was still hurt and she needed to recover, but that didn't ease the pang of anticipation.

"Alright." He let go of her hand and went to sit on the wooden chair in the corner of the room. Far away from the tub and from Anna.

Surprisingly, she started laughing, until she grimaced and held her side. Hastily, he sprung to his feet and ran to help steady her. He was starting to believe he was the empath in their relationship as her pain stung him deeply.

In his arms, she said,"Rye, I didn't think…." She stopped.

"What didn't you think?" he encouraged gently.

Her cheeks reddened even more. "That I would be the one making all the advances."

His heart warmed at her admission. She wanted him too.

"You are making advances? Advances in what?" he asked with a small smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

With a nudge to his shoulder, she said lightly, "Nevermind, you big brute."

Tightening his hold around her shoulders, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. He loved the way her soft lips felt against his, and his want for her increased by the second.

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