Chapter 29

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Rye and Thad watched as Kalowin and Ashuek pulled a warrior's unconscious body up against a tree. He was young. Most of Solmin's warriors were young and they held no value of their own lives. They chose death over returning as failures. He doubted anyone they captured would actually cooperate with him. Ryevin may be intimidating, but they were terrified of Solmin.

"Did anyone see you?" Rye asked

"I do not believe so," Ash answered as he began tying the man's wrists behind the tree. Rye's hand started to twitch with restlessness.

When Ash finished, Rye kneeled in front of the prisoner. He smacked him on the cheek in an attempt to wake him. The man stirred and Rye hit him again.

"Hmph," the man uttered as he slowly opened his eyes. When he took in the sight of a mud-covered Ryevin, his face transformed into confusion. "What is this?" the man questioned while he tugged on his restraints.

"Tell me what happened to the girl. The mage," Rye spat with venom. Realization formed on the captive's face. While pulling on his restraints, he returned Rye's glare with stoic indifference.

"What do you want with her?" the man's voice was steady and even. Was there a trace of protectiveness within it? Rye shook the thought away. Solmin's men were incapable of feeling anything.

Rye unsheathed his sword and placed the pointed end right in the middle of the man's neck. "The mage. Tell me everything." The man blinked at him and showed no fear of the sword pricking his neck.

A smile began to curve on the man's lips. "I am unafraid of death. I even welcome it. I'll ask again. What do you want with her?"

"Those are brave words," Rye muttered while he pushed the sword harder into him. "I am her protector. She wears my chain." At that, the smile slowly disappeared from his face.

"Solmin had her beaten when she refused to kill a man." The warrior paused, seemingly contemplating what he would say next. Ryevin's chest constricted at his words, but he tried not to show it in his features. Rye exchanged a look with Kalo and Ash. He wanted her to kill a man? What sort of game was Solmin playing with her?

"Why?" Rye demanded impatiently. The warrior's lips pierced into a scowl and lowered his eyes downward toward the threat poking his throat.

"Can you lower your sword? If you truly are here to protect the girl then I am willing to help you." Stunned, Rye pulled his sword away from him. It took a moment for Ryevin to realize that the captive's behavior so far had been atypical of what he knew about Solmin's warriors.

Thadeon spoke this thought first. "You trained in Solmin's camp?" The smile crept back on the warrior's face.

"Aye." His gaze went back to Ryevin. "Your woman changed me." Your woman. Those words triggered Rye's memory from that first day. He closed his eyes and remembered her outrage at them.

"Changed you how?"

"My heart was always vacant, but when she grabbed my hand she sparked life," the warrior answered with awe.

"Anna did that? She put feeling in you?" Rye asked hesitantly.

"Yes, she is changing us all." Ryevin sighed in relief. Sudden emotion took hold of him. He had called her his. He had claimed the Fates gave her to him. It was entirely the other way around. Pride and longing filled his heart.

"Casten is helping her?"

Their captive nodded. "He is her brother."

"Solmin is Anna's father?" Disbelief etched into Rye's voice. "He had her beaten?"

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