Chapter 15

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Anna loved how the wind kissed her face, the way her chest constricted and how she could actually feel her heart quickening. Her mind was clear and she was in that calming state where her worries could not touch her. She could almost imagine herself back home running around campus and through neighborhoods instead of through trees. The world didn't seem so dark like this.

She only wished she could run forever, but unfortunately her body tired and her breaths became too hard. She needed to stop. Maybe once she starts eating better she will be able to go for longer. Anything was better than the horse.

Anna reached and brushed Rye's arm and he turned his head toward her. She mouthed the word, "stop." Rye nodded and they both slowed to a walk.

Anna panted deeply and lifted her face to the sky, taking in the moment of peace.

"What do you think, am I ready for the Trek of Torment?" Anna joked while she caught her breath.

Rye chuckled. "Ash, I take it."

"He said you made him do the trail over and over for a week while he carried a bag of rocks."

"He deserved it," Rye said lightly.

"Oh, I agree. It was a fitting punishment." Rye studied her with a small smile. It was as if the high of the run had caused a temporary truce between them.

"I don't want to go back on the horse. In fact I don't think I ever want to ride one again," she admitted.

"This isn't an easy journey for a woman."

Anna scoffed at him, "It has nothing to do with me being a woman."

"You don't like admitting weaknesses of your sex,"Rye mused. Anna wanted to throw something at him. Before she could retort a scathing comeback, Rye told her they could walk until camp. The drive to defend womankind melted and she sighed in relief.

"Can we just walk to the Northlands? How long would that take?"

"At the pace we have been riding it will take us about three more days on horseback. Walking? I would say about twice that," Rye paused a moment and looked at her intently, "I am anxious to return home. It is not safe for us to stay too long out here."

Anna almost fell backward as anxiety slammed into her chest like a semi. Three days! That was all? She had been merely living moment to moment since she had been dragged to this world that she hadn't truly let the reality of her future sink in. There had always been a nugget of hope in her that she would somehow make it home before "joining" with Rye. She hadn't accepted it, she could never accept this.

She started to hyperventilate. Strong arms dragged her in and pulled her close. "Shh. I'll keep you safe. I'll never let anyone hurt you." Those words only tore at her more. Rye was the danger. What did she care about his enemies lurking in shadowy corners? They meant nothing to her. Rye was the only threat she knew.

"I want to go back home," she managed between breaths. "Rye, please help me to go home."

"I cannot." His voice was soft with compassion. Anna pushed his arms away and fell to the ground on her knees, burying her head in her hands. Rye came down with her, but did not touch her. He let her cry.

She cried for what seemed like forever, but was probably only minutes. Her hope was being ripped away from her.
She took deep breaths and looked up and saw Kalowin and Thadeon watching them at a respectable distance from their horses. She sobered quickly, not wanting to continue to show weakness. She wiped her tears into her sleeve and pulled herself to her feet. She continued walking without saying a single word while Rye followed silently beside her.

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