Chapter 19

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The wise woman was being summoned. Rye had Kalo interrogate Nedmond on her ability to be discreet. Nedmond assured them that the woman was no gossip.

Anna kept jolting awake in obvious pain. She was shaking and sweating profusely. Rye stripped her of her wet clothes and she was now naked and wrapped in blankets.

She was lying on the bed in Nedmond's quarters. The old man still believed her to be a young boy, and Rye didn't have any plans to disprove his assumptions. Rye could only hope the healer would be trustworthy. There will be no hiding the truth of Anna from her. Or the truth about himself for that matter, he had no plans of leaving Anna's side.

The worry and guilt was suffocating him. He wanted to lash out at someone, anyone, but he truly only had himself to blame. The fates had entrusted him with her care, and he was failing them. Failing her.

When he first realized that Anna was sick, Thadeon took most of his ire. His kind-hearted mentor whom he has held in the highest regard since he was a young lad, didn't deserve it.

"Thad! What did you do to her! If she dies, Thad...if she dies, I'll kill you!" Rye had threatened him in a rage. Thad said he didn't know, he has only used the hem leaf on severely wounded warriors on the battlefield. He was no herbalist.

Thad was as upset as he. The look in his eyes reeked of guilt. He had tried to talk Rye out of this, but he did not stoop to reminding him. He took on his anger and did not sling it back.

"The woman is here," Ostiel said as he entered the room. He glanced at Anna worriedly. Rye had him stationed outside of the room. He did not trust him as he once had, but he believed he would do his duty.

Rye adorned his cloak and replaced his hood. He sat by Anna in a way that covered her from the view of the entry. "Bring her in," Rye ordered. Oz nodded and a few moments later a middle-aged woman timidly entered the bedchamber.

"I heard a servant boy was in need of my services," she said hesitantly. She was comely with dark wavy hair that was half down and half and braided. She had soft brown eyes and a slender stature. She was wearing a maroon colored dress that hugged her features. She was obviously intimidated by the presence of these warriors, but she looked at Rye head on.

"I want to hear from you first that you will keep your silence on what you see today."

"Sir. You have my word. I never betray the trust of those I treat. The fates would not approve of it. Can I see the boy? I am only here to help," the woman stated firmly. Anna groaned from beside him.

Rye nodded and he pulled off his cloak, and moved aside. The woman gasped, "Warlord." She bowed her head in submission and walked toward her patient.

"Please help her," he pleaded. She nodded her head. Her eyes shown with surprise and trepidation.

"What happened to her?" The woman asked him as she examined Anna. She did not make a commotion at the revelation that her patient was not a boy, but a young woman.

At that, Anna's eyes shot open and she let out a painful scream and grabbed her stomach. The woman startled, but did not comment on what she saw. Anna closed her eyes again and started to moan.

Rye took a breath. He could not take seeing her in this much pain.

"She was given hem leaf. She was only meant to sleep, but she suffers," Rye's voice broke as he spoke.

"Hem leaf? How much?"

"A spoonful."

"That is enough to take out a warrior. A woman this size would only need a quarter as much. Too much and it poisons the body." She gave Rye a disapproving look. "We must expel it from her. I have herbs that will help the process."

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