The Slip

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A/N: "When someone is talking with the underline, it means sign language"

"Oh Ku! Welcome home! How was school?! Make any new friends?!" His mother, Kurumi cheerily asked. Kusuo was silent for a moment, contemplating whether he should tell his mom about Hasegawa or not. "There's a new kid, Hasegawa, and-" "Oh! Hasegawa Kei right?! I met his mother Akemi before at the supermarket! She's a very nice person, and she was worried Kei would have a hard time at school." As Kurumi went on, Kusuo could tell where this was headed- "So, she invited us over! As a housewarming party!! Since they just moved houses too!" —As expected. Although surprisingly, Kusuo felt... excited? to go. He didn't know what he was feeling.

When Kunihara came home, they left almost immediately. It was a short teleportation walk, to the Hasegawa household. Kurumi knocked on the door, and an older looking man opened it with a warm smile. "Welcome!! You must be the Saiki's correct?! I'm Hiro, Akemi's husband! And Kei's dad! It's a pleasure meeting you!" He let the family in. Kusuo couldn't hear Kei's thoughts so, he used clairvoyance. "Oh, if your looking for Kei, he's out running errands now." Akemi smiled. Kusuo nodded, he found Kei over by the grocery store but he was a little embrassed Mrs. Hasegawa knew that he was looking for her son.

As minuets went by, everyone was settled and getting into conversation, when the door opened accompanied by a knocking pattern on the wall. "Kei! We're in here!!" His mother called out. 'Must be a way to say he's home. That's so creative and cute!' Kurumi thought. Kei was wearing causal clothes, but the kid has style. '...SAIKI?! OH MY GOD!! MOM?! Shit! Damn you mother and your friend making skills!!!' Saiki actually giggled at the thought he overheard. 'Holy shit his laugh is adorbale.' Kei thought as his parents introduced him. "Where do you want these?" Kei used sign langue to ask his mother where he should put the bags. "Over there, please." Akemi responded. "That was sign language right?" Kunihara questioned. Kei nodded, slightly confused by the question. "We learned it too. We're a little crusty, but I learnt it for a friend." Kunihara signed. Kei giggled, a quiet noise, and corrected the mistake. "Rusty. This is crusty." Hiro said in his sons place. They laughed while Kunihara went red with embarrassment.

Saiki had never had such a great time. The Hasegawa's never pressured him into conversation, which he appreciated, but they also made sure he was included. Even Kei was radiating happiness. The Hasegawa's thoughts weren't that bad, they barely had any as they were so engrossed in conversing with his parents. Kei's thoughts were a little interesting. They were mostly of how cute or adorable Kusuo and his parents were. "I'm so glad Ku is going to have great friend like you, Kei!! Especially since he's a psychic, I always worry he wouldn't make any friends." It was silent. Kurumi let the secret slip, again. "Stay calm and change the subject." Kusuo telepathically told his mother. "Did you know that a human heart can create enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet (9 meters)?" Kunihara quickly said, hoping to distract the Hasegawa's. "...Really?" Hiro said astonished. "Yeah, yeah. But what was that about Kusuo being psychic?" Akemi asked, her interest was piqued. Akemi previously worked as a doctor so she knew mostly everything about the human body. Kurumi internally panicked.

"Kurumi's just trying to justify why Saiki is alone most of the time." Kei reasoned. "But why a psychic?! It makes no sense?!" Akemi shouted. "Because people who have supernatural abilities usually have tragic backstories." 'Sorry Saiki.' Kei thought as he basically implied Kusuo had a terrible childhood. "It's kind of like Batman." Kei knew his parents loved the supernatural, Batman especially, and if there was a chance Kurumi was telling the truth, Kei wouldn't take that chance. Kei's parents began discussing Batman and various other superheros, Kurumi sighed in relief and so did Kunihara. 'But I wonder why she said Saiki was a physic?' Kei stared at Saiki for a while, making the boy a little nervous. He didn't really mind if people knew he was psychic, it would make things difficult, but Kei's glare made Saiki's hands clammy. 'Saiki being a psychic...' Kei thought after a while, '...kinda makes sense.' He smiled to himself. Saiki was confused, Kei didn't 'ask' any questions, or take the thought even further. Once Kei made up his mind, nothing could convince him otherwise.

The Saiki's eventually made it back home, where Kurumi apologised profusely. "...It's fine. They didn't find out anyway." Kusuo dropped the conversation. He could faintly hear Kei's thoughts, and he was dreading going to school tomorrow. Kei was researching physics and supernatural events that had transpired throughout the years. "Good grief this kid is trouble." Saiki had a faint smile when he fell asleep.

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