Kei's on Trial

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"Hasegawa! How's it going?" Mera called out to him. "Oh, Mera! Good to see you!" He responded.
"I had something I wanted to ask you."
"Go for it."
"Well, the café I work at is a little low on staff lately, and I thought that you would fit the role. So, if you wanted too, did you want to try the position out after school?" The two were walking to class.
"..Yeah. I mean, I don't see why not." Hasegawa pulled his seat out, feeling there wasn't much else to say.
"Awesome! I'll walk you there after school!" Mera smiled before returning to her seat.

Saiki was running a little bit late as he had to drop his dad off at work. Kei let his eyes wander around, and he noticed that Hairo took time to have a small conversation with Mera before he got swamped by other people. Thinking back on it, this happened everyday without fail; granted it might not have been first thing in the morning, but either Mera would chase down Hairo or he would chase down her to have a small conversation.

"What are you looking at?" Nendou followed his gaze not spotting anything interesting.
"nothing, how are you today?"
"Ooo, back to paper are we? Fancy." Nendou mocked him, "Oh, actually look what I can do." He took a pen from his pocket and drew a surprisingly good flower in a flower pot.
"that's so pretty"
"Hey guys!" Kaido pulled a chair over. They settled in a conversation awaiting Saiki's arrival.

'—And that's how I needed up getting myself a job interview after school today.' Kei informed his boyfriend at lunch. Kusuo looked dejected but he encouraged Kei to go for it. 'Oh, have you noticed Mera and Hairo's interactions lately?'
"Yeah, I guess. I notice a lot of things, love."
Kei slumped against the wall he was leaning on, the soft breeze gave him goosebumps. (They're sitting outside.)

"...Do you think I'll do well in my interview?" Kusuo was getting used to Kei's voice, but this time he seemed so fragile. "Do you not think you will?"
'Well I don't think a retail industry would want someone with anxiety and someone who can't speak for shit.' The air grew thick. "..That may be true, but that doesn't mean you can't work at all. You could manage the stock, or finance or something that involves less talking." Kei didn't seemed convinced but kept his mouth shut. If he did end up getting the job, it would be his first one and that was kinda scary.

'Y'know what? I'm just gonna give it my best and if they don't like me then it's not the end of the world!' He kissed his boyfriend's cheek, 'Thanks darling.'

"Hasegawa! Jeez, why are you so fast?" Mera panted, catching him at his shoe locker. "Maybe if you worked out you wouldn't have trouble catching him." Some girls giggled behind them. Kei slammed his locker door closed, the sound shocked them quiet. "let's go Mera" "Huh?! Uh, right! Follow me!" She pushed her glasses up before leading Hasegawa and Saiki to the café.

"Saiki, you might have to wait a bit before your order comes as the manger needs to introduce Hasegawa to the cook."
"Wait, what?! What cook!?"
She clasped her hands around her mouth, "That was supposed to be a surprise! Shit. But I remember on the Okinawa trip how you said you like to bake in your spare time, and the chef wants to take some vacation days off with his wife. Also, I had offhandedly mentioned his good the brownies you gave me were. Anyway! Long story short, my manger wants you to try it out. Oh, but no pressure of course! If you don't feel comfortable or something you don't have to take the job! My manger said he was looking for potential candidates as well!"

It took a moment to take in all the information Mera gave to him, but Kei knew that Toshi would be proud of him if he did it. "I'll do it. Who knows, it might be fun." His hands were shaking but Kei knew this was the right choice. "Oh good, because we're here." Mera took a deep breath and let her two friends in.

Saiki took a seat at a booth that could see into the kitchen. Mera explained to her boss that Hasegawa wasn't very talkative but he had great talent. As a gauge of Hasegawa's ability, he made the coffee jelly and hot chocolate for Saiki's order. He gave his honest feedback, everything was really good but the hot chocolate could use a bit more chocolate flavour. The cook decided to let Hasegawa try and make the things off of the menu. with Saiki and Mera as the judges.

"Um, Saiki? Can I ask you something?" Mera asked, her body language displaying how nervous she was.
"Yeah, sure. What's up?" Saiki was curious now.
"Are you and Hasegawa together? Like.. romantically? I-It's just a speculation! I'm sorry if I offended you!!"
"..No, it's all good. And... we are. Dating I mean." He covered his blush with his glasses.
"Okay, cool." She let out bated breath, "I just noticed the way you look at him is... the same way I look at someone as well. So I thought I'd ask."
"Hairo?" He raised a questioning brow.
"...Yeah, since you shared something so personal I will admit to that."

Saiki made a revelation that day. One; Kei is the best at making sweet treats, and two; Mera is the most honest, hardworking and amazing person he knows. She's so supportive and doesn't make you feel pressured into something you don't wanna do. She has this vibe to her that makes her approachable and heartwarming.

Saiki watched as regular customers saw Hasegawa working and asked about him, the manager just said that he was on trial. Saiki watched as the customers stopped to take a moment to critique the food his boyfriend made. Granted it wasn't always good, but bad advice is better than none.

The cafe closed a few hours later, and Kei couldn't hold himself up anymore. His nerves suddenly overwhelmed him and his knees went weak. Luckily Mera and Saiki caught him.
"So, Hasegawa, I hope you consider what today was like. If I'm being honest, I haven't seen Saiki so invested in food before, so I think you can take that was a win."
"Thank you, Mera. I was really nervous so I'm glad you think I did well." He smiled down at her.
"...Ah, my stop! I'll catch you guys later!!" Mera ran off down some side street.

"I don't like when you have that look on your face."
Kei giggled at his boyfriend, 'I'm glad you like my coffee jelly. I may have been practicing.'
Kusuo cupped Kei's face and gave him the softest kiss ever, "You're so precious. I love you."
'I love you too.' Kei giggled.

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K || Saiki Kusuo x OC Male ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora