Nerd Kaido: Confirmed

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"...What are you doing?" Saiki sighed, wondering who was weirder; Hasegawa or Nendou. 'Don't compare me to Nendou!' Kei huffed, smacking Saiki's shoulder from behind, 'Something's about to happen. Kaido is acting weirder than he normally is.' As if on cue, one normal afternoon of walking home together made an embarrassing turn. Kaido bid goodbye to his friends when a voice called out to him, "Shun, baby, is that you?"           "M-Mommy?!" Kaido frantically tried to shoo his mother away. "Oh, don't be rude, Shun! I just wanted to greet your friends! And, you should've invited them over! You know we live close by, besides I've just done some shopping, and—"      "N-No! That's alright mom—mother! I'm sure their very busy!" Kaido looked to his friends for help. Nendou went through the chores he had to do, and decided he could skip them all, "Ah, who cares! I can just do it later!" Nendou smiled, and Kaido wished he could take a hint.

"Oh, are you sure? I brought coffee jelly and some other snacks too." Kaido's mom said sadly. "I'll go." Saiki perked up at the mention of his favourite snack. "Oh, good! And how about you, dear?" She looked at Hasegawa who smiled, and nodded from behind Saiki's shoulder. Mrs. Kaido* giggled and led her son and his friends to their house, babbling on about how her amazing kids were.

Once the boy's were in Kaido's room, Nendou burst out laughing, "You still call you mom 'mommy?!'" Kaido flushed red and tried to hide his embarrassment, Hasegawa giggled as well. All the laughter soon died down when Nendou starting rummaging around. "AHH! What are you doing?!" Kaido screamed. "Looking for porno mags." Nendou replied calmly. Hasegawa grabbed the book Nendou had in his hand, and smacked him on the back of his head, Nendou groaned in protest, Saiki chuckled and continued looking around. Kaido watched the scene playout and noticed something about Saiki, but quickly got distracted when he saw the book Kei was holding, "Hasegawa, p-please give me that." Kaido's trembling voice and shaking hands, made Kei smirk with mischief.

Kaido went pale and the two started running around Kaido's room, Nendou laughed hysterically, Saiki stifled his laugh. "..Shun, baby, what are you doing?" Mrs. Kaido said with a sigh. Everyone stopped in their tracks, Kaido snatched the book from Hasegawa, "N-N-Nothing, mother. W-We were just getting some exercise." He smiled. She didn't look convinced, but set down the tray of tea and coffee jelly she was carrying. Before any one of them could think about the snacks, Mrs. Kaido started another conversation, "So, Nendou was it? Do you have any plans for college?" The way she asked it sent shivers down Kei's spine, even though the question wasn't directed at him. "Nope. I ain't got plans for college. I plan on building my own business from the ground up. And ma'am, can we eat now?" Nendou was practically drooling.

"...Are you kidding me? My little baby Shun goes to cram school every day after school, and on top of all that, he studies and extra three hours when he gets home!" Mrs. Kaido was red with anger, she was fuming and glared at Hasegawa, "Shun, come with me. And you three, by the time I get back, I expect you to be working on these. You can have your snacks after." She dumped piles and piles of work books on the tiny table, almost knocking all the snacks off. Mrs. Kaido stormed out with her son following close behind.

Tears pricked the corner of Hasegawa's eyes, no one had gotten that angry with him since he was a child, Nendou seemed unfazed and found some video games to play. Saiki used is abilities to fill out the workbooks, turning to Hasegawa when he was finished, "...Are you okay?" Saiki didn't know how to comfort someone, so he did what he thought Kei would do to him. Saiki hesitantly placed his hand on Kei's balled fist, shocking him enough tears rolled down his cheeks.

"H-Hasegawa?! Uh, um." Saiki searched for something to wipe Kei's tears, "W-What?! Why are you laughing and crying?!" 'B-Because, seeing you panic and not use your powers is funny.' Kei said, wiping his tears and gripping Saiki's hand. "You.. You are such a moron. And, I did not forget about my albitites, it's just none of them are useful for this kind of thing." Kei smiled, resting his head on Saiki's shoulder, only separating when they heard Nendou angrily shout at the game he was playing.

They felt like teenage girls being caught. Muffled yelling caught Kei's attention, and he scooted closer to the door, "—mom! Their my friends! Actual friends!" '...Kaido's.. standing up to his mom!?' Kei looked back at Saiki, shocked, but Saiki was helping himself to coffee jelly. "She's coming." Saiki warned, pushing a pottle of jelly towards Hasegawa. He scurried over to the table and sat next to Saiki, their knees touching. "Gosh, I can't believe that boy... I suppose that's what happens when he— What are you boys doing?! I asked you to do one simple task! And this is what you do with your time!?" Mrs. Kaido was fuming, mumbling curse words under her breath. She went quiet when she saw all the books filled in, correctly too.

Mrs. Kaido flushed in embarrassment, apologising to the boys and praising their smartness. Nendou still insisted he wasn't going to college, but at this point Kaido's mom just smiled and tried to get Saiki and Hasegawa's studying schedule. "There's no real schedule, ma'am. We just work hard and compare our answers." Kei replied calmly. Mrs. Kaido looked a little uncomfortable, but she soon dropped the topic and went to do other things around the house.

"U-Um, guys?" Kaido said, peaking into his own room. "What'cha doing dude? C'mon in! It's your room ain't it?" Nendou motioned him inside. Kaido awkwardly sat down, like he was being scolded. "..About my mother.. I'm sorry! I-I don't know why she's like that! Sometimes she gets really angry like she could blow a fuse!" Kaido rambled on some more, and Hasegawa got up and patted his shoulder, "you're our friend, crazy mom and all." Kaido smiled, almost in tears. "Isn't that a little dramatic?" Saiki kept a straight face. Kei turned to glare at him, but stoped when he noticed Saiki had a straight face, 'Asshat. But perhaps. Kaido's our friend regardless, and I will fight you.' Kei kept calming Kaido down.

"Shit. My moms gonna kill me." Kei said, looking out the window at the setting sun, "Sorry, I have to get home." Kei quickly got up, Saiki followed, Nendou stayed a little longer. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I really have to get home." Kei bowed and placed the note in front of Kaido's mom, running out the door. Saiki got the memo and teleported them home. 'Thank you, I owe you one.' Kei gave Saiki a quick peck on the check before running inside to calm his panicked parents. Once again, Saiki walked home with flushed cheeks.

*Kaido's mom doesn't officially have a name which is why she is referred to mostly as "Mrs. Kaido," or "Kaido's mom."

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