Saiki's Okinawa Accident

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Despite Nendou and Hairo's determined attitude to win, they both lost, hard. Mera was the one who won most of the games they played. "Yay! I win again!!" She shouts in triumph. "Again!" The two sore losers shouted. "C'mon guys, you've lost for the past seven games! Can't we do something else?" Kaido begged. "What about a different card game maybe?" Teruhashi suggested. Among all the game chatter, Saiki felt he wasn't needed so he left to the beach, again.

'Hey, wait. You okay?' Kei asked, following Saiki out to the beach. "Yeah. Just tired." Kusuo drowsily nodded. 'Well good thing there is conveniently beach chairs right here.' Kusuo tiredly chuckled, lying down on a chair anyway. 'Oh, I'll let Matsuzaki know you still aren't feeling well so we can "get some fresh air."' Kei kissed his boyfriends lips, Kusuo gave him a shortcut to the hotel. Little did they know, one of their classmates followed them outside, 'No way..'

Hasegawa notified Hairo, since Matsuzaki and the other teachers were busy. He was making his way back to the beach when suddenly the breeze picked up and tingled his skin. '...What just happened?' His query's weren't left unanswered for too long. From the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar mop of purple hair shaking his boyfriend awake, "Hey! Saiki wake up, we have a huge problem!!" He panicked. Hasegawa made his way over to the two of them, eaves dropping on their conversation, "What did you do to the hotel? And where is everyone?! Are they dead?!" Toritsuka kept shaking him.

"What's going on?" Kei asked, more to Toritsuka than his half-asleep boyfriend. "GAH! How the hell are you here! What about everyone else?" Toritsuka now focused his attention on Hasegawa, whom "appeared out of nowhere." "The hotels gone." Saiki cleared up the confusion in the air, pointing to the hole that's in its place. "Saiki, what did you do?" Kei sighed, looking down amidst the dark depth. "How are you so calm?! Wait... you know???" Toristuka whips is head around to Saiki, who shrugs. "It just turned out that way. Besides I trust him more than I do you." Toristuka dramatically gasped loudly. "Sorry to break up your moment, but why are there dead bodies down there?" Kei paled, stumbling away from the seemingly ever lasting pit.

"Shipwreck," Saiki lifts up the bodies and the wrecked ship, "which means, something on this ship is worth the price of the hotel." "Wait, you don't mean.." Toritsuka tried not to the the worse. "The hotels somewhere at sea. Not sunken though. I mean, have you see the size if that hole?!" The automated voice calmed Toritsuka's nerves a little.

—Meanwhile at the hotel—

"What's going on with the lights?" One of the students asked, not manly enough to admit he's afraid of the dark. "I don't know man. Maybe they just turned the light off because it's time to sleep." Another replied, giving him an 'why does it even matter' kind of look. "I just can't sleep with the lights off." He mumbled to himself, "Anyway! why don't we talk to Hairo?" "Can't. He fell asleep at eight o'clock sharp. And I think we should all follow his lead." Someone shared from across the room, sounding extremely exhausted.

The guy who couldn't sleep went to get some fresh air, but when he opened the curtains he was greeted with the ocean at his feet,  "Woah, are you guys seeing this? It's the ocean!" "Weren't you the one who was complaining we couldn't see the ocean earlier?" His mate sighed, getting up to see what was happening. "Maybe, but look!" He expressed again. This time, the city view looked back at him. "Oh, and the lights are back in too." His mate said, patting him on the shoulder, "Get some rest dude, you can see the beach tomorrow." "But I really did see the ocean.." He pouted, going to bed with a little nightlight by his head.

—Back with the main characters—

"That was close." Saiki let out a breath of relief. 'That's for sure. But darling, what happened to your little antenna?' Kei motioned toward the empty spot. "Oh, hey dude. Where's your little ball?" Toristuka asked, just as confused as everyone else. "I don't know, you tell me, Toristuka." Saiki glared at him. "What?! Me?! It wasn't, I swear!" He defended himself continuously. Saiki almost brainwashed him, but he really didn't know what happened to his control device. 'Well if it wasn't either of us, and you didn't lose it, then where is it?'

"Hey, where's Kokomi?" Yumehara anxiously fiddled with her hair. "Isn't she in the bathroom?" A dorm mate replied. "No? I haven't seen her." Mera answered. "Me neither." They all replied. "..Let's go find her!" Chiyo suggested. "Sneak out? No way, no thanks." One girl said. Next thing she knew, she was outside with the rest of their friends, "I can't believe we snuck out!" Mera said. "I know! But we have to find Teruhashi!" Their dorm mates said.

"Shit." Saiki figured something was up and this confirmed it, he just didn't think it was this bad. Using clairvoyance he located Teruhashi, she was in a forest somewhere but she safe for now. For now only lasted a few seconds before a bear showed up and Saiki disappeared. "Saiki?! Where did you go?" Toritsuka called out. "Let's go look for him." Toritsuka could see the panic written in Hasegawa's eyes, something he tried to hide. As the two were looking for Saiki, Toritsuka shouting his name and Hasegawa on the lookout, Toristuka couldn't keep his mouth shut, "..Um, so, like, haha, umm, are you and Saiki, like, you know, a thing?"

"Hahaha what? What makes you say that?" Kei responded, too shocked to even type it out. "I kinda.. saw you guys.. on the beach earlier. I didn't mean to! Honest! It just happened, but like I totally support you guys, you know love is love, or something like that. I just wanted to, like make sure I'm not seeing things! But like if I am then..." Toristuka kept rambling on, trying desperately to not sound homophobic, "Sorry, I probably shouldn't put you on the spot like this but, uh.. I-I'll shut up now."

"No, no, you're fine. Haha, but uh yeah. We are a 'thing.' But please don't tell anyone! You're kinda the first one to know... And I think Saiki would kick himself knowing that." Kei tried to sound mature and not like he was shitting his pants.* "Cool, cool. I'm an ally then." Kei couldn't help laughing, Toristuka was more nervous than he was, and he was the one coming out. Toristuka laughed as well, looks like he made a new friend, hopefully one that won't find it weird he uses his ghostly abilities to obtain the knowledge of what panties are in between a girls' legs.

*shitting his pants- as in he's super nervous

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