Sports Festival [1/2]

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Hairo is someone who you could probably spot a mile away. One, because of his spiky red hair and two, because of his enthusiastic personality. Hasegawa envied Hairo, being able to express himself so openly and have many friends is all he ever wanted. Hairo's muscular arms showed how much he valued physical strength, especially when he pushed his classmates beyond their limits. Hairo's electric personality was so contagious he could get random people to bunny hop down the hallway for fun. 'How does he have some much energy?' Hasegawa asked Saiki, a little envious. "Personally, I like people who don't have as much energy as Hairo." Saiki glanced at Kei who had the ghost of a smile. "Did you guys know when humans sleep we produce about 300 milliliters of sweat?" Hairo interrupted the two, causally involving himself in their non-verbal conversation.

Hasegawa seemed to find it interesting, but that was only to get Hairo to move on. In reality, he found it a little gross. Saiki looked disinterested as Hairo went on about the upcoming sports festival, however Hasegawa seemed interested. He had never been directly involved in anything before. "So, I was wondering if you guys would help me out, since my helper, Kudo, caught a cold." Hasegawa nodded his head so fast he got whiplash. "Excellent!!" Hairo happily led them further down the hall. Hairo's scream filled the room he just opened, the entrance sign he was making had collapsed and broken pieces were scattered everywhere. 'Uh... he does know inanimate objects can't give up right?' Kei gave Saiki a concerned look. "It's fine! We'll just rebuild it! We won't give up on you! How can we be out of materials?! You guys can work with this and I'll be back!!" Hairo went through the seven stages of grief before running out and getting more materials.

Hasegawa had started to work on making some measurements for the wood when Saiki pulled him back and sat him down. Kei protested and went back to work, 'It would be easier to be psychic but I think it could be fun!' He gave a heart melting smile and Saiki reluctantly let him work. 'Uh, Saiki...' Saiki had taken his eyes off Kei for a second and when he looked up, Kei had nearly sliced his finger off. 'Y-You can f-fix this right?!' It was clear Kei was trying to stay calm, tears filled his eyes and threatened to fall. Saiki swiftly healed Kei's half fallen off finger, and built the rest of the structure with his abilities. "Are you okay?! What happened?!" He cupped Kei's cheeks and wiped away a few stray tears. 'I just wanted to help...' "...Okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was... worried." Saiki was embarrassing himself, where is Hairo when you need him? Hasegawa noticed how out of character he was, and how embarssed he was. Kei quickly spotted the book Saiki occupied himself with and they talked until the sun had began to set.

'Hey, it's been a while since Hairo left, where is he? Do you think he's hurt?' "...He's fine." Right on que, Hairo busted into the room on a log covered in moss. At the commotion, some students who were doing club activities decided to stop by an help out. Everyone had erupted into joyous remarks when they finished rebuilding the entrance. It took longer than expected but it did look nice. "By the way, why are preparing for the sports festival now?" Everyone looked at the boy who spoke up, "Isn't it still a month away?" Kei could sense the fury from Saiki at this new found information. "What do you mean? A month goes by really fast!" Hairo said with enthusiasm. The helpers all groaned out in frustration.

One month later
The day of the sports festival

Each class had specific bandanna colour they had to wear to represent their class. Class three's colour was yellow, not really Kei's colour but he'll manage. Hairo was being his usual energetic self, hyping up the class, but it had the opposite effect on Kei. Loud noises and quiet people don't mix well. Saiki complained about how he didn't like sports day and how he only came because his dad had brought a camera for this moment, Kei looked over to where Saiki had pointed and he saw Kunihara waste the battery by taking photos of Kurumi. 'At least someone's having fun.' Kei envied them a little, 'Oh! Looks like your up! Good luck!' Hasegawa gave Saiki a slap on the back. Everyone wished Saiki good luck, his event was a running race, he ended up finishing third, surprising his class. "I'm impressed Saiki! All those guys were in the track and field club!" Hairo proclaimed.

"...You're joking." Saiki would've come last if he knew they were all trained runners. 'At least you're still undercover, Mr. Psychic ~' Hadegawa teased. The next event was a three legged race between Teruhashi and Sawakita. It turned out that Sawakita was carrying Teruhashi bridal style the whole race. "...Are you doing okay?" Saiki asked, noticing how quiet Hasegawa has been. 'Huh?! Uh, yeah. I just kinda wanted my parents here.' Hasegawa smiled bitterly. His mom and dad usually always come to schools events like this, but they were just too busy. "If it makes you feel any better, it seems my parents are here for both of us." Saiki motioned towards his parents who waved enthusiastically when the two boys turned around. 'It... kinda does.' Hasegawa smiled.

"Oh! It's my turn!!" Nendou said as he ran out. "Nendou? Doing a scavenger hunt?" Kaido said worryingly. Nendou was the first one to reach the pile of papers on the ground, he happily congratulated himself. "You have to find what on the paper!!" Someone shouted at him. Whatever was on the paper made him run towards class three, Saiki especially. In one swift motion, Nendou pulled Saiki's antenna out from his head and Saiki went limp, falling to the floor. "Oh no, Saiki!!" Kaido said, worry lacing his words. Everyone was concerned for Saiki, unsure of what to do. Kei whipped his head around to where he last saw Saiki's parents, of course they were gone. Out of pure adrenaline, Kei snatched the antenna from Nendou and gently put it back into Saiki's head.

Kei rested Saiki's head on his lap, everyone waited anxiously for Saiki wake up. Saiki opened his eyes and was met with Hasegawa's worried face and eyes laced with tears. 'You scared me!' Kei said, helping Saiki to his feet. "What happened?" Saiki questioned. "You fainted after Nendou took that thing out of your head. If it wasn't for Hasegawa, who knows what could have happened to you." Hairo happily praised Hasegawa. "Alright everyone, that is it for this morning's activities. Please meet back at your respective class in one hour." A voice boomed over the intercoms.

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