Telepathy [2/2]

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Saiki awkwardly looked away, he knew he was caught. Toritsuka picked up the weird vibe and quickly left, afraid of what the psychic might do to him.

The two stood in silence. Hasegawa was analysing the situation while Saiki was silently reading his mind. 'This doesn't make sense... does it?! There's no way Toritsuka is a spirit median...' Kei stared deeply at Saiki, looking straight through him. '...You are psychic, aren't you?' Kei turned around so Saiki couldn't see his face, but his likeability meter was around sixty. "...I am." Saiki simply stated. Seventy. '...that's so embarrassing.' Kei chuckled weakly, 'don't get me wrong though, it's so cool but a little unbelievable if I'm honest.' A wave of relief washed over Saiki when Kei turned around with the biggest smile in his face. The sunset behind him made Kei's freckles shimmer. Kei's smile was so contagious Saiki started smiling too. '...FUCK HE'S SO CUTE!!!' Kei's face paled when he realised Saiki could hear his thoughts.

A soft giggle escaped Saiki's lips, he covered his mouth with the back of his hand. Kei stared in awe before realising the sun had set. He started to panic about his worried parents, but then Saiki took his hand and teleported near his house. '...Right. You're a psychic.' Kei smiled and kissed Saiki's cheek as a thank you for the shortcut home. Saiki waited for Kei to go inside before blushing madly. "I guess I should walk home. Who knows what would happen if I use my abilities now." He smiled once again and started the walk home. Kurumi hounded Kusuo about being late and checked him for injuries. Even if her son is psychic, he's still her son and Kurumi worries for him constantly. "Oh Kusuo, why is your face so red?" Kuniahra questioned before gasping loudly, "Were you with a girl?! Is that why you were late?!" "I'm fine, and no I wasn't."

The phrase 'with a girl' made things so clear to Kusuo. What Hasegawa meant when he said 'the truth.*' Why he's never been interested in girls before. "...You've got to be kidding me." His face became a deep red again, there was no way he was falling in love. Kusuo's eyes drifted to the glass dolphin on his shelf, a smile forming uncontrollably. "You are in love! Honey! Kusuo's in love!!" Kunihara shouted from Kusuo's doorframe. Kurumi rushed up the stairs but Kusuo teleported away. "Boo~ Do you think he's gone to his girlfriends?" She asked. Kunihara shrugged and began peppering her with kisses.

"Kei? Sweetie, what's wrong?" Akemi held her son close. "I'm fine. I just ran here." Kei tried to hide his obvious flusteredness. "Darlin', it's obvious he's in love!" Hiro nudged his sons arm. Kei shook his head, denying the statement, and started heating up leftovers for his dinner. Hiro and Akemi teased him about it but abruptly stopped when the door bell rang. "Oh Kusuo!! It's nice to see you, but what are you doing here this late?!" Akemi ushered him inside. "Sorry for showing up out of no where, but I-" Hiro cut him off with a hot drink, thinking he must be cold from the walk over. Akemi chuckled at her husband's behaviour, Kei giggled at how clueless Saiki looked, 'You're so cute.' It was funny to see how flustered Saiki was, and Kei felt no malice from Saiki, so he kept teasing him.

In hushed whispers, Mr. and Mrs. Hasegawa gossiped about their son and his "friend." "Sorry about them. I think they're just excited I have a friend." Kei apologised, giving his parents the side eye. "It's... alright. I've just never had so much attention on me." Saiki confessed. Akemi had never seen her son smile so much, she was so glad she enrolled him in that school. Kei rushed to his mom when he saw she started crying. Hiro started comforting her and Saiki placed a calming hand on his shoulder, "She's happy you have a friend." Kei relaxed and left his parents alone. Saiki looked at him confused, he was just worrying about his mother so why would he leave her alone? 'Whenever she's like that, its best to leave her with the one who loves her the most.' Kei replied, it was his turn to read minds.

"...I guess my parents are like that too." Saiki stated. "Want me to walk you home, Mr. Psychic?" Kei held his arm out like a gentlemen. Saiki was being swayed by Hasegawa once again. He hesitantly hooked his arm around Hasegawa's. "...You know, I was really expecting you to freak out or something." He still couldn't wrap his head around why Hasegawa didn't freak out. Kei stared at him and then weakly chuckled, 'Well because after we met your mother, I guess I started observing you more or something. It just kind of made sense after a while.' He smiled. "Ku! Where did you go?!" Kurumi ran up to her son when she spotted him. "Your mom's right! Even if you are a psychic it doesn't mean you can just wander off whenever!" Kunihara worriedly agreed.

Kusuo awkwardly gestured to the boy beside him, who smiled nervously. Mrs. and Mr. Saiki got flustered and tried to come up with an explanation for calling their son physic. "He knows." "Oh! Oh? What?!" Kunihara shrieked and went into a lecture about how no one's supposed to know he's psychic. Kusuo's smile couldn't be brighter and he would never regret telling a friend his secret.

*Referring to the valentine's day chapter

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