Kei and the Grandparents [2/2]

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A/N: hey guys!! soo as you can tell this was struggle to finish (pretend it hasn't been almost a month) so apologies 🙇‍♀️ but you get a little bit of spice 😏

Kunihara's eyes twinkled with excitement, he had a plan up his sleeve, "Y'know what. We can stay for a few days. I mean, it is Kusuo's holiday right now, so why not enjoy it with you guys!" His smile made his mother-in-law light up instantly. Kumagoro, who was listening through the wall, slammed his fist in anger. "Oh yeah, he actually hates my dad. I think it's because my dad 'took his little girl away from him.' But not too sure at this point." Kusuo said eating some orange slices.

Kei was prepared for Kumagoro's weirdness, thanks to Kusuo giving him a heads up, '..If I can be honest for a sec, um, your grandfather... he's a bit weird..' Kei admitted reluctantly. Ku shrugged, he didn't really care in a way. Thankfully, however Kurumi spoke up and handed over the gift they had gotten her parents. It was a type of cake that Kumagoro adores. Overhearing that his grandson could deliver him a piece of the cake, Kumagoro shuffled things around in the room he was in; and hurried into a normal newspaper reading position.

"I've brought you some cake and tea, dad." Kunihara announced coming in. Kei couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Kumagoro silently cursing out his son-in-law. Kumi gave Kei a tour of their land and an in-depth explanation of what Kusuo was like as a child (pictures included.) Baby Kusuo was so adorable and Kei teased him lovingly.

"Awwwh! Look at this one of you and Kusuke!" Kumi giggled. Kusuo's parents saw that as an opportunity to talk about his brother, which took the attention off of him so he was glad. 'You were so cute as a baby, what happened?' "Shut up." He chuckled. Kumi was surprised that her grandson was this close to someone. I mean this was the kid who cried that he had a different hair colour than others, and the kid who cried because someone sat at his table at lunch.

Kumi wiped away a tear, deciding she would fill in her husband on what their grandkids have been up to.


The day was coming to an end and the sky was becoming shades of pink, yellow, and orange. Kumi talked for longer than she thought. She whipped up something small for dinner since everyone had continuous snacks throughout various conversations. "I hope you two don't mind sharing a room.. We weren't prepped for an another guest." Kumi apologised.
"No it's alright. I'm the one imposing so the one room is fine. Thank you." Kei reminded.

"Alright then. You kids go bathe and we'll clean up this mess, so don't worry about it!" Kurumi kissed the top of Kusuo's head. He smiled at her contently. "Remember the walls are pretty thin." She winked before going back to the rest of her family.

"...My grandparents have a massive bathroom, so you'll find everything you need in there and I'll be waiting out here." Kusuo's cheeks flushed. '...Would you like to join me?' Kei looked up, cheeks beet red. Kusuo felt his heart throb in his ears, all he could do was nod while flushed.

'..You weren't kidding. This place is huge.' Kei looked around the white tiled room.
"Yeah.." Kusuo's eyes trailed down Kei's figure like a work of art. Every move, every strand of hair had him in a trance.
'I can feel you staring.' Kei said while getting in the bath, 'Come join, it's nice and warm.'
Kusuo swallowed the lump in his throat, he sat in the bath, hugging his knees. The two set there in silence for a while, Kei was mainly looking and the interior design and Ku tried to calm his racing heart; he tried think of anything but the fact his boyfriend was naked next for him.

'I feel like I'm the one who can read your thoughts.' Kei copied his boyfriend position, looking deep into his eyes, 'Your eyes remind me of amethyst. Your glasses are the hard rock that protect the beauty that an amethyst can portray. And when you smile they light up so quickly.' He rubbed his thumb over Kusuo's cheek gently, water droplets making his cheek even warmer. 'You have the strength of millions, yet you could break at any moment. I wish you could them through my eyes. They're the most beautiful amethyst I've ever seen.'

Kusuo looked between Kei's lips and his eyes, they were starving. A passionate kiss made its way to Kusuo's lips, down his neck and to his collar bone. Kusuo couldn't help but let a soft moan escape his lips. Kei shoved him by his shoulders, looking straight into his eyes. Kusuo covered his face in embarrassment, he couldn't leave, he didn't want to.

'That was so hot.'
"No it was embarrassing."
'Do it again.'
Kei touched his neck, deciding it was now or never. He sucked on his boyfriend's neck while stroking his hair. Kusuo fought to keep his mouth shut but the moans escaped once again. Kei licked his lips seeing the hickey on Kusuo's neck, a symbol he was taken. Granted it was far enough down that it could be covered by a shirt; but a symbol nonetheless.

It was obvious at this point both of them had hard-ons. "Touch me, Ku, please." Kei whimpered. "Needy are we?" Kei knew the effect his voice had, Kusuo wasn't comparing though. He felt a bit awkward jerking someone else off, but the way Kei's moans echoed against the walls almost made him cream right there. He sped up, the sound of the water drowning out the moans. Kusuo looked into Kei's eyes, they were fuzzy and full of pleasure.

Locking lips, they let their tongues explore each others mouth like it was the first time. Kei pulled his lover closer and stroked his dick as well. Kusuo was dripping with pre-cum, even in the bath it was obvious. Moans and whimpers filled their ears, it was immense pleasure and felt totally different to when you do it by yourself.

Kusuo creamed first, his moans becoming softer but more intense. Kei came soon after, splurting a bigger load than ever.

Bath time became hickeys and seductively enticing each other. They were going to need a lot of tissues tonight, good thing Kusuo can take them back to his place.

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K || Saiki Kusuo x OC Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang