The Former Punk Classmate

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Migrating back to school life after a vacation is always hard. But in the end all classes managed to push through, after acting sluggish and complaining at every opportunity. It had been a mere few days since the classes and settled and been back, but this didn't stop the teacher from entering the class with some news, "Alright everyone, I know this is a weird time and all of you are still recovering from whatever fatigue you can get from a three day trip," She adjusted her glasses in a way that sent chills throughout the whole class, "But I would like to introduce a new student to you all." The class was suddenly lively again, there had been rumors going around that morning. "I heard it's a guy!" One girl squealed. "Yeah, I heard the same." Another said. "I hope he's hot!" Someone said, blushing and fanning her red face. This had made the girls more chatty and the guys had become disinterested.

'So, who is our mystery new student?' Kei tried to squeeze the information out of his boyfriend. "Nice try, but you'll have to wait like everyone else." Kusuo replied. Kei wasn't left waiting for too long, the door slid open a little to forcefully, and revealed a boy who looked pretty tall. He had sort of narrow and square glasses, and his purple hair was gently resting around the frame. He walked in and scribbled his name down in the chalkboard. "Uh, hello everyone. My name is," He turned to look at his writing, like he had forgotten his name. But he had written 'was here' underneath his name, and he panicked, "Uh, sorry about that, force of habit. I-I'm Kuboyasu Aren." There was an airy silence, which made him all the more nervous. Along with the fact that when the girls saw him enter, they suddenly became ghostly and uninterested.

However, the class erupted with laughter, finding Aren's actions amusing, "It's nice to meet you dude!" One of the guys draped an arm around Kuboyasu. "You're a character for sure!" Another laughed. Kei took a mental note about the weird habit Kuboyasu said he had.

'...This guy, there's something different about him. Kinda scary..' Kaido had been captivated by Kuboyasu's presence. His gaze lingered a second to long because Aren's dark violet eyes caught Kaido's deep red ones. Yumehara pulled Kaido's attention away, and he was thankful for it. Kuboyasu let his new classmates surround him, answering questions the best he could. He hadn't had this much positive attention in a long time, but Ms. Shima (the teacher) had cut their interaction short after about ten minuets to start the class. The day before she had rearranged some desks to be able to fit in an extra one, she told Kuboyasu to take the empty seat behind Kaido. He raised his hand so Aren knew who the teacher was talking about. They exchanged short greetings so they didn't hold up the class.

"Psst, oi!" Aren tapped Kaido's back and threw him a crumpled piece of paper. He flattened the paper and it revealed really fancy handwriting asking directions for the bathroom. Kaido smiled to himself, and drew the way the best he could, then threw it behind me. Kuboyasu got permission to go to the bathroom and, with Kaido's directions, he reached it a lot easier than if he tried to get there on his own. He did a quick glance over, making sure no one else was in there, he punched the wall in one of the far stalls. "Is someone in here?" Kuboyasu was shocked by the sudden robotic voice, 'What the fuck? Does someone actually sound like that?' He kicked down the stall door, scaring the shit out of Hasegawa.

Aren had this look in his eyes, undeniable rage, but something behind that made him look less intimidating. Kei scrambled to clearly write down his thoughts, Aren gave him a weird look, "Why do you use that?" He asked, a hint of malice in his tone. Kei sighed, deleting the few words he had correctly written, "It's a long story." He had hoped Aren would drop it, and he did. He left the bathroom, leaving Kei with an uneasy feeling, but that might just be because he has to pee.

Kuboyasu stormed down the hall, creating a flashback about his life. Aren had grown up in a gangster household, although his parents did bad things, he didn't view them as bad people. His old man led some biker gang, and his old woman         co-owned the same gang. They were rightly very feared, but yet Aren still wasn't scared. So, as much as he could manage, he followed in his parents footsteps; he grew his hair out, yet he kept the sides shaved, he got into his first official fight in the third grade. "Ugh, blah blah, he bleached his hair, which was ridiculously long, yadda yadda, good grief people can babble." Saiki had been skillfully stalking Aren, because he knew of his past, and because he wanted to protect a certain someone. Since Kuboyasu started a new school, he wanted to start a new life, one where he would study hard, get a good job and... "Oh, sorry man." Takahashi apologised after bumping into Aren's shoulder, breaking him from his thoughts.

His blood boiled, he almost bashed the back of Takahashi's head in with a firehydrant, 'Shit, shit, shit! Normal people don't bash each other with random objects, right?! Fuck, this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.' Kuboyasu clamed down after putting the firehydrant away. "Hey, bud." Nendou said, hands in pockets, looming over him. 'Oh? Looks like this punk wants to rumble.' Kuboyasu undid a the top buttons on his shirt, a vein in his forehead ready to burst. "Wait! H-Hold on! Nendou, what do you think you're doing?! I'm so sorry about him!" Kaido interrupted. The atmosphere was tense, too tense. Seconds later, Aren tried to hold back his laughter, 'This squirt is everywhere.' Aren ruffled Kaido's hair, he took a deep breath and walked away. This is a good start.

Ku and Kei watched their friends associate with the new kid, 'Think he's gonna be alright?' "You mean fitting in wise?" Kei nodded, "He's gonna be fine, as long as we keep an eye on him." Kei thought Kusuo was overreacting, but hearing someone yell at Kuboyasu made them sprint. A few steps later they reached the corner to where the yelling was coming from. The bully who yelled was unconscious on the floor, Aren dusted his hands off, and the poor kid who was getting bullied just ran away. 'Okay so maybe we have a bit of work to do.' The couple sighed heavily, "What?" Aren questioned, not realising he had an audience before realising what he did, "Shit."

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