Activities in Okinawa

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If you wanted to know how many students there are on this Okinawa school vacation, PK Academy had to hire 4 tour buses*. On the bus you have to sit in pairs, and since Hasegawa was keeping Saiki from falling over, Mr. Matsuzaki sat them together. 'Matsuzaki for the win.' Kei smiled cheerily. "..Yeah." Kusuo replied, leaning on his boyfriend to finally taking the nap he deserves.

Saying Hairo, whom was a few rows away from them, was pumped for Okinawa would be an understatement, he was sweating from the excitement. Which is too much sweat for the average human to accumulate over excitement. Nendou was just as bad, for the excitement meter, and because he was sitting right in front of the boyfriends.

"Hey, Kokomi, check this out!" Yumehara whispered as she undid some of her shirt buttons, revealing her yellow bikini top. "Chiyo!" Teruhahsi whisper-shouted. "Relax, it's just a–" She squealed when she noticed Kaido was leaning on the seat in front of him to see Yumehara's chest, he just wanted to show off his knowledge on Okinawa. "Hmm, I'm hungry." Mera sighed between all the chaos. Kaido wouldn't let Saiki sleep in peace, because he was sitting next to Nendou, he spun around and started saying weird phrases. Kei gave him the side eye before lying back in his seat and trying to sleep also. "Oh, Kaido that's Okinawa dialect you're speaking, right?" Teruhashi asked, slightly interested. "I-I-It's just s-something I learned a w-while ago." Kaido laughed nervously, cheeks flushing pink. Yumehara recovered from the embarrassment earlier. The twinkle in Kaido's eyes seemed mischievous to the boyfriends, they kept pretending to sleep while Kaido said things in the Okinawa dialect.

Kei passed Kusuo an earbud, 'Since we're on this bus thought you could use a distraction.' His subtle smile made Kusuo's stomach churn, (in a good way.) Saiki took the gesture with a smile, but then he pondered on all the things Kei has done for him, like the glove he gave him at the sports festival, the little knickknacks Kei brings him because he said "They remind me of you," all the little mindful things Kei has done to make Kusuo feel comfortable, maybe made him a little teary, and he actually fell asleep.

Kei gently shook his sleeping prince awake as the bus came to a stop, 'We've stopped to get lunch. It's soba noodles.' "Wake up bro!!" Nendou shouted at him. Mr. Matsuzaki hurried everyone off the bus so he could eat, everyone's stomachs growled in agreement. The soba shop only just managed to fit all the students in there, some with bigger appetites than others. That would be Mera, she was gobbling down bowl after bowl, as she rightfully should though. A hungry girl has got to eat her fill, especially if that fill is free food.

Kaido kept up the Okinawa slang, including it more than he should've. The people sitting at his table were getting a little annoyed, since Teruhashi complemented him earlier, it's technically her fault. "You doing okay over there?" Kusuo asked his boyfriend, across the room. 'Yeah, I can manage.' Kei subtly looked over at his boyfriends table and gave a thumbs up. "Woah, Mera slow down! You'll choke!!" Yumehara expressed her concern, but also a little impressed. After a couple more bowls of soba, Mera looked satisfied, "Well then, shall we go take a look around?" Teruhashi proposed. "I'm down!" An electronic voice said with excitement, "Matsuzaki allowed me to use my phone* instead of my notebook, isn't that neat?" Hasegawa smiled. "I didn't know you even had a phone." Nendou grabbed Hasegawa's phone, admiring the case and model.

"Oh, is there a polaroid in your case?" Mera asked, pointing to the backwards photo* in his case. Hasegawa nodded, slightly worried Nendou might do something stupid. "Ah, look! There's a Habu vs Mongoose death match going on over there!" Kaido hurriedly gave Hasegawa his phone back and dragged Nendou over to the fight. Teruhashi, Mera, and Yumehara all shared a devious look, they have to know what is on that polaroid. Saiki decided to get his boyfriend out of there, he'll ask him about the polaroid later. "Hey! Hmph, guess we're by ourselves." Teruhashi shrugged. "Hey Mera, wait!" Yumehara said, chasing after Mera who is eating more free samples of pineapple than she should.

'Looks like I've got two knights in shining armour, Kaido with the polaroid and you just now.' Kei giggled and held Kusuo's hand. "..Yeah, you're welcome I guess.." He sounded distracted, Kei figured why. He took off his phone case and handed the polaroid to Kusuo, turns out there are two. The first polaroid* was of them on the bus just before, sharing headphones while Kusuo tried to sleep. The second polaroid* was of them holding hands while walking him from their "first date" when they got ice-cream with Yuuta. "Since when we're you carrying around a polaroid camera?!" Kusuo shockingly asked. 'I don't, one of Toshi's mates can covert photos to polaroids.' Kei shrugged. Saiki still looked puzzled, the first photo was taken in the bus, but he doesn't carry a polaroid camera so how could he..??? ...Whatever, magic is magic I suppose.

Kei took the first polaroid and stuck it back in his case, he pushed the other to his boyfriend, 'I know we should be on the down low, but I thought it could be like an us kinda thing.' A blush spread across their faces, and Kusuo slipped the photo in his pocket. They were going to go back to their group, but the girls were surrounded by boys hitting on Teruhashi, while Nendou and Kaido looked like they were being scammed. 'Why are they like this?' "I don't know." The two giggled at their classmates interactions. Kusuo took this as an opportunity to take Kei to someplace with an amazing view. Man he could such a sap if he wanted to be.

*tour buses hold 45-60 passengers and other buses can vairy between 15-60 passengers

*@kysuwo sparked the idea of Kei using his phone for this trip!!

*backwards photo: the photo itself is facing his phone so Kei's friends can't see the photo

*the first polaroid (photo was found on pinterest)

*the second polaroid (photo was found on pinterest)

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*the second polaroid (photo was found on pinterest)

*the second polaroid (photo was found on pinterest)

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