Parents and Misunderstandings

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The end of the semester is coming to an end (Japan starts their school year in April, and has their first holiday in July) and the parent-teacher interviews were slowly approaching. Each home-room teacher sent out the days there would be interviews and the time's available. "Teruhashi, when is your interview?!" -was the phrase of the day, every man and their dog were asking that question. "Oh, I'm not sure. Whenever my mom is free I guess." She said, smiling in an awkward manor. Hasegawa stuffed his headphones on, blocking out all the unnecessary noise by putting on his playlist. Kei has always loved wearing bulky headphones, because it lets people know you don't want to talk to them.

"HA-SE-GA-WA!!" Kaido flopped down on Hasegawa's back, scaring the poor thing shitless. "Ah, sorry." Kaido apologised at the fear event on Kei's face, "I didn't see the headphones." "it's fine, what's up?" "What do you do when; your single mom, starts talking about a guy she started working with. I mean like, talking-talking about him." Kaido looked deflated and hopeless. "Shouldn't you be happy that your mom has found a new boyfriend?" Nendou said. "But it's not that simple!!" Kaido whined and whimpered. "have u tried talking to ur mom?" "...Y'know Hasegawa, I just noticed, but when you 'talk' to us, it's in a friendly way, but when you talk to someone like Teruhashi, it's so proper." Kaido noted. Kei looked confused and flipped through the pages of his book, Kaido was right.

"Surprisingly, he is right." Saiki said, leaving over Kei's shoulder. "weird, maybe i just like you guys better ;)" Kaido laughed, cheeks a little pink. "but talk to ur mom. i'm sure she'll confirm or deny that" Hasegawa had a point, so Kaido sighed and reluctantly nodded. "Saiki!" Yumehara interrupted, "When is your interview?" She piped up, eager to know if she will see him, unfortunately for her the bell went off and their next class had started. "How do you do that?" Saiki asked glancing at Hasegawa's seat. 'Magic.' He replied with a wink, munching down on the food he snuck into class.

"Now class, before you all go home I have an announcement." The teacher said, gaining everyone's attention, "As most of you may know, parent-teacher interviews are coming up, and we teachers know a few things." She smirked and made eye contact with Hasegawa, who stopped mid-chew with puffed up checks. 'Why's she looking at me? What does she mean? SAIKI!! DOES SHE KNOW?!' Kei glanced at Saiki who slowly nodded his head. Hasegawa awkwardly smiled at the teacher who giggled and dismissed the class.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Hasegawa." Kei's teacher greeted as she straightened up some papers. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. But please, call me Akemi." She smiled and sat down. "Hiro, nice to meet you. I hope our son hasn't been too much trouble." He shook her hand. "Actually, about that," Kei sank down into his jacket, and the chair, already knowing what was coming, "Hasegawa has been eating during classes." His teacher said. There was a defeating beat of suffocating silence. "...What about his grades?" Akemi asked, raising an eyebrow with sass. The teacher looked a bit perplexed but said, "His grades are good, but-" "Excellent! Then there's no problem correct?" Hiro said, slightly angry. "..Yes. Your son is doing well in class and is getting good grades, he has a good group of friends and he has caused no problems." She said, rubbing her hands out of fear.

Akemi thanked her and left, anger boiling her blood. "Oh my, Akemi and Hiro?! Oh, and Kei too!!" A feminine voice called out to them. "Your parents are ruthless, crybaby." Saiki smiled at Kei. 'At least their not weirdos, Mr. Psychic.' Kei smiled back at him. "Kei, honey, stop drooling." Hiro whispered to him, "Well we better get going, see you guys later!" Hiro ushered Akemi and Kei down the hall, Kei looked dazed and his face was red. 'That's so not fair. WHY IS HE SO ATTRACTIVE!!!' Kei took one last look at Saiki, who smirked at him, before heading home. "You're such a dummy." Saiki's good mood was ruined immediately when his interview started.

Akemi was ranting and raving to her husband about the interview, Hiro wrapped his arms around her waist as she cooked and ranted. "Got room for one more?" Saiki questioned as he appeared in Kei's room. 'For you, always, but is something wrong? You look a little down.' Kei flinched but welcomed Saiki to sit on his bed. "...I guess my mom's not the only one who's pressed about the interviews." Saiki chuckled as he heard Akemi shouting from the kitchen. 'She just doesn't like our teacher, but what happened with yours?' Kei questioned, worry etched his face. "...My mom's not disappointed about anything particularly, but... she's mad I'm not doing better." He confessed.

Kei could tell that guilt and doubt were creeping up on his friend, Saiki sat cross-legged and small tears laces his eyes. "She says 'no one's supposed to know I'm psychic,' but she's the one who expects so much of me. And the worst part is, she doesn't even know it-" 'Okay, hold on, Kurumi is the nicest person I know, there's no way she would be telling you to 'do better,' or anything like that.' Kei grabbed Saiki's hands reassuringly, 'Can't you just read her mind or something to clear all this up?' Saiki sighed and didn't say anything for a while, Kei grew worried but kept his mouth shut. "Kei, come for dinn-er?" Hiro said slowly fading out his words, he was surprised to see Kusuo there, "Oh, Kusuo. I didn't realise you were here... Wanna join us for dinner?" He was about to decline when Kei just grabbed his wrist and dragged him out, 'It'll take your mind off of it.' Kei smiled sweetly and Kusuo's worries melted away.

Akemi was surprised as well to see Kusuo come down with her boys, but she knew something was off with Kusuo, so she let him stay and only asked if he was hungry. "Can-Could I asked you all something?" Saiki asked as he put his bowl down. The Hasegawa's were surprised, but all reassured him he could. "Is-Is it bad if your test results are... average? Even if people thought you were super smart?" "It doesn't matter if you are smart and get bad grades, or if you aren't smart and get good grades. All that matters is if you tried. And I'm sure your mom knows that." Akemi smiled and pointed at the window. Kusuo's parents were looking through the window and Kei ushered him home, 'We'll talk later. Go. I'm sure they have some clearing up to do.' Kusuo thanked them for the meal, and for having him over out of the blue, and awkwardly went home with his parents. 'I'll be rooting for you, Mr. Psychic.'

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